Particular wing phenotypes are seen in flies (percentages rounded) of the listed genotypes, (1) being the least severe - (1) a wave-like buckle along the costal vein (distal to its intersection with the subcostal region), (2) an upturn at the most distal margin of the wing, (3) overall shriveled morphology (distinguishable from mechanical damage or failure to inflate after eclosion); overall, IP3K2wy-74i has the most severe phenotype, followed by IP3K2wy-2 and IP3K2wy-1 :
(1) IP3K2wy-74i/IP3K2wy-74i 0%, IP3K2wy-1/IP3K2wy-74i 13%, IP3K2wy-2/IP3K2wy-74i 0%, IP3K2wy-74i/Df(1)Exel6245 0%;
(2) IP3K2wy-74i/IP3K2wy-74i 38%, IP3K2wy-1/IP3K2wy-74i 84%, IP3K2wy-2/IP3K2wy-74i 36%, IP3K2wy-74i/Df(1)Exel6245 100%;
(3) IP3K2wy-74i/IP3K2wy-74i 62%, IP3K2wy-1/IP3K2wy-74i 3%, IP3K2wy-2/IP3K2wy-74i 64%, IP3K2wy-74i/Df(1)Exel6245 0%.
Extreme wy allele.
IP3K2wy-74i has visible phenotype, suppressible by Itprug3/Itp-r83A[+]
IP3K2wy-74i has visible phenotype, suppressible by Itpr90B.0/Itp-r83A[+]
IP3K2wy-74i has wing phenotype, suppressible by Itprug3/Itp-r83A[+]
IP3K2wy-74i has wing phenotype, suppressible by Itpr90B.0/Itp-r83A[+]
Itp-r83Aug3/+ or Itp-r83A90B.0/+ partially suppresses the wing phenotypes seen in sibling IP3K2wy-74i/IP3K2wy-74i control flies.
IP3K2wy-74i is partially rescued by IP3K2UAS.cDa
IP3K2Scer\UAS.cDa (without a GAL4) partially rescues wing phenotypes in IP3K2wy-74i/IP3K2wy-74i flies (all flies have a wave-like buckle along the costal vein).
Craymer, 3rd September 1974.