Contained within a 2.4kb genomic EcoRI fragment that includes the entire coding region of Sod1 as well as 0.8kb of sequence upstream from the start codon.
position of restriction fragment on reference sequence inferred by FlyBase curator
Flies carrying both one copy of Sod+t2.4 and one copy of CattOa show a retardation in the accumulation of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine during aging and in response to exposure to X rays compared to control flies. Age-related loss of Zw activity and increase in the rate of mitochondrial H2O2 generation are less steep in flies carrying both one copy of Sod+t2.4 and one copy of CattOa than in control flies. The metabolic potential, or total amount of oxygen consumed during an average lifespan, is approximately 30% greater in flies carrying both one copy of Sod+t2.4 and one copy of CattOa than in control flies.
Sod1+t2.4, CattOa, Trxr1+t10 is a suppressor of chemical sensitive phenotype of Ppcs1
Sod1+t2.4, CattOa, Trxr1+t10 is a suppressor of chemical sensitive phenotype of fbl1
Sod1+t2.4, CattOa, Trxr1+t10 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Ppcs1
Sod1+t2.4, CattOa, Trxr1+t10 is a non-suppressor of radiation sensitive phenotype of Ppcs1
Sod1+t2.4, CattOa, Trxr1+t10 is a non-suppressor of abnormal locomotor behavior | adult stage phenotype of Ppat-Dpck43
Simultaneous co-expression of Sod+t2.4, CattOa and Trxr-1+t10 suppresses the sensitivity of Ppcs1/Ppcs1 flies to 5% H[[2]]O[[2]] and 100mM dithiothreitol, and results in increased resistance to 20mM paraquat.
Simultaneous co-expression of Sod+t2.4, CattOa and Trxr-1+t10 restores survival of Ppcs1/Ppcs1 and fbl1/fbl1 larvae on medium containing 100mM cysteine to wild-type levels.
Simultaneous co-expression of Sod+t2.4, CattOa and Trxr-1+t10 does not suppress the impaired ability of Ppat-Dpck43 or Ppcs1 homozygous adults to climb in a negative geotaxis assay.
The reduced survival rate of adults after exposure of larvae to 20Gy irradiation that is seen in Ppcs1 homozygotes is not rescued by simultaneous co-expression of Sod+t2.4, CattOa and Trxr-1+t10.