Mutation within the promoter region.
The rhove-1 mutant phenotype is characterized by distal gaps in the longitudinal veins.
13.2% of heterozygous females have a truncated L5 wing vein.
Homozygous rhove-1 flies exhibit truncated wing veins.
Homozygotes lack the distal portion of wing vein L3 and lack most of the L4 and L5 wing veins.
rhove-1 flies show a partial loss of wing veins L3, L4 and L5.
The initial development of most veins in the wing is disrupted in rhove-1 mutants.
rhove-1 mutants are viable, exhibiting partial loss of L3-L5 wing veins.
Homozygotes show incomplete wing veins L2, L3, L4 and L5.
Mutant embryos show duplication of the segmental border muscle and a complete loss of lateral adult muscle precursors.
rhove-1 mutant flies show loss of the distal ends of wing veins, particularly L3, L4 and L5.
The interactions between rhove-1/rhove-1 and emcD or emc1/emc11 are additive. The interactions between rhove-1/rho9 and emcD or emc1/emc11 are additive. emc1 clones in rhove-1 vn1 wings differentiate as veins in positions possibly corresponding to those of wild-type veins. Vein differentiation in these clones frequently fails in distal regions of veins.
Germline clones fail to rescue the female sterile phenotype of Fs(3)Apc.
Homozygotes lack the distal ends of all longitudinal wing veins.
Wings lack the longitudinal veins.
Wings have shortened longitudinal veins that do not reach the wing margin.
Lack distal segments of wing veins especially veins L4 and L5. Homozygous phenotype is strongly suppressed by heterozygous rhoWk.
Wing veins do not reach margins.
rhove-1 has visible phenotype, non-suppressible by Bap170hfl1/Bap170[+]
vn[+], rhove-1, vn1, rho[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Chmp1GD11219, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
rhove-1/rho[+] is a suppressor of increased cell number | adult stage phenotype of sl2
rhove-1/rho[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4Tub.PU, cswN308D.UASp
rhove-1/rho[+] is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of Chmp1GD11219, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
rhove-1 has wing vein | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by CycGHR7
rhove-1 has wing vein L4 | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by vn1
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, enhanceable by Df(2R)ED3921
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, enhanceable by brm2
rhove-1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, enhanceable by Pc4
rhove-1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(2R)ED3921
rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(2R)ED3921
Df(3L)ru-22/rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Rab52
Df(3L)ru-22/rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rbsn-540-3
Df(3L)ru-22/rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hrsv28
Df(3L)ru-22/rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible | partially by Eps-15e75
Df(3L)ru-22/rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Vps28B9
Df(3L)ru-22/rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Vps25A3
Df(3L)ru-22/rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Vps20I3
Df(3L)ru-22/rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by shrbG5
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by kst1
rhove-1 has wing vein L2 phenotype, suppressible by kst1
rhove-1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, suppressible by kst1
rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, suppressible by kst1
rhove-1 has wing vein phenotype, suppressible by AnxB9RNAi.UAS/Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Rab52
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Rbsn-540-3
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Hrsv28
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Eps-15e75
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Vps28B9
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Vps25A3
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Vps20I3
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by shrbG5
rhove-1, vn1 has wing vein phenotype, suppressible | partially by ash2S112411/ash2S112411
brm2, rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Snr1E1
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Snr1R3/Snr1E1
rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, suppressible by Pstu\aarAUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, suppressible by Pstu\aarAUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
