Comment: strong expression
Comment: 62 of 110 labeled neurons
Comment: faint expression
Comment: faint expression
Comment: only expressed in 'old' secondary neuroblasts.
Drives expression in the mushroom body and mushroom body neurons.
ScerGAL4ey-OK107 drives expression in neuroblasts, ganglion mother cells and neurons of the developing larval medulla.
ScerGAL4ey-OK107 drives expression in neurons that densely innervate the larval antennal lobes (AL). The cell bodies of labeled neurons are located in a cluster ventrolateral to the AL.
The expression of ey, ap, and Dll were compared in outer optic lobes (OPC) starting in late third instar larvae. At this stage they were expressed as three distinct cell populations. In anterior sections, the three genes are expressed a three parallele stripes of cells that represent rows of neurons that emerge from the OPC. They correspond to progeny from the youngest to oldest neuroblasts. In middle sections, Dll-positive cells are generated in the progeny of the oldest neuroblasts, with ey-positive and ap-positive cells often placed below Dll-positive (in cells that had emerged earlier from the these neuroblasts). By the beginning of pupation, the number of cells origination from the OPC increased. A major reorganization of optic lobe structure occurs around P20 such that the three stripes are no longer distinguishable and the three cell populations are extensively interspersed within the adult medulla cortex. ey is expressed in neuroblasts and in the vast majority of neurons derived from ey-positive neuroblasts. Expression does not persist in pupae.
ScerGAL4ey-OK107 is expressed in the larval and adult mushroom body alpha'/beta', alpha/beta and gamma neurons and the Kenyon cells in the calyx. Co-expression with presynaptic markers labels restricted domains in the dendrites of Kenyon cells in the mushroom body lobes and calyx. A postsynaptic marker is expressed in the dendrites of Kenyon cells in the calyx, in a distinct domain to the pre-synapses.
Expression of ScerGAL4ey-OK107 is seen in cell bodies found in the local interneuron cluster located ventral to the antennal lobe. Most labelled cells are bilaterally projecting interneurons.
ScerGAL4ey-OK107 drives expression in the insulin producing cells (IPC) and in other cells of the dorsomedial neurosecretory cell cluster. ScerGAL4ey-OK107 co-localises with Ilp2 protein in the IPC cells.
ScerGAL4ey-OK107 drives expression in GABAergic and glutamatergic antennal lobe local interneurons, and in mushroom body neurons.
Expression is observed in the alpha, beta, gamma, alpha', and beta' neurons of the adult mushroom body.
ScerGAL4ey-OK107 is expressed in third instar larval lamina precursor cells.
ScerGAL4ey-OK107 drives expression in 30% of the cells in the medulla cortex, whose processes are preferentially located in the lower medulla layers. Cells labeled with ScerGAL4ey-OK107 do not overlap with cells expressing EcollacZap-rK568 or ScerGAL4Dll-md23.
ScerGAL4OK107 is expressed in all axons of the pedunculus.
