Amino acid replacement of amino acids 115-120 (TNSASG) by IRV.
Replacement of amino acids 115-120 (TNSASG) by IRV.
abnormal size (with hhAC)
neoplasia | adult stage | female | temperature conditional (with hhAC2)
abdominal tergite & macrochaeta | conditional ts
adult cuticle & head capsule | dorsal | conditional ts
cytoneme & dorsal mesothoracic disc | somatic clone
egg chamber (with hhAC)
female germline cyst (with hhAC)
germarium | temperature conditional (with hhAC2)
lamina & neuron
lamina & neuron | precursor
photoreceptor cell & axon
htlScer\UAS.T:λ\cI-DD mutants display retinal basal glial (RBG) cell migration defects.
Shifting hhts2 mutants from 18 to 29[o]C to disrupt pathway activity at any stage after SOP formation gives no alteration in multidendritic neuron number. Shifting the temperature before SOP formation causes a loss of multidendritic neurons. In stage 16 hhts2 embryos, the ventral class IV neuron vdaB is lost in 20% of parasegments. This loss of vdaB is preceded by SOP1a loss (in 23% of cases). There is no loss of v'ada or SOP4a. In hhts2 mutants the other non-class IV MD neurons are lost in the ventral cluster, for example vbd is lost in 62% of embryos.
hhts2 heterozygotes exhibit loss of the vdaB neuron, but not the v'ada neuron, in 17% of parasegments. SOP1a is lost in 15% of cases, while SOP4a is never lost.
When single cell hhts2 clones are made in the wing imaginal disc, cytonemes in the wing primordium are affected. At the non-permissive temperature (29oC) cytonemes emanating from cells at the lateral flanks of discs do not orient themselves towards the anterior posterior organiser (as those see in wild-type do). Cytonemes in these discs are also more numerous than in wild-type, and unlike in the wild-type, are sometimes seen to be bent, curved or crossing over each other. These effects are not observed if mutant larvae are heatshocked and returned to permissive temperatures.
hhts2 larvae that are grown at the restrictive temperature prior to and during cell shape changes in the disc epithelia develop severely reduced wing and leg discs compared to heterozygous controls. These reduced discs fail to form squamous cells.
Stigmatophores are present in hhts2 embryos that have been maintained at the restrictive temperature from 5-8 hours of development despite severe segment polarity defects.
Ovaries of homozygous females maintained at the restrictive temperature (29oC) for 4-5 days show a number of defects including germaria with disorganised encapsulation. Large groups of disorganised somatic cells are seen at the periphery of the germaria. Ovaries of hhAC/hhts2 females maintained at the restrictive temperature (29oC) for 4-5 days show a number of defects including multicyst egg chambers. Large groups of disorganised somatic cells are seen at the periphery of the germaria and multicyst egg chambers.
The mirror-image patterning or posterior tergite and posterior hairy zone structures caused by expression of hhScer\UAS.cPb under the control of Scer\GAL4T155 is unaffected if the flies are also homozygous for hhts2 (and raised at the restrictive temperature). The transformation of anterior tergite to intersegmental membrane is partly suppressed in these flies.
Shifting hhts2 animals to their restrictive temperature at various time does not generate individuals with head capsule defects.
Expression of hhN.Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E in a hhts2 background under nonpermissive conditions results in overgrowth of the anterior compartment of the wing disc.
Temperature-shift experiments indicate that the phenocritical period for hh function in Bolwig's organ development is between 4 and 7 hours.
hhts2/hhAC embryos have a severe segment polarity phenotype, in which the naked cuticle is lost, at the restrictive temperature. Expression of hhC84S.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E at 29oC in flies which are heterozygous for hhts2 results in an enhancement of the loss of the L3-L4 intervein region seen in flies expressing hhC84S.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E in an otherwise wild-type background.
Using temperature shifts to 29oC, a dependence of mitosis in the ovariole on hh function has been demonstrated.
Loss of function at the restrictive temperature causes severe disruption of early eye discs. Clones generated during the L1 stage show defects in both the eye disc proper and the peripodial membrane.
When hhts2 females are shifted to the restrictive temperature, budding of egg chambers diminishes after about 3 days and virtually ceases by 7 days. During this period, some egg chambers bud with multiple complements of germline cells. In these compound egg chambers an oocyte is always seen at the posterior. When hhts2 females are held at the restrictive temperature for 7 days and then returned to the permissive temperature, egg chamber budding resumes within 3 days, showing no significant evidence of defects in oocyte positioning or polar cell differentiation in the most recently budded egg chambers.