rhove-1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, suppressible by Pstu\aarAUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
rhove-1, vn1 has wing vein phenotype, suppressible by dppUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL4C-580
rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, non-suppressible by Bap170hfl1/Bap170[+]
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, non-suppressible by Bap170hfl1/Bap170[+]
rhove-1 has wing vein L3 | distal phenotype, non-suppressible by Bap170hfl1/Bap170[+]
rhove-1, vn1 has wing vein phenotype, non-suppressible by osaUAS.cCa/Scer\GAL4salm-459.2
rhove-1 has wing vein L3 phenotype, non-suppressible by frcRY34/frc[+]
rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype, non-suppressible by frcRY34/frc[+]
rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype, non-suppressible by frcRY34/frc[+]
vn[+], rhove-1, vn1, rho[+] is a suppressor of wing vein phenotype of Chmp1GD11219, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
rhove-1/rho[+] is a suppressor of photoreceptor cell R7 | adult stage phenotype of sl2
rhove-1/Scer\GAL4e22c is a suppressor | partially of wing vein L4 phenotype of Scer\GAL4e22c, UbqnRNAi.Ex2.UAS
rhove-1/Scer\GAL4e22c is a suppressor | partially of wing vein L5 phenotype of Scer\GAL4e22c, UbqnRNAi.Ex2.UAS
rhove-1/Scer\GAL4e22c is a suppressor | partially of wing vein L3 phenotype of Scer\GAL4e22c, UbqnRNAi.Ex2.UAS
rhove-1/Scer\GAL4e22c is a suppressor | partially of posterior crossvein phenotype of Scer\GAL4e22c, UbqnRNAi.Ex2.UAS
rhove-1/rho[+] is a suppressor of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL4Tub.PU, cswN308D.UASp
rhove-1/rho[+] is a non-suppressor of wing vein phenotype of Chmp1GD11219, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096
rhove-1/rhove-1 is a non-suppressor of wing & microchaeta | ectopic phenotype of HC2.UAS, Scer\GAL4en-e16E
Bant\lefUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096, rhove-1 has wing vein phenotype
Df(2R)ED3921, rhove-1 has wing vein L2 phenotype
hry1, rhove-1 has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype
bs12, rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype
bsA48, rhove-1 has wing vein L2 phenotype
bsA48, rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype
bsA48, rhove-1 has wing vein L3 phenotype
bsA48, rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype
bs11, rhove-1 has wing vein L2 phenotype
bs11, rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype
bs11, rhove-1 has wing vein L3 phenotype
bs11, rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype
bs12, rhove-1 has wing vein L2 phenotype
bs12, rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype
bs12, rhove-1 has wing vein L3 phenotype
aoshs.PSa, rhove-1 has wing vein L2 phenotype
aoshs.PSa, rhove-1 has wing vein L5 phenotype
aoshs.PSa, rhove-1 has wing vein L4 phenotype
rhove-1, vn1 double mutant wings retain wild-type hair polarity and ridge orientation.
Wings of homozygous pk30, rhove-1 and vn1 triple mutant flies lack veins L2-5. Wing anterior hairs of these mutants consistently have a posterior component to their polarity and posterior hairs have an anterior component to their polarity.
One copy of rhove-1 enhances the reduction in wing blade area seen in homozygous sl2 males.
One copy of rhove-1 significantly enhances the ectopic wing vein phenotype seen in sl2 homozygotes.
One copy of rhove-1 partially suppresses the percentage of sl2 mutant ommatidia that contain extra R7 photoreceptors. The number of R7 cells per ommatidium is also reduced.
Introduction of one copy of kst1 into a homozygous rhove-1 background completely suppresses the wing vein defect for L2-L4 and partially suppresses the defects in L5. A kst2 heterozygous background results in a similar, but milder suppression.
A reduction in the level of AnnIX, through expression of AnnIXdsRNA.Scer\UAS in the wing blade, under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096, restores wing vein formation in a rhove-1 background.
A Rab52 heterozygous background leads to full suppression of the L5 wing vein defect in rhove-1/Df(3L)ru-22 kst1 mutants and 90% suppression in rhove-1/rhove-1 kst1 flies.
A Rbsn-540-3 heterozygous background leads to just under 40% suppression of the L5 wing vein defect in both rhove-1/Df(3L)ru-22 kst1 and rhove-1/rhove-1 kst1 flies.
