Amino acid replacement: E347K.
A missense mutation approximately 19 residues into the T-box domain of bi.
Point mutation.
E347K | bi-PA; E347K | bi-PB; E347K | bi-PC; E347K | bi-PD; E347K | bi-PE; E347K | bi-PF; E347K | bi-PG
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
abdominal sternite & trichome
abdominal tergite & macrochaeta
abdominal tergite & trichome
adult cuticle & abdominal segment | male
ommatidium | adult stage | increased number (with biomb-1)
wing (with biomb-Gal4)
Partial deletions of posterior compartment structures are sometimes seen in the abdomens of biomb-282 adult hemizygotes. The third abdominal segment undergoes a mirror-image anterior duplication.
Hemizygous males lack segmental pigment stripes but retain pigment in segments A5 and A6.
Homozygous females cannot be obtained. In biomb-282/biomb-282 male pharate adults, the dorsal bristles of the claspers and the hypandrium bristles are absent. Also the hypandrium is devoid of hairs and the hypandrium fragma is reduced. The anal plates are usually somewhat enlarged in the ventral region and reduced in the dorsal areas.
Hemizygotes usually die at the late larval or early pupal stage, with a few animals surviving to the late pharate adult stage. The posterior tergite and posterior hairy zone (PHZ) are deleted in many hemisegments of these pharate adults, and are replaced with a mirror-image duplication of the anterior tergite. The three anterior rows of microchaetae are usually unaffected. A small number of hemitergites are completely missing. Some hemitergites have weaker phenotypes, including deletion of the PHZ, absence of the pigment band, abnormal trichome polarity in the PHZ and posterior tergite, and transformation of macrochaetae into microchaetae. Trichome polarity in the posterior sternite is reversed, and occasionally a few sternal bristles and neighbouring pleural trichomes are affected.
Dead homozygotes rescued from the pupal case exhibit deletion of the central region of the wing. biomb-Gal4/biomb-282 flies exhibit deletion of the central wing region. Mitotic clone induced in the wing anterior compartment causes deletion of cells in the distal region, more proximally mutant cells remain. Mitotic clone induced in the wing posterior compartment causes deletion of cells in the distal region, more proximally mutant cells remain.
biomb-282 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)Scf-R11
ScruffyR10, biomb-282 has visible phenotype
biomb-282 has adult abdomen phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)Scf-R11
biomb-282 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)Scf-R11
biomb-282 is a suppressor of abdominal tergite phenotype of hhMir
ScruffyR10, biomb-282 has abdominal sternite bristle phenotype
ScruffyR10, biomb-282 has abdominal tergite phenotype
The tergite and PHZ phenotypes of hhMir/+ flies are suppressed by biomb-282; in biomb-282; hhMir double mutants, both the normal and mirror-image duplicated PHZ and posterior tergite structures are missing and replaced with a mirror-image double anterior pattern similar to biomb-282 single mutants. However, all segments show double anterior patterning in the double mutants, whereas mirror-image duplications are only seen in a fraction of the segments in biomb-282 single mutants. biomb-282 does not suppress the formation of ectopic intersegmental membrane seen in hhMir/+ flies. The abdomen and wing phenotypes of biomb-282 homozygotes are strongly enhanced by Df(3L)Scf-R11. The frequency of complete anterior duplications in the abdominal tergites is strongly increased in biomb-282; ScfR10/ScfR10 flies compared to biomb-282; ScfR10/+ flies. In addition, the polarity of all sternal bristles is reversed in biomb-282; ScfR10/ScfR10 flies, whereas only a few, if any, are affected in biomb-282 single mutants.