FB2025_01 , released February 20, 2025
Allele: Dmel\tor11D
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General Information
D. melanogaster
FlyBase ID
Feature type
Associated gene
Associated Insertion(s)
Carried in Construct
Also Known As
torRL3, torsplc, torsoRL3
Key Links
Genomic Maps

Nature of the Allele
Progenitor genotype

Single amino acid change in extracellular domain at amino acid 242: a leucine is substituted for a histidine.

His at residue 242 (in the extracellular domain) replaced by Leu.

Mutations Mapped to the Genome
Curation Data
Additional Notes
Nucleotide change:


Reported nucleotide change:


Amino acid change:

H242L | tor-PA; H242L | tor-PD

Reported amino acid change:


Variant Molecular Consequences
Associated Sequence Data
DNA sequence
Protein sequence
Expression Data
Reporter Expression
Additional Information
Marker for
Reflects expression of
Reporter construct used in assay
Human Disease Associations
Disease Ontology (DO) Annotations
Models Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Comments on Models/Modifiers Based on Experimental Evidence ( 0 )
Disease-implicated variant(s)
Phenotypic Data
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Detailed Description

At 29[o]C, embryos derived from heterozygous females can hatch, but 7.4% of the larvae show deletion, fusion of broken abdominal denticle bands.

At 25[o]C, heterozygous tor11D animals pupariate 9.2 hours before controls and form smaller adult males.

Embryos produced by homozygous females at 22oC lack a segmented trunk region and fail to hatch.

Expansion of terminal portions of the embryo at the expense of the middle body segments (see also Casanova, Genes Dev 3:2025 ): so-called "splice" phenotype.

Defects in the abdominal region but not at the termini. At 22oC embryos display between 5 and 8 abdominal denticle belts, have a normal head, telson structures and filzkorper. At 27oC most abdominal segments are deleted and embryos differentiate only terminal structures including spiracles, filzkorper, anal plates and anal tufts, but disorganised head skeletons.

Embryos are defective in the central segmented region. Dominant phenotype is enhanced by Dsor1Su1 and suppressed by a reduction in the gene dosage of Dsor1+.

Lack of csw activity suppresses the tor11D dominant spliced phenotype.

At 25oC embryos have a complete loss of thoracic and abdominal structures, at 18oC a few embryos have normal segmentation and survive. tor11D suppresses early gap and segmentation gene expression.

Embryos derived from homozygous females have a splice phenotype of greatly expanded terminal domains and few if any intervening body segments at 25-29oC. Embryos from heterozygous or hemizygous females often show a weak splice phenotype such as partial deletion of segments in the middle of the abdomen at 25-29oC. Embryos derived from females doubly homozygous for tor11D and either trk1 or tsl1 have a typical splice phenotype at 25oC. A single tor11D allele variably suppresses the phenotypes caused by trk1, tsl1, fs(1)N12 or fs(1)M31906 in embryos derived from females homozygous for ones of these alleles and heterozygous for tor11D depending on the temperature.

Eggs derived from homozygous females cellularise normally but become abnormal at gastrulation. At 23-25oC, no ventral furrow is formed, and instead at the time when the anlage of the posterior midgut is moving dorsally, the ventral cells from 2-50% egg length become very thin. The posterior midgut anlage initially assumes a normal shape, but it advances only to approximately 30% egg length and never closes off properly. The cephalic furrow and anterior midgut are not visible. Only one of the two "dorsal head clusters" in the anterior head region is formed. At 18oC, the embryos develop an almost normal cuticle pattern with the exception of small deletions and segmental fusions centered over the fourth abdominal segment. At 22oC, an intermediate phenotype is produced, where larger deletions of posterior head structures, thoracic segments and abdominal segments occur, leaving only irregular patches of intervening segments between the head and posterior abdominal segments. At 29oC an extreme mutant phenotype is seen, in which only head and telson structures form, whereas cuticle derived from the thorax and anterior abdomen are missing.

temperature-sensitive semidominant

External Data
Show genetic interaction network for Enhancers & Suppressors
Phenotypic Class
Phenotype Manifest In
Enhanced by

tor11D has ventral denticle belt | maternal effect | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by phl[+]/RafHsp83.PD

tor11D has ventral denticle belt | maternal effect | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by phl[+]/RafΔN114.Hsp83

Suppressed by

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Stat92E06346/Stat92E06346

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by rl1/rl10

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)1-1631

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)1-1134

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)1-119

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)1-1285

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)1-1352

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-1131

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-151

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-1801

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-187-11

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-187-31

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-1911

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by bowl17

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by bowl60

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by bowl85

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-2371

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-2781

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-2801

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-3211

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-3411

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-3991

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-31

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-3361

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-4081

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-481

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-4417

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-468

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-561

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-871

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)2-931

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-1681

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-138

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-142

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-2931

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-3071

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-3331

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-3371

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-3441

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-81

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)3-911

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by drke0A

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Ras85DSutor-341

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Ras85DSutor-404

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by SosSutor-157

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by SosSutor-405

tor11D has phenotype, suppressible by Su(tor)1-1061

Enhancer of
Additional Comments
Genetic Interactions

Presence of tor11D/+ suppresses the delay in pupariation seen in Ilp8αTub84B.T:Zzzz\FLAG male flies.

The denticle belt phenotype seen in larvae derived from derived from tor11D/+ females at 29[o]C is enhanced by phlHsp83.PD (penetrance is increased to 31.8%) and, to a lesser degree, by phlΔN114.Hsp83 (penetrance is increased to 17.1%).

Cuticles made by embryos from trk1/+ ; tor11D/+ mothers embryos occasionally lack one abdominal segment.

Cuticles made by embryos from cic1/+; trk1/+; tor11D/+ mothers exhibit major deletion of embryonic segments.

The severe segment deletion phenotype visible in the cuticles made by embryos from cic1/+; trk1/+; tor11D/+ mothers is partially suppressed when those mothers are also Stat92E06346/+.

The tor11D phenotype is enhanced by rlSu14, rlSu23 and Dsor1Su1; considerable numbers of embryos laid by females heterozygous for tor11D and rlSu14, rlSu23 or Dsor1Su1 fail to hatch at 28oC.

rl1/rl10 suppresses the mutant phenotype of embryos derived from tor11D mothers.

Xenogenetic Interactions
Complementation and Rescue Data
Images (0)
Stocks (2)
Notes on Origin



See also Klinger, Nature 335:275 ; Strecker, Science 243:1062 ; Casanova, Genes Dev 3:2025 ). The tor11D allele is constitutively active, and shows evidence of temperature- and dose-dependent ectopic activity.

External Crossreferences and Linkouts ( 0 )
Synonyms and Secondary IDs (10)
References (36)