fertile (with Df(2L)30A-C)
fertile (with Df(2L)N22-3)
fertile (with Df(2L)s1402)
fertile (with zf30CEP518)
fertile (with zf30CEP2228)
visible (with Df(2L)30A-C)
visible (with Df(2L)N22-3)
visible (with Df(2L)s1402)
wild-type (with zf30CEP518)
wild-type (with zf30CEP2228)
wing (with Df(2L)30A-C)
wing (with Df(2L)N22-3)
wing (with Df(2L)s1402)
wing vein L5 (with Df(2L)30A-C)
wing vein L5 (with Df(2L)N22-3)
wing vein L5 (with Df(2L)s1402)
wing vein L5 (with Df(2L)γ7)
zf30Ck02506 in combination with Df(2L)30A-C, Df(2L)γ7, Df(2L)N22-3 or Df(2L)s1402 gave incompletely penetrant shortening of the L5 wing vein and posterior crossvein. L5 vein shortening was seen in a minority of flies and PCV shortening was uncommon. Females (and males) carrying zf30Ck02506 in combination with Df(2L)30A-C, Df(2L)γ7, Df(2L)N22-3 or Df(2L)s1402 were all fertile.
Stated to be lethal. See Cook, 2002.3.7, personal communication to FlyBase for revision of phenotypic data.
The phenotypes of zf30CEP518 and zf30CEP2228 in combination with zf30Ck02506 were less severe than phenotypes in combination with the deletions. No wing defects or female sterility was seen in zf30CEP518/zf30Ck02506 flies. zf30CEP2228/zf30Ck02506 flies showed only weakly penetrant L5 shortening or thinning, and females were fertile. Dp(2;Y)cb50; zf30Ck02506/Df(2L)s1402 males were normal.
Separable from: l(2)DB2k025.
The severity of the zf30C alleles can be ranked zf30Ck02506 < zf30CEP518 < zf30CEP2228 in terms of wing phenotype and female sterility. Complements: undΔ34.
Complements: hoipk05712. Complements: FKBP59k09010.