Drives mesodermal expression.
axon & mechanosensory neuron & adult head, with Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096, Scer\GAL4Mz1277, htlYY262/htlAB42, htlUAS.cMa
axon & ocellus sensory structure, with Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096, Scer\GAL4Mz1277, htlYY262/htlAB42, htlUAS.cMa
embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm, with Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.cRa, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR
HimUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has partially lethal phenotype, suppressible | partially by Mef2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Mef2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a suppressor | partially of partially lethal phenotype of HimUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, lzUAS.cBa has embryonic/larval crystal cell | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by srpNC.F.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, srpNC.F.UAS has embryonic/larval crystal cell | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by lzUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa has embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype, enhanceable by srpNC.F.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, twiUAS.cBa has embryonic somatic muscle cell | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by da5
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, twiUAS.cBa has embryonic/larval heart phenotype, enhanceable by da5
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, twiUAS.cBa has visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype, enhanceable by da5
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa has embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype, non-enhanceable by srpC.UAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa has embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype, non-enhanceable by srpNC.V421G.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB
HimUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has larval muscle system phenotype, suppressible | partially by Mef2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
HimUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has larval muscle system phenotype, suppressible by Df(3R)Espl22/groE48
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, srpNC.F.UAS has embryonic/larval crystal cell | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4twi.PB/ushUAS.cFa
EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has dorsal oblique muscle cell phenotype, suppressible by DeltaX
EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has pericardial cell phenotype, suppressible by DeltaX
EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has pericardial cell phenotype, suppressible by aosΔ7
EgfrDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has dorsal oblique muscle cell phenotype, suppressible by aosΔ7
Ras85DG13Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has muscle founder cell | increased number phenotype, suppressible by htlDN.UAS.cMb, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, htlDN.UAS.cMb has muscle founder cell phenotype, suppressible | partially by Ras85DG13Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.cRa, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype, suppressible | partially by tinEC40
Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.cRa, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype, suppressible | partially by tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa has embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype, non-suppressible by srpC.UAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa has embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype, non-suppressible by srpNC.V421G.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Nint.U.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has dorsal acute muscle cell | precursor phenotype, non-suppressible by pntP2.VP16.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Nint.U.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has dorsal oblique muscle cell | precursor phenotype, non-suppressible by pntP2.VP16.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Nint.U.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB has pericardial cell | precursor phenotype, non-suppressible by pntP2.VP16.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
srpNC.F.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is an enhancer of embryonic/larval crystal cell | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, lzUAS.cBa
lzUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is an enhancer of embryonic/larval crystal cell | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, srpNC.F.UAS
srpNC.F.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is an enhancer of embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa
srpC.UAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-enhancer of embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa
srpNC.V421G.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-enhancer of embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa
Mef2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a suppressor | partially of larval muscle system phenotype of HimUAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
WASpUAS.Tag:Myr(Src64B)/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a suppressor of visceral muscle fiber | embryonic stage phenotype of Vrp1D30
WASpUAS.Tag:Myr(Src64B)/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a suppressor of myoblast | embryonic stage phenotype of Vrp1D30
WASpUAS.Tag:Myr(Src64B)/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a suppressor of dorsal acute muscle cell | embryonic stage phenotype of Vrp1D30
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/wgl-17 is a suppressor of abdominal ventral transverse muscle 1 founder cell phenotype of twiUAS.cBa
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/twiUAS.cBa is a suppressor of abdominal lateral oblique muscle 1 founder cell phenotype of wgl-17
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/twiUAS.cBa is a suppressor of abdominal ventral transverse muscle 1 founder cell phenotype of wgl-17
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/htlλ.UAS is a suppressor of mesoderm phenotype of pbl3
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/ushUAS.cFa is a suppressor of embryonic/larval crystal cell | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, srpNC.F.UAS
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/EgfrDN.UAS is a suppressor of dorsal acute muscle cell | ectopic phenotype of aosΔ7
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/EgfrDN.UAS is a suppressor of dorsal acute muscle cell | precursor | ectopic phenotype of aosΔ7
