ScerGAL4pros.PMG drives expression in most, if not all, neuroblasts from embryonic stage 10 onwards.
Drives expression in neuroblasts and sensory organ precursor cells, and in embryonic/larval garland cells.
ScerGAL4pros.PMG drives expression in garland cell nephrocytes from embryonic stage 16.
The pupal expression is the same as that observed for native pros expression.
ScerGAL4pros.PMG is expressed in newly generated neurons of the larva but not in mature neurons.
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by UbxUAS.cCa/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/UbxUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa
UbxUAS.cCa/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG
abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/UbxUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype of Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/NUAS.cBa is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/fngUAS.cKa is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, DeltaUAS.cLa, neurUAS.cPa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, htsKK101849 has slit diaphragm | larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by Gcn5HMS00941, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, htsKK101849 has embryonic/larval garland cell | larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by Gcn5HMS00941, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa has ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa has larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG has ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by UbxUAS.cCa/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG has larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by UbxUAS.cCa/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/UbxUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/UbxUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa has ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa has larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG has ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG has larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Df(3L)ED225
NDN.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has mechanosensory chaeta | adult stage | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by Rbfox1RNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval EL neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval RP2 motor neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has U neuron | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has Usib neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has dMP2 neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has vMP2 neuron | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has RP2sib neuron | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has U neuron | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has Usib neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has dMP2 neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has vMP2 neuron | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval EL neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval RP2 motor neuron phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has RP2sib neuron | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by spdoG104/spdoG104
Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Sec6JF02623, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nucleus | larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Sec6JF02623, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nephrocyte diaphragm | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Sec6JF02623, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Sec15JF02649, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nephrocyte diaphragm | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Sec15JF02649, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rab5UAS.EGFP, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nephrocyte diaphragm | larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rab5UAS.EGFP, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Hsap\AMNUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cubn2E3-1/Cubn2E3-1
Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has nucleus | larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Sec15JF02649, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval EL neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has RP2sib neuron | increased number phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has Usib neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has dMP2 neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has vMP2 neuron | increased number phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval RP2 motor neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has U neuron | increased number phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has Usib neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has dMP2 neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has vMP2 neuron | increased number phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval RP2 motor neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has larval EL neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has RP2sib neuron | increased number phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
Nintra.GS.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG has U neuron | increased number phenotype, non-suppressible by spdoG104/spdoG104
Gcn5HMS00941, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is an enhancer of slit diaphragm | larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, htsKK101849
Gcn5HMS00941, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is an enhancer of embryonic/larval garland cell | larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, htsKK101849
abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa
abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, UbxUAS.cCa
UbxUAS.cCa/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG
UbxUAS.cCa/Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG
abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/UbxUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of ventral nerve cord primordium | embryonic stage phenotype of Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
abd-AUAS.Tag:FLAG/UbxUAS.cCa, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of larval neuroblast | embryonic stage phenotype of Abd-BUAS.Tag:V5, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Rbfox1RNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-enhancer of mechanosensory chaeta | adult stage | increased number phenotype of NDN.UAS.cUa, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/mgld06015 is a suppressor | partially of nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype of Amnionless3
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/mgld06015 is a suppressor | partially of nephrocyte diaphragm | larval stage phenotype of Amnionless3
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/Hsap\AMNUAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor | partially of nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype of Amnionless3
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/Hsap\AMNUAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor | partially of nephrocyte diaphragm | larval stage phenotype of Amnionless3
Sec6JF02623, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a suppressor | partially of nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype of Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Sec6JF02623, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a suppressor | partially of nucleus | larval stage phenotype of Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Sec6JF02623, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a suppressor of nephrocyte diaphragm | larval stage phenotype of Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Sec15JF02649, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a suppressor | partially of nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype of Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Sec15JF02649, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a suppressor of nephrocyte diaphragm | larval stage phenotype of Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Rab5UAS.EGFP, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a suppressor | partially of nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype of Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Rab5UAS.EGFP, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a suppressor | partially of nephrocyte diaphragm | larval stage phenotype of Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/NUAS.cBa is a suppressor of dMP2 neuron | ectopic phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/NUAS.cBa is a suppressor of vMP2 neuron phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/fngUAS.cKa is a suppressor of dMP2 neuron | ectopic phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/fngUAS.cKa is a suppressor of vMP2 neuron phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/scramb2UAS.ORF.GW.Tag:HA is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval garland cell | larval stage phenotype of scramb143
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/scramb2UAS.ORF.GW.Tag:HA is a non-suppressor of slit diaphragm | larval stage | absent phenotype of scramb143
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/scramb1::scramb2UAS.Tag:V5 is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval garland cell | larval stage phenotype of scramb143
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/scramb1::scramb2UAS.Tag:V5 is a non-suppressor of slit diaphragm | larval stage | absent phenotype of scramb143
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/mgld06015 is a non-suppressor | partially of nephrocyte | larval stage phenotype of Amnionless3
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/mgld06015 is a non-suppressor of nucleus | larval stage phenotype of Amnionless3
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/Hsap\AMNUAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of nucleus | larval stage phenotype of Amnionless3
Sec15JF02649, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG is a non-suppressor of nucleus | larval stage phenotype of Cubn2GD10455, Scer\GAL4pros.PMG
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, DeltaUAS.cLa, neurUAS.cPa is a non-suppressor of dMP2 neuron | ectopic phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, DeltaUAS.cLa, neurUAS.cPa is a non-suppressor of vMP2 neuron phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG, DeltaUAS.cLa, neurUAS.cPa is a non-suppressor of embryonic pericardial cell phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/DeltaUAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of U neuron phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/DeltaUAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of larval RP2 motor neuron phenotype of spdoG104
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/scramb1F378A.UAS.A.Tag:V5 partially rescues scramb143
mira1-727.UASp.GFP/Scer\GAL4pros.PMG partially rescues Df(3R)I9
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/wgUAS.cGa partially rescues wgl-17
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprka901/Itprug3
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/Gβ13FUAS.cFa partially rescues Gβ13Ff261
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/scramb13NP.UAS.A.Tag:V5 fails to rescue scramb143
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/scramb1D372A.F378A.UAS.A.Tag:V5 fails to rescue scramb143
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/fraUAS.cKa fails to rescue fra3/fra4
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/l(2)glMC.UAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue l(2)gl1
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/l(2)glC+β.UAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue l(2)gl1
l(2)glM.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4pros.PMG fails to rescue l(2)gl1
Scer\GAL4pros.PMG/l(2)glN.UAS.Tag:MYC fails to rescue l(2)gl1
F. Matzuzaki and S. Goto