A Hrsv28 heterozygous background leads to approximately 30% suppression of the L5 wing vein defect in both rhove-1/Df(3L)ru-22 kst1 and rhove-1/rhove-1 kst1 flies.
An Eps-15e75 heterozygous background leads to approximately 70% suppression of the L5 wing vein defect in both rhove-1/Df(3L)ru-22 kst1 and rhove-1/rhove-1 kst1 flies.
A Vps28B9 heterozygous background leads to approximately 90% suppression of the L5 wing vein defect in both rhove-1/Df(3L)ru-22 kst1 and rhove-1/rhove-1 kst1 flies.
A Vps25A3 heterozygous background leads to approximately 90% suppression of the L5 wing vein defect in rhove-1/rhove-1 kst1 flies.
A Vps20I3 heterozygous background leads to approximately 90% suppression of the L5 wing vein defect in rhove-1/Df(3L)ru-22 kst1 flies.
A shrbG5 heterozygous background leads to almost full suppression of the L5 wing vein defect in rhove-1/Df(3L)ru-22 kst1 mutants and 80% suppression in rhove-1/rhove-1 kst1 flies.
The loss of wing veins seen in rhove-1 homozygotes is not suppressed by Bap170hfl1/+.
Wing veins do not develop in rhove-1, vn1 animals.
Overexpression of osaScer\UAS.cCa in the wing under the control of Scer\GAL4salm-459.2 cannot induce vein formation in a rhove-1, vn1 mutant background.
Expression of UbqndsRNA.Ex2.Scer\UAS by Scer\GAL4e22c in a heterozygous rhove-1 background leads to a normal anterior cross vein and partially restored posterior cross vein and L5 vein, while the distal portion of L4 and L3-4 M veins corresponding to the posterior portion of the wing remains weakened, compared with UbqndsRNA.Ex2.Scer\UAS; Scer\GAL4e22c single mutants.
Df(2R)ED3921; rhove-1 flies show an enhancement of L5 vein loss compared to rhove-1 flies single mutants and partial loss of L2, a phenotype not seen in rhove-1 flies. There is no significant enhancement of L4 and L3 loss.
rhove-1 vn1 double homozygotes lack wing veins. This phenotype is partially suppressed by ash2S112411 /ash2S112411. The degree of suppression varies from development of L2 only to almost complete rescue, albeit with some abnormalities such as extra crossvein material or proximal fusions between L2 and L3 or L4 and L5. In 25% of cases, hollow, tube like wings are formed, probably due to detachment of dorsal and ventral layers.
brm2 enhances the loss of wing vein L5 seen in rhove-1 homozygotes. Snr1E1/Snr1R3 suppresses the loss of wing vein L5 seen in rhove-1 homozygotes and rhove-1 suppresses the Snr1E1/Snr1R3 extra wing vein phenotype. Snr1E1 suppresses the shortened L5 wing vein that results from the interaction between rhove-1 and brm2.
vn1 rhove-1 double homozygotes lack all longitudinal wing veins. Vein tissue differentiates in vn1 rhove-1 double homozygotes when dppScer\UAS.cSa is expressed in these flies using Scer\GAL4C-580. rhove-1 suppresses the differentiation of thicker veins seen in tkv1/tkv8 flies, and results in fewer veins in combination with either dpps4/dpps8 or tkv1/tkv8.
rhove-1 homozygotes which are also expressing argoshs.PSa (using heat pulses from the second and third larval instar to pupal stage) lack most of wing veins L2-L4 and the entire L5 vein is eliminated. The campaniform sensilla on vein L3 usually remain intact.
Moderate expression of Zzzz\lefScer\UAS.cGa under the control of Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 in rhove-1 heterozygotes results in wing vein loss, while moderate Zzzz\lefScer\UAS.cGa expression (with Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096) alone doesn't have this phenotype.
Loss of the distal tips of wing veins seen in rhove-1 mutant flies is suppressed by Pstu\aarAScer\UAS.cGa; Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096.
Duncan, Jan. 1934.