Hsp70 promoter drives expression of a genomic fragment of ftz-f1.
Using the heat-inducible ftz-f1hs.PM line, pupation timing is significantly advanced by around 30min when heat shock is received at 6hr APF (no advancement is seen when animals are exposed at 7hr APF or later).
In ftz-f1ex7/ftz-f103649 mutants, no pupation occurs; when ftz-f1hs.PM is induced at 8hr APF or later, pupation occurs and is delayed (length of delay depends on the timing of the heat shock).
Expression of ftz-f1hs.PM in a wild-type background using heat shock at or around 36 or 60 hours after egg laying results in a drastic decrease in the number of animals that survive to adulthood. Animals that are heat shocked during the critical period can survive for at least a few days, but they never progress to the next larval instar stage. The larvae have two pairs of mouth hooks, cephalopharyngeal skeletons, anterior and posterior spiracles and double tubular tracheae, and cuticle for the third instar is present in addition to that for the second instar 24 hours after heat shock. The cuticle consists of two sets of epicuticle layers and lamellar endocuticle layers. The epicuticle layer is not even and in some cases is discontinuous. Expression of ftz-f1hs.PM in a wild-type background during the mid- to late prepupal preiod and early pupal period has no effect on development. Heat treatment in the period between 0-4 hours after puparium formation arrests development before stage P4.
ftz-f1hs.PM is a suppressor of lethal | pupal stage phenotype of Cyp18a1GD1176, Scer\GAL4da.G32
ftz-f1hs.PM is a suppressor of leg | pupal stage phenotype of Cyp18a1GD1176, Scer\GAL4da.G32
ftz-f1hs.PM is a suppressor of leg | pupal stage phenotype of Cyp18a1GD1176, Scer\GAL4da.G32, Scer\GAL80ts.αTub84B
Induction of expression of ftz-f1hs.PM at 25[o]C in animals expressing Cyp18a1GD1176 under the control of Scer\GAL4da.G32 rescues lethality and leg abnormalities.
Induction of expression of ftz-f1hs.PM at 25[o]C in animals expressing Cyp18a1GD1176 under the control of Scer\GAL4da.G32 and Scer\GAL80ts.αTub84B rescues the leg malformation phenotype. Only 12% of animals display any leg defects, compared to 87% of control animals.
ftz-f1hs.PM partially rescues ftz-f103649/ftz-f1ex7
ftz-f1hs.PM partially rescues ftz-f103649/ftz-f1ex7
ftz-f1hs.PM partially rescues ftz-f1ex7
In ftz-f1ex7/ftz-f103649 mutants, no pupation occurs when ftz-f1hs.PM is induced at 4 or 5hr APF, but 75 or 100% of animals become pupa at 12.3 or 12.6 APF on average when ftz-f1hs.PM is induced at 6 or 7hr APF, respectively.
About 40% of ftz-f1ex7 homozygous embryos hatch when ftz-f1hs.PM is expressed using heat shock at 13-16 hours after egg laying. ftz-f1ex7 lethality is not rescued by heat shock at other times. ftz-f1hs.PM rescues ftz-f1ex7/ftz-f103649 animals that are arrested as prepupae before stage P4; the rescued animals are able to become pupae and a fraction of them develop until at least stage P12. Efficient rescue is seen when the animals are heat shocked 6-10 hours after puparium formation.