Expression throughout ectoderm starting at embryonic stage 9.
In stage 11 embryos expression occurs in the whole ectoderm including the tracheal cells.
Expression throughout ectoderm in late stage 9 and later.
lethal, with AntpUAS.cMb
lethal, with DadUAS.cTa
lethal, with DfdUAS.cBa
lethal, with hepAct.UAS
lethal, with labUAS.cMa
lethal, with ScrUAS.cMa
lethal, with UbxUAS.cMa
lethal, with vvlUAS.cCa
viable, with JigUAS.GFP
visible, with anon-92DaEPS111
visible, with BobAUAS.cLa
visible, with BrdUAS.cLa
visible, with nmoc4-2.UAS
visible, with nmoUAS.cUa
visible, with sogUAS.cYa
visible, with spiJF03322
visible, with TomUAS.cLa
visible, with vnKK108432
visible | adult stage, with CharonKK105778
visible | adult stage, with NdufA3GD4003
visible | homeotic, with tioUAS.cLa
visible | homeotic, with tshUAS.cGa
abdominal tergite & macrochaeta, with nmoc5-1.UAS
abdominal tergite & microchaeta, with nmoc5-1.UAS
axon, with msn102, msnP656A,P659A.UAS
chromosome | larval stage, with pimKK106514
chromosome | larval stage, with SseGD6697
chromosome | larval stage, with thrGD17216
chromosome | third instar larval stage, with TbceGD10779, TbceKK100119
denticle belt & abdominal segment 9, with abd-AUAS.cGa
denticle belt & abdominal segment 9, with UbxUAS.cCa
embryo | dorsal, with dppUAS.cUa
embryo | dorsal, with pucUAS.cMa
eye, with aosUAS.cHa
eye, with LptUAS.Tag:HA
eye, with spiHMS01120
eye, with spiJF03322
eye | heat sensitive, with fngUAS.cKa
head, with JraJbz.UAS
larva, with snslKK110100
larva, with snuKK104096
larval antennal segment & denticle | ectopic, with tshUAS.cGa
larval maxillary segment & denticle | ectopic, with tshUAS.cGa
macrochaeta & wing, with brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA
mesoderm, with pyrUAS.cKa
mesoderm | dorsal, with rawRNAi.UAS.WIZ
neuroblast & mitotic cell cycle, with mei-S332UAS.GFP(S65T)
photoreceptor & axon, with msn102, msnP656A,P659A.UAS
scutum & macrochaeta, with RalaS25N.UAS
scutum & trichome, with RalaS25N.UAS
sensillum campaniformium & wing, with brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA
sensillum campaniformium & wing vein L3 | supernumerary, with tumP417Q.UAS
sensillum campaniformium & wing vein L3 | supernumerary, with tumΔE1E.UAS
sensillum campaniformium & wing vein L4 | supernumerary, with tumP417Q.UAS
sensillum campaniformium & wing vein L4 | supernumerary, with tumΔE1E.UAS
sensillum campaniformium & wing vein L5 | supernumerary, with tumP417Q.UAS
sensillum campaniformium & wing vein L5 | supernumerary, with tumΔE1E.UAS
sex comb | ectopic, with LptUAS.Tag:HA
T1 beard | ectopic, with tioUAS.cLa
T1 beard | ectopic, with tshUAS.cGa
wing, with AxnΔRGS.UAS
wing, with Cht2KK111252
wing, with Cht5KK104621
wing, with Cht6KK111462
wing, with Cht7KK102683
wing, with Dis3l2GD9240
wing, with Idgf2UAS.cTa
wing, with Mnn1UAS.cCa
wing, with NdufA3GD4003
wing, with Nep1UAS.cJa
wing, with pegRNAi.UAS
wing & cell, with tumP417Q.UAS
wing & cell, with tumΔE1E.UAS
wing & macrochaeta, with E(spl)m7-HLHAct.VP16.UAS
wing & macrochaeta, with fz2UAS.cCa
wing & macrochaeta, with fz2UAS.cZa
wing & trichome, with tumP417Q.UAS
wing & trichome, with tumΔE1E.UAS
wing | anterior, with nmoc5-1.UAS
wing margin, with fz2UAS.N
wing sensillum & wing vein, with BobAUAS.cLa
wing sensillum & wing vein, with BrdUAS.cLa
wing sensillum & wing vein, with E(spl)m4-BFMUAS.cLa
wing sensillum & wing vein, with E(spl)mα-BFMUAS.cLa
wing sensillum & wing vein, with TomUAS.cLa
wing vein | ectopic, with CtBPUAS.cSa
wing vein | ectopic, with HipkUAS.Tag:HA
wing vein | ectopic, with vnΔIg.UAS
wing vein | P-stage, with LptRNAi.UAS
wing vein L2 | distal, with sogUAS.cYa
wing vein L3 | distal, with sogUAS.cYa
Scer\GAL469B, TbceGD10779, TbceKK100119 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | third instar larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038
Dis3l2GD9240, Scer\GAL469B has hyperplasia | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3L)H99/+
Scer\GAL469B, midUAS.Tag:FLAG has partially lethal - majority die | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL469B/groUAS.cAa
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Egfr[+]/EgfrE1
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, fz2UAS.N has visible phenotype, enhanceable by wgl-17
Scer\GAL469B, fzUAS.N has visible phenotype, enhanceable by dsh3
Scer\GAL469B, fzUAS.N has visible phenotype, enhanceable by arm1
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B has visible phenotype, non-enhanceable by drk[+]/drk10626
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has visible phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3R)Pi3K92EA/+
Scer\GAL469B, ZnT49BGD1962 has decreased rate of adult locomotory behavior phenotype, suppressible | partially by SCaMCGD14864, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, ZnT49BGD1962 has decreased rate of adult locomotory behavior phenotype, suppressible | partially by Mmus\Slc30a9UAS.cGa, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, TbceGD10779, TbceKK100119 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038