Flies raised at the restrictive temperature of 30oC during the third instar larval stage lack the entire medial domain of the dorsal head, including the ocelli, interocellar cuticle, and the ocellar, postvertical and interocellar bristles. This is replaced by the ridged frons cuticle.
Homozygous larvae raised at the nonpermissive temperature have only vestigial wing imaginal discs. The overgrowth of the anterior compartment of the wing disc seen in larvae expressing hhN.Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E in a hhts2 background is still seen if the discs are also homozygous for dispS037707.
Without hh, posterior 3/4 fragments of the L1 disc fragments switch from a duplicative to a regenerative program. All missing anterior leg structures can be regenerated. hhts2 larvae shifted to the restrictive temperature late in development (90 hours AED) pupariate but fail to eclose. Pharate legs reveal largely normal cuticle patterns, with the exception of the loss of the anterior claw at the distal tip of L1, L2 and L3.
When hhts2 mutants are raised at the restrictive temperature, the genital discs are very small.
S phase lamina neuron precursors (LPCs) are absent from the lamina in homozygotes that have been raised at 28oC after hatching.
Shifting to restrictive temperature causes failure of axons from photoreceptors to induce neuronal differentiation in the lamina. A hhts2 animal can have large clones of hhαTub84B.PB (i.e. hh+) at low frequency (by a mild heat shock of hhScer\FRT.Rnor\CD2.αTub84B flies carrying Scer\GAL4hs.PB). Shift to restrictive temperature at 84hr AEL arrests morphogenetic furrow progression; only a few retinal axons enter the lamina target field. When such axons enter a hh+ field only those LPCs in the vicinity of the axons show neuronal differentiation. When hhts2 animals are shifted to the non-permissive condition at 90hr AEL and examined 36hrs later, retinal axons grow into the target field in a relatively normal manner but fail to induce hh-dependent events. When flies are maintained at the non-permissive temperature from early larval development R cell development is blocked.
A shift to the restrictive temperature during the first instar stage causes a small wing dics in third instar larvae.
Homozygous larvae reared at 18oC up to the late third instar stage and then shifted to 29.5oC immediately after pupariation give rise to pharate adults in which many hemitergites have mirror-image anterior duplications. In these cases, the posterior tergite, posterior hairy zone (PHZ) and intersegmental membrane (ISM) are deleted and replaced with a mirror-image duplication of the anterior tergite. Other phenotypes seen include complete or partial deletion of the PHZ and ISM, a missing posterior pigment band and transformation of tergite macrochaetae to microchaetae. Ventrally, the sternites are reduced in size and the sternal bristles are usually absent.
Larvae maintained at the restrictive temperature (29oC) from the end of the first instar stage until the early third instar stage have reduced eye-antennal discs.
At the nonpermissive temperature the germarium shrinks and the few remaining follicle cells envelop multiple germ line cysts.
Normal wings develop at 18oC.
When shifted to the non-permissive temperature at 90hrs AEL, mutants show the "furrow-stop" phenotype. The eye discs contain between 6 and 12 columns of ommatidial R cell clusters. The most anterior clusters appear normal and the axon fascicles from them are found in their proper dorsoventral positions posterior to the lamina furrow. But viewed on their antero-posterior axis the fascicles are collapsed on each other. Glial cells are absent from the optic stalk and lamina. Lamina precursor cells fail to undergo their terminal division, arresting in G1 at the lamina furrow.
Third instar larvae at the restrictive temperature completely lack medial head structures. Ocellar cuticle is replaced by frons spanning the entire head vertex.
Embryos exhibit a ventral cuticle phenotype.
At the permissive temperature adults exhibit reduced eye size and disordered facets, particularly at the anterior edge.
Distal structures of the leg and antenna fail to develop at 29oC.
Two temperature sensitive periods, one in the early embryo and one in the late larva/early pupa. At 18oC the embryonic cuticle is wild type though the adult eyes are slightly rough at the anterior margin. A 12hr heat pulse in the third larval instar reduces the eye and the ocelli. Removing hh functions during eye development stops the morphogenetic furrow.
