mesothoracic tergum & macrochaeta | somatic clone | cell non-autonomous
Somatic clones of Pka-C1E95 homozygous cells in the posterior compartment of the adult wing blade persist after surrounding heterozygous or wild-type cells have died.
Homozygous clones in the notum induce formation of macrochaetae in adjacent wild-type cells. Only wild-type cells on or lateral to the dorsocentral (DC) meridian respond to the nearby presence of a homozygous clone by making extra macrochaetae. Most clones in the scutum lateral or medial to the DC meridian form pits, invaginations into the cuticle surface. In the medial prescutum, most homozygous clones form normal patterns containing only microchaetae and these clones do not contain macrochaetae.
Homozygous clones in the wing induce the formation of supernumerary wings. Within the supernumerary wing, the homozygous cells contribute to intervein tissue that normally forms posteriorly to vein 3.
Clones in the anterior compartment of the adult abdomen develop normally or almost normally when they arise near the anterior/posterior compartment boundary. Clones that arise more anteriorly in the a3 and a4 regions, form cuticle characteristic of a more posterior position (a5) within the anterior compartment, and the hairs and bristles produced are more crowded than in the surrounding wild-type tissue. This transformation is autonomous. The polarity of hairs and bristles both within and outside the clone is abnormal. Anterior clones are under-represented. Clones that are doubly mutant for Pka-C1E95 and wgl-17, or triply mutant for Pka-C1E95, wgl-17 and dppunspecified have the same phenotype as single mutant Pka-C1E95 clones. Clones that arise in the a2 anterior region of the anterior compartment are transformed to make naked a1 cuticle.
Homozygous mutant clones in the wing produce supernumerary double anterior wings and in the leg anterior clones both ventrally and dorsally cause supernumerary double anterior hindlegs.
Ommatidia within a clone are invariably mutant, ommatidia may have extra or less photoreceptor cells, appear to be of either chiral form and in a random orientation. Ommatidia in a region posterior to a clone are of the inappropriate chiral form but they are still mirror reflection either side of the equator. This presumable reflects the backward flow of the ectopic wave before it meets the anteriorly advancing endogenous wave. Ommatidia anterior to the clones have the correct chirality and orientation as the morphogenetic ectopic wave is moving in the correct posterior to anterior direction. It is unclear of ommatidial chirality is perturbed in regions where the morphogenetic wave flows perpendicular to the normal direction.
Pka-C1E95 has abnormal planar polarity | somatic clone phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(2L)RF
Pka-C1[+]/Pka-C1E95 is a suppressor of partially lethal - majority die | maternal effect phenotype of Pka-R118304
Pka-C1E95 has macrochaeta | ectopic | somatic clone | cell non-autonomous phenotype, suppressible by dppH61
Pka-C1[+]/Pka-C1E95 is a suppressor of embryonic abdominal segment | germline clone | maternal effect phenotype of Pka-R1E1/Pka-R118304
Pka-C1[+]/Pka-C1E95 is a suppressor of embryonic head | germline clone | maternal effect phenotype of Pka-R1E1/Pka-R118304
The non-autonomous extra macrochaetae phenotype of homozygous clones is suppressed if the clones are also homozygous for dppH61. Unlike Pka-C1E95 clones, sgg32 Pka-C1E95 double mutant clones in the medial prescutum produce macrochaetae autonomously, and unlike sgg32 clones, the double mutant clones have a symmetrical bristle pattern. In the posterior scutum, sgg32 Pka-C1E95 double mutant clones have a scutellar phenotype very similar to that of Pka-C1E95 clones. In the anterior scutum, sgg32 Pka-C1E95 double mutant clones no longer show the non-autonomous induction of macrochaetae or formation of pits characteristic of Pka-C1E95 clones. Formation of macrochaetae within the double mutant clones is increased relative to sgg32 clones.
Clones double mutant for dppH61 Pka-C1E95 do not cause supernumerary structures in the leg and wing. Clones positioned at the compartment boundary exhibit long range effects causing a marked reduction in wing size and loss of vein pattern in anterior and posterior compartments. Short range effects include inducing immediate neighbours to form ectopic veins and margin bristles, the clones fail to differentiate wing veins in a cell autonomous fashion. dppd12 Pka-C1E95 also fail to form veins in the anterior compartment. wgl-17 Pka-C1E95 clones cause local outgrowths of leg tissue and on rare occasions form of supernumerary legs.
Global rearrangements of the wing and leg occur as the clones express dpp.