Scer\GAL469B, fz2UAS.N has visible phenotype, suppressible by HipkUAS.Tag:HA
Scer\GAL469B, vnΔIg.UAS has visible phenotype, suppressible by aosUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL469B
Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL469B has lethal | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Diap1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL469B
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B has visible phenotype, suppressible by drk[+]/drke0A
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has visible phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)vin3/+
Scer\GAL469B, brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA has visible phenotype, suppressible by Snr1E1/Snr1[+]
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has visible phenotype, suppressible by Df(2L)flp147E/+
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has visible phenotype, suppressible by Jra1/Jra[+]
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has visible phenotype, suppressible by bsk1/bsk[+]
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has visible phenotype, suppressible by msn[+]/msnj1E2
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has visible phenotype, suppressible by Tak1K46R.UAS/Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has abnormal cell death | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, dshUAS.Tag:MYC has visible phenotype, suppressible by Axn16-21
Scer\GAL469B, fz2UAS.cCa has visible phenotype, suppressible by dally06464
Scer\GAL469B, fzUAS.N has visible phenotype, suppressible by fz2UAS.cZa/Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, fzUAS.N has visible phenotype, suppressible by wgl-17
Scer\GAL469B, fzUAS.N has visible phenotype, suppressible by sggM11
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B has visible phenotype, non-suppressible by drk[+]/drk10626
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has visible phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(3R)Pi3K92EA/+
Scer\GAL469B, fzUAS.cZa has abnormal planar polarity phenotype, non-suppressible by wgl-17
Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038 is an enhancer of abnormal mitotic cell cycle | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, TbceGD10779, TbceKK100119
Scer\GAL469B/groUAS.cAa is an enhancer of partially lethal - majority die | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, midUAS.Tag:FLAG
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of N264-39
Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa
p38ba.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of visible | recessive phenotype of biomb-1
p38bDN.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of visible | recessive phenotype of biomb-1
Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a non-enhancer of visible | dominant phenotype of N264-39
SCaMCGD14864, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor | partially of decreased rate of adult locomotory behavior phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, ZnT49BGD1962
Mmus\Slc30a9UAS.cGa, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor | partially of decreased rate of adult locomotory behavior phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, ZnT49BGD1962
Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal mitotic cell cycle | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, TbceGD10779, TbceKK100119
ensUAS.Venus/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of abnormal mitotic cell cycle | larval stage phenotype of Khc27/Khc63
Scer\GAL469B/Dis3l2GD9240 is a suppressor of abnormal size | adult stage phenotype of pcm5
Scer\GAL469B/Dis3l2GD9240 is a suppressor of abnormal size | third instar larval stage phenotype of pcm14
Scer\GAL469B/Hsap\MANFUAS.WT is a suppressor of lethal - all die during first instar larval stage phenotype of ManfΔ96
HipkUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of visible phenotype of wg1/wgl-17
tioUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of visible | homeotic phenotype of tsh8
cbtEP2237E1/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of lethal | embryonic stage phenotype of hepAct.UAS
aosUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, vnΔIg.UAS
Diap1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor | partially of lethal | embryonic stage phenotype of Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B/Mmus\Tshz2UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of visible | segment polarity expression pattern phenotype of tsh8
Mmus\Tshz3UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of visible | segment polarity expression pattern phenotype of tsh8
Mmus\Tshz1UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of visible | segment polarity expression pattern phenotype of tsh8
Tak1K46R.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS
