Amino acid replacement: Q163term.
Q163term | ksr-PA; Q163term | ksr-PB; Q163term | ksr-PC; Q163term | ksr-PD
ksrS-627 embryos derived from mothers bearing ksrS-627 mutant germline clones and thus lacking both maternal and zygotic ksr do not show any loss of muscle founder cells at late embryonic stages and only display rather mild visceral muscle phenotypes such as myotube stretching defects at stage 13/14 and incomplete midgut constriction at the end of embryogenesis.
ksrS-627 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Dsor1XS520
ksrS-627 is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of Pp2B-14Dact.GMR
ksrS-627 is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of CanBGMR.PS, Pp2B-14Dact.GMR
ksrS-627 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of RetMEN2A.GMR
ksrS-627 is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of CanBGMR.PS, Pp2B-14Dact.GMR
ksrS-627 is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of Pp2B-14Dact.GMR
ksrS-627 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of Dsor1XS520
ksrS-627 is a non-enhancer of eye phenotype of Pp2B-14Dact.GMR
ksrS-627 is a non-enhancer of eye phenotype of CanBGMR.PS, Pp2B-14Dact.GMR
ksrS-627 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of RetMEN2A.GMR
ksrS-627 is a suppressor of phenotype of Ras85DV12.sev
ksrS-627 is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of CanBGMR.PS, Pp2B-14Dact.GMR
ksrS-627 is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of Pp2B-14Dact.GMR
Suppresses the rough eye phenotype of Ras85DV12.sev. Enhances the phenotype of Ras85DN17.sev. Has little or no effect on the phenotype of phl::tor13D.hs.sev. Suppresses the phenotype of Ras85D::Src64BV12.ΔCAAX.sev. Enhances the lethality of phl12. Enhances the phl12 eye phenotype. Enhances the Dsor1XS520 eye phenotype. Enhances the aopS2382 eye phenotype.