Short deletion in the coding region, in exon 2.
Approximate location of small deletion. Leads to nonsense mutation.
ref(2)Pod2/ref(2)Pod3 mutant midgut cells at 2hr after puparium formation show similar amount of mitochondria as in controls.
Embryos derived from ref(2)Pod2/ref(2)Pod3 females show a moderate delay in the clearance of the paternal mitochondrial derivatives compared to wild type.
Early onion-stage spermatids of mutant males have abnormal nebenkern (mitochondrial derivatives) which appear unusually pale. The overall architecture of post-individualisation cysts is completely disorganised in the mutant males. Axonemes are visible, but the mitochondrial derivatives are frequently smaller than normal, containing electron-dense material and showing a striking vacuolisation.
The density of mitochondrial DNA nucleoids in the indirect flight muscle is increased in mutant flies compared to wild type.
Mutants show an increase in mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy compared to wild type in both 3 day old and 25 day old adults.
Mutant animals show a decrease in lifespan compared to wild type, both on normal food, or on food supplemented with either rotenone or paraquat. Locomotor activity is impaired from a young age and progresses with age.
Mutants show mitochondrial defects in the indirect flight muscles.
ref(2)Pod3 has male sterile phenotype, suppressible by mPges2GlSbH/Su(P)[+]
ref(2)Pod3 has male sterile phenotype, suppressible by Su(P)[+]/mPges2TW2
ref(2)Pod3 has male sterile phenotype, suppressible by Su(P)[+]/mPges2db
ref(2)Pod3 has male sterile phenotype, suppressible by mPges2hd48/Su(P)[+]
ref(2)Pod3 has male sterile phenotype, suppressible by mPges2hd5/Su(P)[+]
ref(2)Pod3 has male sterile phenotype, suppressible by mPges2pe/Su(P)[+]
ref(2)Pod3 has male sterile phenotype, suppressible by mPges2pr26/Su(P)[+]
ref(2)Pod3 has male sterile phenotype, suppressible by Su(P)[+]/mPges2TW9
ref(2)Pod3 is a suppressor of indirect flight muscle cell phenotype of Pink1B9
ref(2)Pod3 is a suppressor of mitochondrion phenotype of Pink1B9
The mitochondrial clustering seen in the indirect flight muscles of Pink1B9 flies is significantly suppressed by ref(2)Pod3.
Expression of parkScer\UAS.cGa under the control of Scer\GAL4da.G32 significantly suppresses the penetrance of the indented thorax phenotype seen in Pink1B9 mutants. This suppression is reduced if the flies are also carrying ref(2)Pod3.
ref(2)Pod3 is rescued by ref(2)PUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4VP16.bam
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)P+++.O1.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)Pdpp'.Pa.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)Pd++.O1.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)Pdpp'.O1.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)P+++.Pa.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)Pdp+.O1.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)P++p'.O1.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)P+pp'.O1.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)Pd+p'.O1.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is rescued by ref(2)P+p+.O1.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is not rescued by ref(2)P+++.Δ92-599.cCMa
ref(2)Pod3/Df(2L)E55 is not rescued by ref(2)Pdpp'.Δ92-599.cCMa
Expression of ref(2)PScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4bam.T:Hsim\VP16 rescues the sterility of ref(2)Pod3 males.