BacA\p35UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of abnormal cell death | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS
fz2UAS.cZa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, fzUAS.N
Scer\GAL469B/Dis3l2GD9240 is a non-suppressor of abnormal developmental rate | larval stage phenotype of pcm14
Hsap\CDNFUAS.WT/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of lethal - all die during first instar larval stage phenotype of ManfΔ96
Scer\GAL469B/Hsap\MANF::Hsap\CDNFUAS.cLa is a non-suppressor of lethal - all die during first instar larval stage phenotype of ManfΔ96
Hsap\MANFΔRTDL.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of lethal - all die during first instar larval stage phenotype of ManfΔ96
wgUAS.cUa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of increased cell death | embryonic stage phenotype of raw1
Scer\GAL469B, TbceKK100119 has larval brain | third instar larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038
Scer\GAL469B, TbceKK100119 has embryonic neuroblast | third instar larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038
Scer\GAL469B, midUAS.Tag:FLAG has ventral denticle belt phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL469B/groUAS.cAa
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Egfr[+]/EgfrE1
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has wing vein L4 phenotype, enhanceable by Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has anterior crossvein phenotype, enhanceable by Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, ciUAS.cAa has denticle phenotype, enhanceable by wgl-17
Scer\GAL469B, ciUAS.cAa has embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype, enhanceable by wgl-17
Scer\GAL469B, armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC has T1 beard phenotype, enhanceable by ci94/ci94
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Tak1K46R.UAS/Scer\GAL469B
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by drk[+]/drk10626
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has wing vein L4 phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3R)Pi3K92EA/+
KrnUAS.cRa, Scer\GAL469B has cephalopharyngeal skeleton phenotype, non-enhanceable by SIIN
KrnUAS.cRa, Scer\GAL469B has cephalopharyngeal skeleton phenotype, non-enhanceable by rhoPΔ38
Scer\GAL469B, cncUAS.cVa has embryonic/larval pharynx | ectopic phenotype, non-enhanceable by maf-SUAS.cVa/Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, TbceKK100119 has larval brain | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038
Scer\GAL469B, TbceKK100119 has embryonic neuroblast | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038
Diap1UAS.cHa, Scer\GAL469B has wing disc | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible by pcm14/pcm14
Scer\GAL469B, fz2UAS.N has wing margin phenotype, suppressible by HipkUAS.Tag:HA
Scer\GAL469B, vnΔIg.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by aosUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL469B
Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL469B has embryo | dorsal closure stage phenotype, suppressible by Diap1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL469B
Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL469B has embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype, suppressible by Diap1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL469B
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by drk[+]/drke0A
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has wing vein L4 phenotype, suppressible by Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has anterior crossvein phenotype, suppressible by Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has wing vein L4 phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)vin3/+
Scer\GAL469B, brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA has posterior crossvein phenotype, suppressible by Snr1E1/Snr1[+]
Scer\GAL469B, brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA has wing vein L5 | distal phenotype, suppressible by Snr1E1/Snr1[+]
Scer\GAL469B, brmK804R.UAS.Tag:HA has wing vein phenotype, suppressible by Snr1R3/Snr1[+]
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has posterior crossvein phenotype, suppressible by Df(2L)flp147E/+
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has posterior crossvein phenotype, suppressible by Jra1/Jra[+]
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has posterior crossvein phenotype, suppressible by bsk1/bsk[+]
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has posterior crossvein phenotype, suppressible by msn[+]/msnj1E2
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by bsk1/bsk[+]
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by Df(2L)flp147E/+
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by Jra1/Jra[+]
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by msn[+]/msnj1E2
Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS has posterior crossvein phenotype, suppressible by Tak1K46R.UAS/Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, dshUAS.Tag:MYC has wing phenotype, suppressible by Axn16-21
