Embryos from torrv66 homozygous mothers exhibit a fully penetrant posterior "terminal class mutant" phenotype by the end of embryogenesis, in which some posterior structures are missing (including abdominal segment 8, telson, and/or filzkorper), but do not exhibit any obvious defects in ventral cells during ventral furrow formation, as compared to controls.
torrv66 mutant homozygotes show a significant delay in reaching pupariation compared with heterozygous controls. The L2-L3 transition is delayed by ~7 hours. Adult flies are increased in size compared to controls.
Embryos derived from homozygous females lack the abdominal segment 8 denticle belts.
Embryos derived from torrv66 homozygous mothers show defective gastrulation and completely lack the posterior midgut primordium. In contrast to wild-type pole cells that are internalized during gastrulation, pole cells from the vast majority of these embryos do not enter the embryo at gastrulation and are left outside. In wild-type embryos, pole cells become spherical as they start migrating at stage 4, then become elongated after cellularization and start to move out of the pole cell cluster. Pole cells in embryos derived from torrv66 mothers do become spherical at stage 4, suggesting that they start to migrate, but then remain this shape and stay in a tightly-packed cluster without further movement. Pole cells from cellularization stage torrv66 embryos hardly disperse and are slow in translocation movements when observed in Schneider culture medium, while pole cells from wild-type embryos are more active in both dispersion and translocation. torrv66 mutant soma can provide a normal environment for pole cell migration as transplanted wild-type pole cells can successfully migrate to the somatic gonad in torrv66 host embryos.
Embryos from homozygous females lack terminal structures.
All structures posterior to abdominal segment 7 fail to develop.
In embryos from homozygous mothers no PMG is formed though the AMG and visceral mesoderm form normally. The AMG migrates far into the posterior of the embryo, well beyond the point that the PMG would have migrated to, were it to be present, and makes its transition to an epithelium.
Embryos derived from homozygous females fail to form a posterior midgut.
Little or no tll expression is detected in the posterior of syncytial or cellular blastoderm embryos, at the anterior the early tll cap does not appear and an abnormal anterior tll stripe appears by the late syncytial blastoderm.
Embryos carrying the hbΔ transcripts do not express kni and form no abdominal segments.
The ventral furrow extends over the whole length of the embryo in embryos derived from torrv66 homozygous females.
Embryos derived from homozygous females lack the labrum anteriorly, and the head is reduced in size. Posteriorly, A8 and the telson are deleted.
torrv66 has embryonic/larval segmentation phenotype | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype, enhanceable by fogS4
torrv66 has abnormal developmental rate phenotype, enhanceable by tslΔ
torrv66 has abnormal size phenotype, suppressible by tslΔ
torrv66 is an enhancer of abnormal developmental rate phenotype of tslΔ
torrv66 is a non-suppressor of abnormal size phenotype of tslΔ
torrv66 has abdominal segment 8 | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype, non-enhanceable by fogS4
torrv66 has telson | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype, non-enhanceable by fogS4
torrv66 has filzkorper | embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype, non-enhanceable by fogS4
torrv66 has embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype, suppressible by 14-3-3ζhs.PL
torrv66 has abdominal 8 ventral denticle belt | maternal effect phenotype, non-suppressible by RafHsp83.PD
torrv66 has abdominal 8 ventral denticle belt | maternal effect phenotype, non-suppressible by RafΔN114.Hsp83
torrv66/torrv66 is a suppressor | maternal effect | partially of embryonic/larval cuticle | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of fogS4
torrv66 is a suppressor of embryonic segment phenotype of tsltor.PF
fogS4, torrv66 has embryonic head | maternal effect phenotype
fogS4, torrv66 has embryonic/larval cuticle | ventral | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype
Raf::tor13D.hs.sev, torrv66 has filzkorper phenotype
RafSu3, torrv66 has filzkorper phenotype
RafSu3, torrv66 has embryonic abdominal segment 8 phenotype
Hsap\RAF1Δ305.hs, torrv66 has abdomen phenotype
The lack of the abdominal segment 8 denticle belts seen in embryos derived from homozygous torrv66 females is not rescued by either phlHsp83.PD or phlΔN114.Hsp83.
Overexpression of 14-3-3ζhs.PL partly rescues the cuticle of embryos derived from torrv66 females.
Heat induced expression of Hsap\RAF1Δ305.hs in torrv66 embryos deletes the middle body segments. 5-20% embryos also show terminal structures.
Mutant phenotype can be rescued by injection of a mammalian activated p21ras, p21v-ras.
Used to eliminate tor expression from endogenous tor gene in studies on consequences of ectopic expression of tor.