Mutation in S6 in domain III.
M1536I | para-PA; M1489I | para-PAA; M1491I | para-PAB; M1489I | para-PAC; M1491I | para-PAD; M1513I | para-PAE; M1515I | para-PAF; M1494I | para-PAG; M1512I | para-PAH; M1491I | para-PAI; M1537I | para-PAJ; M1502I | para-PAK; M1516I | para-PAL; M1488I | para-PAM; M1548I | para-PAN; M1518I | para-PAO; M1502I | para-PAP; M1494I | para-PAQ; M1472I | para-PAS; M1461I | para-PAT; M1467I | para-PAW; M1504I | para-PAX; M1537I | para-PAY; M1516I | para-PAZ; M1536I | para-PB; M1537I | para-PBA; M1471I | para-PBB; M1461I | para-PBD; M1536I | para-PBF; M1536I | para-PBG; M1460I | para-PBH; M1536I | para-PC; M1519I | para-PD; M1513I | para-PE; M1513I | para-PF; M1492I | para-PG; M1502I | para-PH; M1484I | para-PI; M1505I | para-PJ; M1481I | para-PK; M1492I | para-PL; M1505I | para-PM; M1505I | para-PN; M1497I | para-PO; M1526I | para-PP; M1481I | para-PQ; M1484I | para-PR; M1505I | para-PS; M1515I | para-PT; M1523I | para-PU; M1502I | para-PV; M1507I | para-PW; M1530I | para-PX; M1543I | para-PY; M1494I | para-PZ
The nature of the nucleotide substitution in the mutant was inferred by a FlyBase curator based on the reported amino acid change. The location of the amino acid change was reported in the context of the surrounding amino acid sequence.
para74 mutant larvae do not display any resistance to picrotoxin (PTX)-induced seizures.
para74 and para74/paraDN7 flies show increased resistance to allethrin compared to wild type lifes in a lethality assay. para74 neurons isolated from embryos and maintained in culture have sodium currents that are kinetically similar to wild-type currents in activation, inactivation and time to peak. Application of 500nM allethrin has little effect on para74 mutant sodium channels, in contrast to wild type, where it causes removal of inactivation and prolonged tail currents.
Homozygous flies show significant resistance to dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro ethane (DDT) compared to wild-type flies. Homozygous flies have a modest level of resistance (2.58 fold) to deltamethrin compared to wild-type flies. para74/paraDN7 transheterozygotes have a 105 fold resistance to deltamethrin compared to wild-type flies. This high level of resistance is not altered if the flies also carry Tp(1;2)r+75c.
Suppresses the leg shaking phenotype of Sh14.