1.5kb deletion upstream of the transcription start site of the type I eya transcript.
Small deletion outside the coding region.
abnormal size | adult stage (with eya3)
abnormal size | adult stage (with eya4)
abnormal size | adult stage (with eyacli-IID)
abnormal size | adult stage (with eyacs)
abnormal size | adult stage (with eyaE1)
abnormal size | adult stage (with eyaE4)
visible (with eyacli-IID)
visible | adult stage, with eyaRB.enh1
visible | adult stage, with eyaRB.enhE
visible | adult stage (with eya3)
visible | adult stage (with eya4)
visible | adult stage (with eyacli-IID)
visible | adult stage (with eyacs)
visible | adult stage (with eyaE1)
visible | adult stage (with eyaE4)
Some of eya1/eyacs adults are eyeless.
eya1/eya3 and eya1/eya4 adults do not exhibit any differences in the number of ommatidia in the eye while adults containing either genotype exhibit significantly higher number of ommatidia in the eye than eya1/eyaE1, eya1/eyaE4 and eya1/eyacli-IID adults.
Some eyacs/eya1 adults exhibit less severe eye phenotypes than eyacs/eya2 adults, and they exhibit more severe eye phenotypes than eyacs/In(2LR)ETD2.2, eyacs/eyacs and eyacs/eyaE(P)10 adults.
Adult eya1 homozygous mutants are eyeless, eya1 homozygous flies carrying either the eyaRB.enhE or the eyaRB.enh1 transgene display small eyes (partial rescue).
eya1 mutants exhibit normal light-dependent temperature preference. Similarly to wild-type, they prefer higher temperature in the light than in the dark.
eya1/eyaE1, eya1/eyaE8, eya1/eyaE12 or eya1/eyacli-IID flies are eyeless or have eyes reduced to less than 1/4 normal size. eya1/eyaE4 flies have eyes that are less than 1/4 normal size. eya1/eyaE7 flies have eyes 1/4 to less than 1/2 normal size. eya1/eyaE11 flies have eyes 3/4 to less than normal size. eya1/eyaIR1 or eya1/eyaIR3 flies are eyeless or have eyes reduced to less than 1/2 normal size. eya1/eyaE(P)10 flies are eyeless.
Homozygotes completely lack eyes.
Homozygotes are eyeless. eya1/eya3 flies have eyes that are between 3/4 and less than normal size, and eya1/eya3 females are fertile. Produces eyeless flies in combination with eya2, eyaE1, eyaE5, eyaE10, eyaD1, eyaD2, eyaD3, eyaD4, eyaD5, eyaD6, eyaD7 or Df(2L)eya10. Produces flies with reduced eyes in combination with eya4, eyaE3, eyaE4, eyaE6, eyaE7, eyaE9 or eyaE11. Produces flies which are either eyeless or have reduced eyes in combination with eyaE2, eyaE8, eyaE12, eyacli-IID or eyaZ283.
Photoreceptors do not develop within homozygous clones in the eye disc.
R cell differentiation is blocked.
Flies lack retinal innervation of the lamina, and lamina precursor cells fail to divide.
Displays locomotor activity rhythm with an approximately 24h period.
Lacks compound eyes because the eye disc fails to differentiate. BrdU incorporation experiments show that cell division is not abnormal, but cell death is dramatically increased.
Lacks compound eyes, retains simple eyes (ocelli). Phospholipid distribution within the fly head is essentially the same as in wild type.
Geotaxis score no different from Canton S in a Hirsch-type geotaxis maze.
