P-element insertion 1.2kb upstream of the first exon.
ttkrM730 mutant eye clones display severe degeneration of the corneal lens, with ommatidia and sensory bristles failing to properly develop.
In 90% of ttkrM730 mutant third instar eye disc clones, 2-3 presumptive R7 photoreceptor cells are observed seven rows posterior to the morphogenetic furrow, compared to just one R7 cell in control tissue. A reduced number of cone cells is observed in mutant clones.
The number of neurons associated with the pentascolopidial sensory organ is approximately double that of wild type in mutant embryos.
Homozygous clones in the adult eye cause degeneration of the corneal lens and a failure of photoreceptor development. Rhabdomeres of photoreceptors are not observed in clones, but residual cellular structures in the mutant ommatidia are still recognizable. Genetically mosaic ommatidia are not seen near the boundary of the clone. Ectopic neurons are not seen between or below the developing ommatidia in homozygous clones in third instar larvae. Larval eye development seems close to normal in the absence of ttk, although the ommatidial clusters in clones were somewhat disorganised. Cone cell development appears normal.
Large mitotic clones in the eye were rarely observed, small clones often causes scars.
ttkrM730 has visible | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by lzmr2
ttkrM730 is a non-suppressor of increased mortality during development phenotype of Scer\GAL4nanos.PG, runUAS.cLa
ttk[+]/ttkrM730 is a non-suppressor of partially lethal phenotype of Scer\GAL4nanos.PG, runUAS.cLa
ttkrM730 has larval abdominal lch5 neuron | increased number phenotype, enhanceable by Mi-24
HDAC11-3, ttkrM730 has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Mi-24/Mi-2[+]
HDAC13-10, ttkrM730 has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Mi-24/Mi-2[+]
HDAC15-5, ttkrM730 has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Mi-24/Mi-2[+]
ttkrM730 has abdominal lateral pentascolopidial chordotonal organ lch5 phenotype, enhanceable by Mi-24
ttkrM730 has eye | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by lzmr2
ttkrM730 has ommatidium | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by lzmr2
ttkrM730 has interommatidial bristle | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by lzmr2
hry41/h[+], ttkrM730 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by sc[+]/sc1
hry41/h[+], ttkrM730 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by scase-1/sc[+]
ttk[+]/ttkrM730 is an enhancer of wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype of acHw-49c
ttk[+]/ttkrM730 is an enhancer of wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype of acHw-1
CtBP87De-10, ttkrM730 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype
emcip15, ttkrM730 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype
hry41/h[+], ttkrM730 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype
emcE12, ttkrM730 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype
emcip15, ttk[+]/ttkrM730 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype
hry41, ttk[+]/ttkrM730 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype
HDAC13-10, ttkrM730 has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype
HDAC15-5, ttkrM730 has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype
HDAC11-3, ttkrM730 has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype
The addition of ttkrM730/+ to acHw-49c/+ animals leads to an 1.35 enhancement of the ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype. The addition of ttkrM730/+ to acHw-1/+ animals leads to an 1.4 enhancement of the ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype. The addition of ttkrM730/+ to emcE12/+ or emcip15/+ animals leads to a weak ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype. The addition of ttkrM730/+ to h41/+ animals leads to a ectopic wing margin bristle phenotype. The addition of scase-1/Y to h41/+, ttkrM730/+ animals leads to a complete suppression of the ectopic margin bristle phenotype. The addition ofsc1/Y to h41/+, ttkrM730/+ animals leads to an almost complete suppression of the ectopic margin bristle phenotype. The addition of Df(3R)awd-KRB to h41/+, ttkrM730/+ animals leads to a suppression of the ectopic margin bristle phenotype. CtBP87De-10 combined with ttkrM730 exhibit an ectopic margin bristle phenotype.
The partial lethality due to runScer\UAS.cLa; Scer\GAL4nos.PG (3% viable) is not suppressed by maternal heterozygosity for ttkrM730.
The number of neurons associated with the pentascolopidial sensory organ in ttkrM730 mutant embryos is significantly increased if they are also mutant for Mi-24. ttkrM730 Rpd31-3 double mutants have ectopic sensory bristles on the wing veins. ttkrM730 Rpd35-5 double mutants have ectopic sensory bristles on the wing veins. ttkrM730 Rpd33-10 double mutants have ectopic sensory bristles on the wing veins.