Amino acid replacement: Q363term.
Q363term | BicD-PA; Q363term | BicD-PB; Q363term | BicD-PC; Q363term | BicD-PD
This is in addition to the A40V substitution of the parental BicDr chromosome. Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
Fertile over BicD1, and viable but sterile over BicDr or BicDR26. Lethality is complete at 29oC, but some adults escape at 18oC. Survival can be markedly improved by raising the flies on apple juice-agar medium supplemented with live yeast. Resulting adults are uncoordinated and generally die within a couple of days. Ovaries contain only egg chambers with 16 polyploid nuclei and no oocyte. Germ line clones give rise to 16-nurse cell chambers with no oocyte. Reorganization of ring canals does not occur. The largest ring canal does not move to the posterior end of the cluster and is found in apparently random positions in the posterior half of the egg chamber.