Scer\GAL469B, tumΔE1E.UAS has wing & trichome phenotype, suppressible by CycEUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, tkvCA.UAS has wing disc phenotype, suppressible by p38ba.UAS/Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, tkvCA.UAS has wing disc phenotype, suppressible by p38bDN.UAS/Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, fz2UAS.cCa has wing phenotype, suppressible by dally06464
Scer\GAL469B, bnlUAS.cSa has larval tracheal system phenotype, suppressible | partially by sfl03844
Scer\GAL469B, bnlUAS.cSa has larval tracheal system phenotype, suppressible | partially by sgl08310
Scer\GAL469B, spis.UAS has embryonic epidermis phenotype, suppressible by ovosvb-2
Scer\GAL469B, spis.UAS has denticle | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by ovosvb-2
EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL469B has embryonic epidermis phenotype, suppressible by ovoUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL469B
EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL469B has ventral denticle belt phenotype, suppressible by ovoUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL469B
Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL469B has denticle | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by ovoD1.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL469B has embryonic epidermis phenotype, suppressible by ovoD1.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
Abd-BUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL469B has embryonic/larval posterior spiracle | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by linG1
Scer\GAL469B, armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC has embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype, suppressible by tsh8
Scer\GAL469B, bnlUAS.cSa has larval tracheal system phenotype, suppressible by stumpsYY202
Scer\GAL469B, fz2UAS.cZa has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by wgl-17
Scer\GAL469B, fz2UAS.cZa has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL469B/fzUAS.N
Scer\GAL469B, ensUAS.Venus has mitotic spindle | third instar larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Khc27/Khc63
Scer\GAL469B, ensUAS.Venus has larval brain | third instar larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Khc27/Khc63
Scer\GAL469B, ensUAS.Venus has larval neuroblast | third instar larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Khc27/Khc63
Scer\GAL469B, parvinUASp.mGFP6 has posterior crossvein phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4en.PU/IlkUAS.cZa/Diap1UAS.cUa
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, non-suppressible by drk[+]/drk10626
Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa has wing vein L4 phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(3R)Pi3K92EA/+
Scer\GAL469B, armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC has denticle phenotype, non-suppressible by tshUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B, ci94/ci94
Scer\GAL469B, tshUAS.cGa has denticle phenotype, non-suppressible by ci94/ci94
KrnUAS.cRa, Scer\GAL469B has cephalopharyngeal skeleton phenotype, non-suppressible by SIIN
KrnUAS.cRa, Scer\GAL469B has cephalopharyngeal skeleton phenotype, non-suppressible by rhoPΔ38
Scer\GAL469B, tkvQ253D.UAS.cNb has embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype, non-suppressible | germline clone by Shark1
Scer\GAL469B, tkvQ253D.UAS.cLa has embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype, non-suppressible | germline clone by Shark1
Scer\GAL469B, cncUAS.cVa has embryonic/larval pharynx | ectopic phenotype, non-suppressible by maf-SUAS.cVa/Scer\GAL469B
Scer\GAL469B, vnUAS.cYa has somatic muscle cell | ectopic | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by spi3
Scer\GAL469B, vnUAS.cYa has somatic muscle cell | ectopic | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by rhounspecified
Scer\GAL469B, fzUAS.cZa has wing margin bristle phenotype, non-suppressible by wgl-17
Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038 is an enhancer of larval brain | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, TbceKK100119
Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038 is an enhancer of embryonic neuroblast | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, TbceKK100119
Scer\GAL469B/groUAS.cAa is an enhancer of ventral denticle belt phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, midUAS.Tag:FLAG
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of wing margin phenotype of N264-39
Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of wing vein phenotype of aosUAS.cHa
Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of wing vein L4 phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa
Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of anterior crossvein phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa
wgl-17/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of embryonic epidermis phenotype of ciUAS.cAa
