Drives expression in the alpha, beta, alpha', beta' and gamma lobes of the mushroom body.
Expression is limited to alpha, beta, and gamma neurons in the adult mushroom body.
Expression is found in only a few alpha'/beta' neurons.
Expression of ScerGAL4c309 is within a large subset of the Kenyon cells.
Expression is highest in the mushroom bodies, but is generally widespread.
In third instar larva, expression in antennal disc restricted to groups of cells.
Expression in adult brain primarily in corpora pedunculata (mushroom body).
adult brain, with shi1.UAS
eye | ectopic, with OptixFL.UAS
eye | ectopic, with so::OptixCT.UAS
eye | ectopic, with so::OptixNT.UAS
eye | ectopic, with so::OptixNT+CT.UAS
Inhibition of neural activity in Scer\GAL4c309-expressing neurons does not affect sensitivity to (S,Z,Z)-CH503 (a more potent stereoisomer of the gustatory sex pheromone CH503). As in wild type flies, courtship defects are seen in response to (S,Z,Z)-CH503.
Scer\GAL4c309, dcoGD1259 has decreased sleep | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by per01
Scer\GAL4c309/Dop1R1UAS.cBa rescues Df(3R)red-P52/+
Scer\GAL4c309/Nf1UAS.cdNa partially rescues Nf1P2/Nf1P1
Scer\GAL4c309, incf00285 partially rescues incf00285
Scer\GAL4c309, incf00285 partially rescues incf00285
Scer\GAL4c309/Adcy1UAS.cZa partially rescues Adcy1rut-2080
Scer\GAL4c309/Pka-C1UAS.cKa partially rescues Pka-C1X4/Pka-C1MB581
Adcy1UAS.cHa/Scer\GAL4c309 partially rescues Adcy1rut-1
Scer\GAL4c309/Dop2RUAS.cDa fails to rescue Dop2RattP
TbhUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4c309 fails to rescue TbhnM18
amnUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4c309 fails to rescue amnX8