Transheterozygotes with eya4 have reduced eyes with fewer facets than normal and the facets are disorganised. The posterior vertical bristles of the head are truncated with frayed ends.
viable Eye facets completely absent in strong alleles; other aspects of head development appear normal; antennae and ocelli, which also arise from eye-antenna disc, present. Eye portion of disc markedly reduced; no morphogenetic furrow or putative photoreceptor-cell clusters seen; little or no staining with monoclonal antibodies that normally stain presumptive photoreceptor cells. most of them are homozygous lethal. Some alleles are temperature-sensitive.
eyacs/eya1 has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Pc1/Pc[+]
eyacs/eya1 has abnormal size | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by E(z)[+]/E(z)60
eyacs/eya1 has abnormal size | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Pc[+]/Pc4
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has visible | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by eyaRB.enh1
eya1, eyaRB.enh1 has visible | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by eyaRB.enhE
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has visible | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by eyaRB.enh2
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has visible | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by eyaRB.enh3
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has visible | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by eyaRB.enh4
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has visible | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by eyaRB.PSE
eya1 is an enhancer of abnormal circadian rhythm phenotype of cryb
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has eye phenotype, suppressible by eyaRB.enh1
eya1, eyaRB.enh1 has eye | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by eyaRB.enhE
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by eyaRB.enh2
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by eyaRB.enh3
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by eyaRB.enh4
eya1, eyaRB.enhE has eye phenotype, non-suppressible by eyaRB.PSE
eya1 is an enhancer of pacemaker neuron phenotype of cryb
Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1, eyUAS.cHa, eya1 has leg phenotype
The small eye phenotype characteristic for eya1 homozygotes carrying the eyaRB.enhE transgene, i.e. partial rescue of the eyeless phenotype of the eya1 mutants, is improved further by combination with eyaRB.enh1 (which on its own also partially rescues the no-eye phenotype of eya1 mutants) but not by combination with any of the following: eyaRB.enh2, eyaRB.enh3, eyaRB.enh4 or eyaRB.PSE (none of which on its own can rescue the eyeless phenotype of eya1 adults).
The main difference between cryb and eya1;cryb double mutants is the absence of the compound eyes in the eya1;cryb flies.
Under LD conditions eya1;cryb double mutant flies exhibit the typical bimodal activity pattern consisting of M and E activity bouts, as in wild-type. After transfer into LL conditions, eya1;cryb flies remain rhythmic and free-run with a period close to 24 hours (whereas wild-type flies become immediately arrhythmic).
eya1;cryb double mutants do not exhibit internal desynchronisation under LL conditions, and free-run with a wild-type-like period.
When eyScer\UAS.cHa is driven by Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1 in a so1 or eya1 background, no eye structures appear but legs are reduced/deformed.
The lack of photoreceptor phenotype of homozygous eye discs is not rescued by tkvQ253D.Scer\UAS.cNb, sggS9A.Scer\UAS, hhScer\UAS.cAa or Ras85DV12.Scer\UAS expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4ey.PH.
eya1 is rescued by eyaRB.enh1+E+2
eya1 is rescued by Scer\GAL4unspecified/eyaUAS.cBa
eya1 is rescued by Scer\GAL4unspecified/eyaUAS.cBb
eya1 is partially rescued by eyaRB.enh1
eya1 is partially rescued by eyaRB.enhE
eya1 is partially rescued by eyaRB.enh1+E
eya1 is partially rescued by eyaRB.enh1+s+2
eya1 is not rescued by eyaRB.enh2
eya1 is not rescued by eyaRB.enh3
eya1 is not rescued by eyaRB.enh4
The no-eye phenotype of adult eya1 homozygous mutants can be fully rescued by combination with eyaRB.enh1+E+2 and partially restored by combination with any of the following: eyaRB.enh1, eyaRB.enhE, eyaRB.enh1+E or eyaRB.enh1+s+2 but cannot be rescued by any of these transgenes: eyaRB.enh2, eyaRB.enh3, eyaRB.enh4 or eyaRB.PSE.
More than 40 alleles obtained by X-ray and EMS mutagenesis.
Has been used by several groups in subtractive hybridization protocols for the isolation of eye-specific cDNA's.
eya1 and eya2 form an intragenic complementation group that interacts with eya3 and eya4.