Polr2Bwimp, Rho11B has abnormal wound healing | embryonic stage phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Sirt105327a has lethal | dominant | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Sirt1ex10 has lethal | dominant | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype
RpII140[+]/Polr2Bwimp, Sirt105327a has lethal | dominant | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype
RpII140[+]/Polr2Bwimp, Sirt1ex10 has lethal | dominant | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, bcd6 has lethal | maternal effect phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, washΔ185 has oocyte phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, washΔ185 has egg chamber phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, washΔ185 has female germline ring canal phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, washΔ185 has cortical actin cytoskeleton | oogenesis phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, wash[+]/washΔ185 has nurse cell phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, wash[+]/washΔ185 has oocyte nucleus phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, wash[+]/washΔ185 has oocyte | oogenesis stage S7 phenotype
Arpc1Q25st, RpII140[+]/Polr2Bwimp, washΔ185 has nurse cell phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Rho11B has microtubule phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Rho11B has oocyte | oogenesis stage S8 phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Sirt105327a has ventral denticle belt phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Sirt105327a has embryonic segment phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Sirt1ex10 has ventral denticle belt phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Sirt1ex10 has embryonic segment phenotype
RpII140[+]/Polr2Bwimp, Sirt105327a has ventral denticle belt phenotype
RpII140[+]/Polr2Bwimp, Sirt105327a has embryonic segment phenotype
RpII140[+]/Polr2Bwimp, Sirt1ex10 has ventral denticle belt phenotype
RpII140[+]/Polr2Bwimp, Sirt1ex10 has embryonic segment phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Rho1rev220/Rho1[+] has egg chamber phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Rho1rev220/Rho1[+] has nurse cell ring canal phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Rho1rev220 has egg chamber phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, Rho1rev220 has nurse cell ring canal phenotype
CtBP03463, Polr2Bwimp has ventral denticle belt phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, ctC145 has germline cyst phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, ctC145 has egg chamber phenotype
Polr2Bwimp, ctC145 has germline cell | female phenotype
washΔ185/+ RpII140wimp/+ trans-heterozygotes exhibit disrupted actin organization at outer ring canals in stage 7-9 egg chambers, premature ooplasmic streaming in stage 7 oocytes and disrupted cortical actin organization in stage 7-9 oocytes when compared to controls.
-actin projections in the posterior region of Rho172F/+ ; RpII140wimp/+ stage 10b oocytes are reduced compared to wild-type oocytes.
Stage 7 oocytes show premature cytoplasmic streaming in washΔ185/+ ; RpII140wimp/+ females. The yolk granules show speeds of movement that are almost twice that seen in wild type and the movements are concerted and coordinated, in contrast to the uncoordinated, saltatory movements seen in wild-type oocytes at this stage. The normal gradient of microtubule organisation that is seen in wild-type oocytes at this stage is lost in the mutant oocytes. The oocyte nucleus is mislocalised in the mutant oocyte by stage 7 and contains to be mislocalised during later stages. The mutant stage 7 oocytes have a disrupted and discontinuous band of cortical actin.
washΔ185/+ ; RpII140wimp/+ egg chambers show a loss of nurse cell integrity at stage 10a and incomplete stress fiber formation during during nurse cell dumping (stages 10b-11) compared to wild type. The actin network around the ring canals is abnormally expanded during nurse cell dumping in the mutant egg chambers. Inner ring canal formation appears to be unaffected, although ring canals separated from the nurse cell membrane can be found floating within the oocyte.
washΔ185/+ ; RpII140wimp/+ Arpc1Q25st egg chambers show a loss of nurse cell integrity at stage 10a and incomplete stress fiber formation during during nurse cell dumping (stages 10b-11) compared to wild type. The actin network around the ring canals is abnormal by stage 10b.
Stage 8 oocytes from Rho11B; RpII140wimp mothers exhibit premature ooplasmic streaming and subcortical arrays of microtubules. Stable microtubules are restricted to the cortex, as in wild-type oocytes, but differ in the lack of reduction of microtubules at the posterior pole.
Embryos derived from Sir205327a/+ ; RpII140wimp/+ females (mated to wild-type males) die and show anterior-posterior patterning defects, including loss of segments and pairwise denticle band fusions. Embryos derived from Sir2ex10/+ ; RpII140wimp/+ females (mated to wild-type males) die and show anterior-posterior patterning defects, including loss of segments and pairwise denticle band fusions.
Rho1rev220/+; +/RpII140wimp females show disrupted actin cytoskeletal structure in the egg chambers, particularly in the outer ring canals and oocyte cortex. The inner ring canals appear relatively normal.
Embryos derived from mothers transheterozygous for RpII140wimp and CtBP03463 die and cuticle preparations of the embryos show segmentation defects ranging from pair-wise fusion of adjacent denticle belts to more widespread denticle fusions.
Ovaries from ctC145/+ ; RpII140wimp/+ females contain egg chambers with an abnormal number of germline cells and show cyst encapsulation defects. No multinucleate cells are seen in the egg chambers. Ovaries from ctL188/+ ; RpII140wimp/+ females show no abnormal phenotype.
Polr2Bwimp is rescued by Polr2B+tcos92
Polr2Bwimp is rescued by Polr2B+tcos15
Polr2Bwimp is not rescued by Polr2Bcos50
Flies heterozygous for alleles of h are inviable if derived from heterozygous RpII140wimp/+ mothers. Embryos from RpII140wimp/+ mothers are wild type unless fertilised by sperm heterozygous for alleles of one of the interacting loci e.g. h or Kr.