hhAC2/hhts2 has neoplasia | adult stage | female | temperature conditional phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4C587/hpoUAS.cWa
hhts2 has increased occurrence of cell division | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/Cdk4UAS.cMa
hhts2 has abnormal size | larval stage | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/Cdk4UAS.cMa
hhts2 is a suppressor of visible | homeotic | somatic clone phenotype of pb5
bnlJR69, hhts2 has abnormal cell migration | third instar larval stage phenotype
hh[+]/hhts2, trol13 has decreased occurrence of cell division | larval stage | temperature conditional phenotype
hhAC2/hhts2 has germarium | temperature conditional phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4C587/hpoUAS.cWa
hhts2 has wing disc | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/Cdk4UAS.cMa
hhts2 has peripodial epithelium | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/dppUAS.cFa
hhts2 has leg disc | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/Cdk4UAS.cMa
hhts2 has neuroblast | larval stage | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by trol13/trol13
hhts2 has egg chamber phenotype, suppressible by Pka-C1H2
hhts2 has egg chamber phenotype, suppressible by Pka-C1H2/Pka-C1H2
hhts2 has egg chamber phenotype, suppressible by ptcS2/ptcS2
hhts2 has eye phenotype, suppressible by Pka-C1[+]/Pka-C1k08918
hhts2 has peripodial epithelium | heat sensitive phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/Cdk4UAS.cMa
Scer\GAL4en-e16E, hhCD2.UAS, hhts2 has wing disc phenotype, non-suppressible by dispS037707
hhts2 is an enhancer of wing vein L3 phenotype of kn1/kncol-1
hhts2 is an enhancer of wing vein L4 phenotype of kn1/kncol-1
hhts2 is a suppressor of labellum | somatic clone phenotype of pb5
hhts2 is a suppressor of leg | ectopic | somatic clone phenotype of pb5
hhts2 is a suppressor of eye-antennal disc phenotype of Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1, dppUAS.cCa
bnlJR69, hhts2 has adult subretinal glial cell | somatic clone | third instar larval stage phenotype
en54, hhts2, ph-p410 has wing vein L4 phenotype
The rather moderate tumorous germarium phenotype characteristic for hhAC2/hhts2 (moved to the non-permissive temperature - 29[o]C - after eclosion) is strongly aggravated by expression of hpoScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4C587 in the mutant background.
Expression of Cdk4Scer\UAS.cMa, under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, drives cell proliferation in hhts2-depleted larvae. Such larvae raised at the restrictive temperature develop larger discs than hhts2 larvae, but these discs still fail to form squamous cells. Expression of dppScer\UAS.cFa, under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, rescues the squamous cells in hhts2 wing and leg discs.
The egg chamber proliferation defects of hhts2 females kept at the restrictive temperature are rescued by homozygous Pka-C1H2 clones, producing fully developed ovarioles in some cases. In all cases, the proliferating somatic cells are homozygous for Pka-C1H2. The egg chamber proliferation defects of hhts2 females kept at the restrictive temperature are rescued by homozygous ptcS2 clones. In addition these rescued egg chambers contain excess follicle cells and ectopic polar cells and can show mis-positioning of the oocyte.
Suppresses the ectopic initiation of differentiation along the anterior-ventral margin of the eye-antennal disc seen in flies expressing dppScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1. Suppresses the ectopic differentiation seen along the dorsal-anterior margin of the eye disc in wgl-12 homozygotes raised at the restrictive temperature for 36 hours during the larval stage.
hhts2 individuals carrying one copy of Pka-C1k08918 suppress the mutant eye phenotype, eyes have less severe disorder and an increase in size.
hhts2 is rescued by hhUAS.EGFP.cVa/Scer\GAL4vg.PM
hhts2 is rescued by hhUAS.cIa/Scer\GAL4vg.PM
hhts2 is rescued by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/hhUAS.cAa
hhAC/hhts2 is rescued by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/hhUAS.cLa
hhts2 is rescued by hhN.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4en-e16E
hhts2 is rescued by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/hhUAS.Tag:HA
hhts2 is not rescued by hhK132D.UAS.CFP/Scer\GAL4vg.PM
hhts2 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/hhC85S.UAS
hhAC/hhts2 is not rescued by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/hhC84S.UAS
Expression of hhScer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP.cVa under the control of Scer\GAL4vg.PM completely rescues the lethality seen in homozygous hhts2 mutant flies grown at the restrictive temperature.
Expression of hhScer\UAS.cIa under the control of Scer\GAL4vg.PM completely rescues the lethality seen in homozygous hhts2 mutant flies grown at the restrictive temperature.
Expression of hhK132D.Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-CFP under the control of Scer\GAL4vg.PM is unable to rescue the lethality seen in homozygous hhts2 mutant flies grown at the restrictive temperature.
The growth defects of hhts2 wing discs are rescued by hhScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E. The growth defects of hhts2 wing discs are rescued by hhN.Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E (anterior outgrowth of the rescued discs is seen, as in discs expressing hhN.Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E in a hh+ background).
Temperature shift experiments indicate that hh function is required at or near the time of initiation of differentiation in the retina in the mid third larval instar stage.
Isolated as a dominant suppressor of gl3.
Weak strength hh allele, strength based on severity of ventral cuticle phenotype.