Only 17% of eggs derived from rhiKG00910/rhi02086 females have two wild-type dorsal appendages. 88% of embryos derived from these females have wild-type appendages if the females are fed caffeine.
50% of eggs laid by homozygous females are wild type, others have dorsal appendage defects. A weak "dumpless" phenotype, in which the nurse cells fail to transfer their contents to the oocyte is also seen in 11% of cases. 15% of eggs laid by rhi2-S18/rhi02086 females are wild type, others have dorsal appendage defects. rhi02086/rhi2-L12 egg chambers have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology up to stage S5, but only 11% have normal nurse cell chromatin morphology at other stages. 58% of the egg chambers have a persistant five-lobed chromatin phenotype. 7% of egg chambers are degenerating and 4% have an abnormal number of nurse cells.
Eggs laid are shorter than wild type and the dorsal appendages are fused.
rhi02086/rhiKG00910 has dorsal appendage | maternal effect phenotype, suppressible | partially by lokp6
rhi02086/rhiKG00910 has dorsal appendage | maternal effect phenotype, suppressible | partially by mei-41D3
80% of eggs derived from lokp6 ; rhiKG00910/rhi02086 double mutant females have two normal dorsal appendages.
33% of eggs derived from mei-41D3 ; rhiKG00910/rhi02086 double mutant females have two normal dorsal appendages.