P-element insertion within an intron.
ommatidium (with aopyan-1)
aopA141 mutants exhibit on average 37% extra R7 cells.
Homozygotes exhibit 20% mutant ommatidia.
Eyes are mildly rough, only 20% ommatidia contain extra R7 cells.
Rough eye phenotype due to supernumerary R7 cells.
Almost wild type external appearance of the eye.
Homozygotes have reduced viability and fertility. Weak rough eye phenotype, 20% of ommatidia contain at least one extra photoreceptor.
aopA141 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Dp(1;2)51b
aopA141 has photoreceptor cell R7 | increased number phenotype, enhanceable by pp2c99B[+]/alphS-331
aopA141 has photoreceptor cell R7 | increased number phenotype, enhanceable by alphS-331
aopA141 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Su(H)del47
aopA141 has photoreceptor cell R7 phenotype, enhanceable by ttk55.3
aopA141 has phenotype, enhanceable by Df(3R)ttk-Δ4/+
aopA141 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by Dp(1;2)51b
aopA141 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by RasGAP1rI533
aopA141 has ommatidium phenotype, enhanceable by RasGAP1rI533
aopA141 has eye photoreceptor cell phenotype, enhanceable by RasGAP1rI533
aopA141 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by pnt07825Δ78
aopA141 has ommatidium phenotype, suppressible by N55e11
aopA141 is a suppressor of photoreceptor cell R7 phenotype of SosJC2, sev6
alphc04528, aopA141 has photoreceptor cell R7 | increased number phenotype
Homozygous aopA141 mutants, with one copy of alphS-331 exhibit an increase from 37% to 86% in the number of extra R7 cells. Double homozygotes exhibit extra R7 cells in all ommatidia, with an average of almost three R7 cells per ommatidium, which visibly increases eye roughness.
Double homozygotes of alphc04528 and aopA141 exhibit extra R7 cells in all ommatidia, with an average of almost three R7 cells per ommatidium, which visibly increases eye roughness.
The addition of Su(H)del47 to aopA141 homozygotes leads to 44% of ommatidia being mutant. The addition of Su(H)del47 to pnt07825Δ78 homozygotes leads to 1.3% of ommatidia being mutant.
Loss of wild type ttk enhances the phenotype so up to 75% ommatidia contain extra R7 cells.
Enhancer of the dosage-dependent (two or more copies of P{sev-svp1} or P{sev-svp2}) transformation of cone cells into R7 photoreceptors and at a lower frequency R7 cells into outer photoreceptors.
sev6/sev+; SosJC2/aopA141 mutants exhibit an increase in the number of R7 cells compared to sev6/SosJC2 mutants with two functional aop copies. Transheterozygotes with Dp(1;2)51b exhibit enhancement of the rough eye phenotype and transheterozygotes with N55e11 exhibit suppression of the mutant eye phenotype.
Mutant phenotype of aopA141 can be reverted by excision of the P-element.
Weak aop mutation.