Tak1K46R.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS
p38ba.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of wing phenotype of biomb-1
p38ba.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of wing vein phenotype of biomb-1
p38bDN.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of wing phenotype of biomb-1
p38bDN.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is an enhancer of wing vein phenotype of biomb-1
Pi3K68DUAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a non-enhancer of wing margin phenotype of N264-39
maf-SUAS.cVa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-enhancer of embryonic/larval pharynx | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, cncUAS.cVa
Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038 is a suppressor | partially of larval brain | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, TbceKK100119
Scer\GAL469B/mad2KK108038 is a suppressor | partially of embryonic neuroblast | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, TbceKK100119
ensUAS.Venus/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of larval brain | larval stage phenotype of Khc27/Khc63
Scer\GAL469B/Dis3l2GD9240 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of pcm5
Scer\GAL469B/Dis3l2GD9240 is a suppressor of wing disc | third instar larval stage phenotype of pcm14
lncRNA:acalUAS.cRa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor | partially of embryonic/larval cuticle phenotype of raw2
Scer\GAL469B/Diap1UAS.cHa is a suppressor | partially of wing disc | third instar larval stage phenotype of pcm14
HipkUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of wing phenotype of wg1/wgl-17
HipkUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of mesonotum | ectopic phenotype of wg1/wgl-17
cv-cUAS.cDa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of tracheal primordium phenotype of Egfrf2
cv-cUAS.cDa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of presumptive embryonic/larval tracheal system phenotype of Egfrf2
tioUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of denticle row 3 phenotype of tsh8
tioUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of denticle row 4 phenotype of tsh8
tioUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of prothoracic segment phenotype of tsh8
aosUAS.cHa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, vnΔIg.UAS
Diap1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryo | dorsal closure stage phenotype of Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
Diap1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype of Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of wing vein L4 phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa
Pi3K68DKD.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of anterior crossvein phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, aosUAS.cHa
Mmus\Tshz1UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic labial segment | ectopic phenotype of tsh8
Scer\GAL469B/Mmus\Tshz2UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of embryonic labial segment | ectopic phenotype of tsh8
Mmus\Tshz3UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic labial segment | ectopic phenotype of tsh8
Mmus\Tshz1UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic prothoracic segment phenotype of tsh8
Scer\GAL469B/Mmus\Tshz2UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of embryonic prothoracic segment phenotype of tsh8
Mmus\Tshz3UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic prothoracic segment phenotype of tsh8
Mmus\Tshz1UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype of tsh8
Scer\GAL469B/Mmus\Tshz2UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype of tsh8
Mmus\Tshz3UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype of tsh8
armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of ventral denticle belt phenotype of ci94
tshUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of ventral denticle belt phenotype of ci94
Snr1R3, Snr1cdel.3.UAS, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of wing vein L5 phenotype of CycEJP
Snr1R3, Snr1cdel.3.UAS, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of wing phenotype of CycEJP
armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of amnioserosa phenotype of hep1
dshΔDEP+.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of amnioserosa phenotype of hep1
dshΔDIX.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of amnioserosa phenotype of hep1
dshUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of amnioserosa phenotype of hep1
wgUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of amnioserosa phenotype of hep1
armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic dorsal epidermis phenotype of hep1
dshΔDEP+.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic dorsal epidermis phenotype of hep1
dshΔDIX.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic dorsal epidermis phenotype of hep1
dshUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic dorsal epidermis phenotype of hep1
wgUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic dorsal epidermis phenotype of hep1
dshΔDEP+.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic leading edge cell & actin filament phenotype of hep1
dshΔDIX.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic leading edge cell & actin filament phenotype of hep1
dshUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic leading edge cell & actin filament phenotype of hep1
wgUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic leading edge cell & actin filament phenotype of hep1
armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype of hep1
dshΔDIX.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype of hep1
dshUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype of hep1
wgUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype of hep1
dshΔDEP+.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype of hep1
Tak1K46R.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of posterior crossvein phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, nmoc5-1.UAS
baboQ302D.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of adult head capsule phenotype of ptchdl/ptcH84
vnUAS.cYa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of phenotype of mys11
CycEUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of wing & trichome phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, tumΔE1E.UAS
p38ba.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of wing disc phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, tkvCA.UAS
p38bDN.UAS/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of wing disc phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, tkvCA.UAS
Tcas\DfdUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of mouth hook phenotype of Dfd12/Dfd16
Tcas\DfdUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of cirri phenotype of Dfd12/Dfd16
Tcas\DfdUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of cephalopharyngeal skeleton | posterior phenotype of Dfd12/Dfd16
Tcas\DfdUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic head phenotype of Dfd12/Dfd16
Scer\GAL469B/aopACT.UAS is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | ventral phenotype of raw1
bnlUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of larval tracheal system phenotype of sfl03844
bnlUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of larval tracheal system phenotype of sgl08310
ovoUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic epidermis phenotype of EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
ovoUAS.cPa, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of ventral denticle belt phenotype of EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
ovoD1.UAS, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of denticle | ectopic phenotype of Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
ovoD1.UAS, Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic epidermis phenotype of Ras85DV12.UAS, Scer\GAL469B
tshUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic mesothoracic segment & sclerite | ectopic phenotype of spenpoc361
tshUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic metathoracic segment & sclerite | ectopic phenotype of spenpoc361
tshUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle phenotype of arm2
tkvQ253D.UAS.cNb/Scer\GAL469B is a suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype of msn172/msn102
Scer\GAL469B/fzUAS.N is a suppressor of wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, fz2UAS.cZa
pegUAS.EGFP/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of wing margin taste bristle | decreased number phenotype of wgKO.NRT-wg
bnlUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of tracheal primordium | embryonic stage phenotype of fandfas-1/fandH124
wgUAS.cUa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of embryonic cardioblast phenotype of raw1
wgUAS.cUa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of embryonic pericardial cell phenotype of raw1
tioUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of denticle row 1 phenotype of tsh8
tioUAS.cLa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of denticle row 2 phenotype of tsh8
tshUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B, ci94/ci94 is a non-suppressor of denticle phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC
armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of embryonic leading edge cell & actin filament phenotype of hep1
panUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of embryonic/first instar larval cuticle | dorsal phenotype of hep1
tkvQ253D.UAS.cLa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of embryo | germline clone | dorsal closure stage phenotype of Shark1
tkvQ253D.UAS.cNb/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of embryo | germline clone | dorsal closure stage phenotype of Shark1
msnF.UAS.Tag:M(Far-Unk)/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of photoreceptor & axon phenotype of dock04723