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/EgfrDN.UAS is a suppressor of dorsal oblique muscle cell | ectopic phenotype of aosΔ7
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/EgfrDN.UAS is a suppressor of dorsal oblique muscle cell | precursor | ectopic phenotype of aosΔ7
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/EgfrDN.UAS is a suppressor of pericardial cell | ectopic phenotype of aosΔ7
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/EgfrDN.UAS is a suppressor of pericardial cell | precursor | ectopic phenotype of aosΔ7
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/Ras85DG13Q.UAS is a suppressor of hindgut visceral muscle fiber phenotype of htlS1-28
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/Ras85DG13Q.UAS is a suppressor of hindgut visceral muscle primordium phenotype of htlS1-28
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of hindgut visceral muscle primordium phenotype of wgl-17
htlDN.UAS.cMb, Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a suppressor of muscle founder cell | increased number phenotype of Ras85DG13Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Ras85DG13Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a suppressor | partially of muscle founder cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, htlDN.UAS.cMb
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.ΔNK, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a suppressor of visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.ΔNK, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a suppressor of embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.cRa is a suppressor of visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.cRa is a suppressor of embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.1-53:54-319, Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a suppressor of embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.Nkx-tin, Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a suppressor of visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.HDs is a suppressor of visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.HDs is a suppressor of embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.tin-Nkx, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a suppressor of visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.tin-Nkx, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a suppressor of embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.tin-HD,Nkx is a suppressor of visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.tin-HD,Nkx is a suppressor of embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.tin.1-220 is a suppressor of visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.tin.1-220 is a suppressor of embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.tin.1-134, Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a suppressor of visceral trunk mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
tin::Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.tin.1-134, Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a suppressor of embryonic/larval heart & mesoderm phenotype of tinEC40
WASpUAS.C.GFP/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of visceral muscle fiber | embryonic stage phenotype of Vrp1D30
WASpUAS.C.GFP/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of myoblast | embryonic stage phenotype of Vrp1D30
WASpUAS.C.GFP/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of dorsal acute muscle cell | embryonic stage phenotype of Vrp1D30
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/twiUAS.cBa is a non-suppressor of abdominal ventral acute muscle 1 founder cell phenotype of wgl-17
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/twiUAS.cBa is a non-suppressor of abdominal ventral acute muscle 2 founder cell phenotype of wgl-17
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/twiUAS.cBa is a non-suppressor of abdominal ventral acute muscle 3 founder cell phenotype of wgl-17
htlUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of mesoderm phenotype of pbl3
Rho1V14.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of mesoderm phenotype of pblunspecified
srpC.UAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa
srpNC.V421G.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval crystal cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4twi.PB, ushUAS.cFa
pntP2.VP16.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of dorsal acute muscle cell | precursor phenotype of Nint.U.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
pntP2.VP16.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of dorsal oblique muscle cell | precursor phenotype of Nint.U.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
pntP2.VP16.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB is a non-suppressor of pericardial cell | precursor phenotype of Nint.U.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/Mef2III.UAS is a non-suppressor of embryonic myoblast phenotype of lmdA388
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, bapUAS.cRa is a non-suppressor of phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Mmus\Nkx2-5UAS.ΔC, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR is a non-suppressor of phenotype of tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR, Rnor\Nkx2-1UAS.cRa is a non-suppressor of phenotype of tinEC40
ttkp69.UAS, Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4how-24B partially rescues ttkD2-50
Gyc76CUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR partially rescues Gyc76C2388
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/Rho1UAS.cHa partially rescues Rho11B
foi704.UAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4twi.PB partially rescues foi20.71
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/foiY646A.UAS.Tag:HA partially rescues foi20.71
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/pblUAS.cPa partially rescues pbl3
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/lmdUAS.cRa partially rescues lmdA388
twi2x.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB partially rescues twi1
htlUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mz1277, Scer\GAL4Bx-MS1096 partially rescues htlYY262/htlAB42
Scer\GAL4twi.PB/kirreUAS.cRa partially rescues Df(1)w67k30
tinUAS.ΔC, Scer\GAL4twi.PB, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR partially rescues tinEC40
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, tinUAS.Δ43-123, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR partially rescues tinEC40
Vrp1ΔC.UAS/Scer\GAL4twi.PB fails to rescue Vrp1D30
htlUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4twi.PB fails to rescue htlYY262/htlAB42
Scer\GAL4twi.PB, tinUAS.ΔHD, Scer\GAL4Mef2.PR fails to rescue tinEC40