Insertion of P{ry+lacZ} into the 5' untranslated sequences of Hrb97D.
Rb97D gene product has been isolated and characterised, the protein contains two copies of the RNP sequence in the amino half and a proline rich domain in the carboxyl half. The protein is encoded by multiple transcripts that are expressed throughout development.
nucleus & spermatid
Rb97D1 spermatids show defective nuclear shaping although chromatin condensation does occur.
Gross morphology of male reproductive tract appears normal, but sperm are completely absent from seminal vessels, suggesting a defect in spermatogenesis itself. Testes of Rb97D1 males contain spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes and elongating spermatids, but few individualized sperm, suggesting that the mutation leads to a failure of spermatogenesis beyond individualization and coiling stages. The base of the testis near the duct leading to the seminal vesicle contains refractile material, apparently degenerating sperm.
A. Spradling.
Precise excision revertants of Rb97D1 restore fertility completely.