Amino acid replacement: C781Y. Residue is located on the external surface near the transmembrane spanning domain.
Amino acid replacement. Mutation is in the extracellular domain.
Amino acid replacement.
Nucleotide substitution: G2916A. Amino acid replacement: C781Y. This mutation is in the extracellular domain of the protein.
C781Y | Tl-PB; C781Y | Tl-PC; C781Y | Tl-PD
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change. Mutated residue is located on the external surface near the transmembrane spanning domain.
Heterozygous third instar larvae have melanotic nodules found in the hemocoel or in association with He-positive lymph glands.
Mutant larvae show abnormal lamellocyte differentiation in the secondary lymph gland lobes, resulting in a dramatic enlargement of the secondary lymph gland lobes.
The number of hemocytes in the hemolymph of Tl8 mutant larvae is significantly higher than in wild type and the number of lamellocytes is increased within the hemocyte pool. Most aggregated hemocytes consist of lamellocytes that are partially to fully melanized. Mitotic analyses of hemocytes show that lamellocytes do not divide in circulation so the excess number must be due to proliferation in the lymph gland. However, plasmatocytes and prohemocytes do divide in circulation in Tl8 mutants, while no such division occurs in wild type.
Tl8 mutant flies exhibit increased susceptibility to DXV virus infection compared to wild-type. These flies also demonstrate early onset of anoxia sensitivity, while exhibiting a viral load approximately 50% that of wild-type flies at the same time point.
The cuticle is completely absent in mutant larvae.
Mutant females generate ventralised embryos.
The concentration of circulating hemocytes in heterozygous larvae is increased compared to controls. The fraction of podocytes and lamellocytes is increased compared to controls.
Mutant embryos differentiate almost exclusively as somatic mesoderm.
Lamellocytes appear in circulation during the second instar stage in mutants and are abundant in the hemolymph of third instar larvae (5-25%), where they participate in the formation of melanotic tumours. The crystal cell population is not affected. Lamellocytes are not present in the lymph glands of third instar mutant larvae.
Heterozygous larvae contain free-floating melanotic masses. These masses are surrounded by several layers of lamellocytes.
Less than 1% of heterozygous adults have melanotic capsules. Hemocyte density in the hemolymph of Tl8/+ larvae is significantly higher than in the hemolymph of control larvae. The number of dividing hemocytes in the hemolymph is significantly higher than in wild-type.
In the absence of immune challenge the antifungal gene Drs is constitutively expressed.
Abnormal fat body morphology. P{Dipt2.2-lacZ} is not induced in heterozygous larvae.
Cell intercalation in lateralized Tl mutant embryos proceeds normally during germ band extension.
Additional dl protein in gain of function dorsal group backgrounds shifts the nuclear dl gradient ventrally.
Ventralised embryos, the mesoderm is expanded so little or no epidermis is made.
Strongly ventralized embryos: blastomeres behave as mesodermal cells. Altered pattern of dpp and zen. Heterozygotes show normal twi and sna expression patterns along dorsoventral axis.
Embryos derived from Tl8 females are variably ventralised. At the late cellular blastoderm stage, all the cells have flattened apical surfaces and the nuclei have moved inwards towards the centre of the embryo. Incompletely ventralised embryos show abnormalities in ventral furrow formation, with the furrow generally being larger than in wild-type.
Female viability and male fertility are not reduced. Embryos exhibit ventralised phenotype.
Tl10b has melanotic mass phenotype | larval stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by gcmJF01075/Scer\GAL4srp.Hemo
Tl10b has melanotic mass phenotype | larval stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2L)132
Tl10b has melanotic mass phenotype | larval stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by gcmJF01075/Scer\GAL4gcm-rA87.P
Tl10b has increased cell number | larval stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by gcmJF01075/Scer\GAL4gcm-rA87.P
Tl10b has melanotic mass phenotype | larval stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by gcm26
Tl10b has increased cell number | larval stage | dominant phenotype, enhanceable by gcm26
Scer\GAL4gcm-rA87.P, Tl10b, gcmJF01075 has melanotic mass phenotype | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by gcmUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL4gcm-rA87.P
Tl10b has abnormal size | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible by MybMH107
Tl10b has increased cell number | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by MybMH107
Tl10b is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
Tl10b is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
Tl10b is a non-suppressor of lethal | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of Myd88c03881
Tl10b, cact3/cact[+] has melanotic mass phenotype phenotype
Tl[+]/Tl10b, cact3 has melanotic mass phenotype phenotype
Tl10b has embryonic/larval hemocyte | larval stage | increased number phenotype, enhanceable by gcmJF01075/Scer\GAL4gcm-rA87.P
Tl10b has embryonic/larval hemocyte | larval stage | increased number phenotype, enhanceable by gcm26
Tl10b has lamellocyte | larval stage | increased number phenotype, enhanceable by gcm26
Tl10b has lamellocyte | larval stage | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by gcmJF01075/Scer\GAL4gcm-rA87.P
Tl10b has lamellocyte phenotype, suppressible by Stat92E[+]/Stat92E06346
Tl10b has embryonic/larval plasmatocyte phenotype, suppressible by Stat92E[+]/Stat92E06346
Tl10b has lamellocyte | increased number | larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by gcmJF01075/Scer\GAL4gcm-rA87.P
Tl10b has lamellocyte phenotype, non-suppressible by brm[+]/brm2
Tl10b has embryonic/larval hemocyte phenotype, non-suppressible by brm[+]/brm2
Tl10b has embryonic/larval plasmatocyte phenotype, non-suppressible by brm[+]/brm2
Tl10b has embryonic/larval hemocyte phenotype, non-suppressible by Stat92E[+]/Stat92E06346
Tl10b is a non-enhancer of eye phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
Tl10b is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
Tl10b is a non-suppressor of ventral denticle belt phenotype of Myd88c03881
Tl10b is a non-suppressor of filzkorper phenotype of Myd88c03881
Tl10b, cact3/cact[+] has melanotic mass phenotype
Tl[+]/Tl10b, cact3 has melanotic mass phenotype
The increased concentration of circulating hemocytes seen in Tl8/+ larvae is not suppressed by Stat92E06346/+, but the increased numbers of podocytes and lamellocytes seen in Tl8/+ larvae are strongly suppressed by Stat92E06346/+. The concentration of circulating hemocytes in mxcG43/Y ; Tl8/+ larvae is less than the number seen in either single mutant.
Tl8 maps between e and ca.
Class I allele.
Class I Tl allele.
Constitutively active receptor, so dl undergoes nuclear translocation along the entire dorsoventral circumference.
Constitutively active protein.