maf-SUAS.cVa/Scer\GAL469B is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval pharynx | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL469B, cncUAS.cVa
pcmUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL469B rescues pcm14
rawUAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B rescues raw1
msnUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL469B rescues msn102
msnUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL469B rescues msn172
msnUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL469B rescues msn102
jbugUAS.RF/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues jbug30
lncRNA:acalUAS.cRa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues lncRNA:acal5
ManfΔRSEL.UAS/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues ManfΔ96
Tsf2Y231F.UAS/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues Tsf2ex234
Cad96CaUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues Cad96Caunspecified
Cad96CaUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues Df(3R)Exel9056
chnUAS.cEa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues chnECJ1
shfUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues Df(1)2.5
Scer\GAL469B/C3GUAS.Tag:MYC partially rescues Df(1)2.5
tshUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues tsh8
scribΔPDZs.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues scribird15/scrib673
scrib4.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues scribird15/scrib673
scribΔPDZs.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues scribdt6/scrib673
scrib4.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues scribdt6/scrib673
scribΔPDZs.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues scribj7B3/scrib673
scrib4.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues scribj7B3/scrib673
hhUAS.cIa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues hh15/hhAC
hhN.UAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues hhAC
hhC85S.UAS.cGa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues hhAC
msnP656A,P659A.UAS/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues msn102
msn-CT.UAS/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues msn102
msnΔ332-667.UAS/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues msn102
msn-CT.UAS/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues msn172
DfdUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues Dfd12/Df(3R)Scr
sggUAS.cSa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues sggM11
dlg1ΔSH3.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues dlg114
dlg1ΔPDZ2:3.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues dlg114
dlg1ΔPDZ1.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues dlg114
dlg1ΔPDZ2.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues dlg114
Scer\GAL469B/kayUAS.cEa partially rescues kay1/kay2
prodUAS.cTa/Scer\GAL469B partially rescues prodk08810
jbugL.UAS/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue jbug20
jbugUAS.RC/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue jbug20
jbugUAS.RF/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue jbug20
jbugUAS.RI/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue jbug20
HaspinH420A.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue Haspin128
HaspinK282M.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue Haspin128
SseC497S.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue Ssedft
pcmUAS.ND/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue pcm14
hthUAS.cPa/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue hth64-1
ManfNMG1.UAS/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue ManfΔ96
tumUAS.Z.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue tumDH15
Cad96CaK504A.UAS/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue Cad96Caunspecified
scribΔLRR.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue scribird15/scrib673
scribΔPDZs.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL469B, scribΔLRR.UASp.Tag:Myr(Src42A),GFP fails to rescue scribird15/scrib673
Scer\GAL469B/scribΔLRR.UASp.Tag:Myr(Src42A),GFP fails to rescue scribird15/scrib673
scribL223Q.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue scribird15/scrib673
scribΔLRR.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue scribdt6/scrib673
Scer\GAL469B/scribΔLRR.UASp.Tag:Myr(Src42A),GFP fails to rescue scribdt6/scrib673
scribΔLRR.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue scribj7B3/scrib673
Scer\GAL469B/scribΔLRR.UASp.Tag:Myr(Src42A),GFP fails to rescue scribj7B3/scrib673
Scer\GAL469B/flwUAS.cRa fails to rescue flw6
Scer\GAL469B/msnKD.UAS fails to rescue msn102
Scer\GAL469B/msnKD.UAS fails to rescue msn172
dlg1ΔN2:3.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue dlg114
dlg1ΔC1:2.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue dlg114
dlg1ΔHOOK.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue dlg114
dlg1ΔPDZ1:2.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL469B fails to rescue dlg114