abnormal size | adult stage, with sli2, sliJF01229
abnormal size | adult stage | progressive, with Cfam\PRNPWT.UAS
viable, with shiK44A.UAS
viable, with TBPHGD6943
viable, with TBPHUAS.cLa
visible, with AntpA5.UAS
visible, with AntpA27.UAS
visible, with AntpG15.UAS
visible, with AntpG19.UAS
visible, with AntpH5.UAS
visible, with AntpK50.UAS
visible, with AntpUAS.cBa
visible, with BRWD3GD10174
axon, with bskGD10555
axon, with kayFbz.UAS
axon, with kayNIG.15507R
axon, with TBPHGD6943
axon | adult stage, with FrlHMS00445
axon | adult stage, with PlexAHM05221
axon | adult stage, with sli2, sliJF01229
axon | P-stage, with CamHMS01318
axon | P-stage, with NosHMC03076
brain, with shiK44A.UAS
eye, with AntpA5.UAS
eye, with AntpA27.UAS
eye, with AntpA50,51.UAS
eye, with AntpG15.UAS
eye, with AntpG19.UAS
eye, with AntpH5.UAS
eye, with AntpK50.UAS
eye, with BRWD3GD10174
eye, with EcRRNAi.UAS
gamma-lobe & neuron | somatic clone, with Fmr1UAS.cZa
Kenyon cell | adult stage | progressive, with Cfam\PRNPD159N.UAS
Kenyon cell | adult stage | progressive, with Cfam\PRNPWT.UAS
Kenyon cell | adult stage | progressive, with Ocun\PRNPS174N.UAS
medial lobe & axon, with RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS
mushroom body & axon, with dlUY2278
mushroom body & axon, with nanosUY4741
mushroom body & axon, with nanosαTub84B.3'UTR.UAS
mushroom body & axon, with Src64BUAS.cCa
mushroom body & axon, with Src64BUY1332
mushroom body & axon, with tumRNAi.UAS.cBa
mushroom body & axon, with tumRNAi.UAS
mushroom body & axon, with UY3164UY3164
mushroom body & neuron & dendrite | somatic clone, with Fmr1UAS.cZa
mushroom body & neuron | somatic clone, with Fmr1UAS.cZa
wing | ectopic, with AntpUAS.cBa
Inhibition (using shi1.UAS at 32[o]C) of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 cells in adults during testing significantly reduces immediate or 24 h aversive olfactory memory, compared to controls; there is no effect on the increase in aversive olfactory 24 h memory observed when the recall environment better matches the training environment (presence of copper grid), compared to controls.
Inhibition of neural activity in Scer\GAL4ey-OK107-expressing neurons does not affect sensitivity to (S,Z,Z)-CH503 (a more potent stereoisomer of the gustatory sex pheromone CH503). As in wild type flies, courtship defects are seen in response to (S,Z,Z)-CH503.
Inhibition (using shits.UAS.cUa) of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 neurons does not affect the reduction in food intake observed when larvae are moved to essential amino acid-deficient food, compared to controls.
Activation of mushroom body neurons expressing Scer\GAL4Tab2-201Y through overexpression of temperature sensitive TrpA1 results in similar amounts of increased sleep in young (1 day) and mature (7-8 day) flies compared to controls.
HDAC4UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Mef2UAS.cMa.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Rgk1[+]/Rgk1Δ
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Tip60E431Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by ssh1-63
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/kayFbz.UAS
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by JraJbz.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Rho172O/Rho1[+]
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, trioUAS.Tag:MYC has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1J11/Rac1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Rac2Δ/Rac1J6/Rac2[+]/Rac1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by sifES11/sif[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Rho1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by SCARUASp.cZa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by RokUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by trioUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by sqhE20.E21
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, enhanceable by Rho1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-enhanceable by scbVol-4
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-enhanceable by sqhA21.Tag:FLAG
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal size | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Tip60UAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Rgk1UAS.B.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rgk1ΔN.UAS.B.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has increased cell death | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has increased cell death | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Tip60UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has visible phenotype, suppressible by His3.3BGD4749, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has visible phenotype, suppressible by HiraNIG.12153R, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has visible phenotype, suppressible by yemGD12684, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, VangUAS.mGFP6 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by DAAMEx1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, VangUAS.mGFP6 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by dsh1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, VangUAS.mGFP6 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rac1J11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Wnt5UAS.cFa has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by DAAMEx1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Wnt5UAS.cFa has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by dsh1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Wnt5UAS.cFa has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rac1J11
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by TbcdRNAi.UAS.cOa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by TBCD[+]/Tbcd1
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Strip[+]/Stripdogi
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal learning | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Tip60UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Tip60UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
CASKUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal memory phenotype, suppressible by CaMKIIT306A.T307A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
CaMKIIT306A.T307A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal memory phenotype, suppressible by CASKUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Mmus\Nmnat1dead.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Mmus\WldS-dead.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsp26UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Mmus\Nmnat1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Mmus\Nmnat3UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has visible phenotype, suppressible by eyUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has visible phenotype, suppressible by eyΔPD.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has visible phenotype, suppressible by eyΔCT.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has visible phenotype, suppressible by eyΔHD.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rac2Δ/Rac2[+]/Rac1J10/Rac1[+]
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Cdc42[+]/Cdc424
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by tsrS3A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by tsrUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Rho172O/Rho1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Cdc42[+]/Cdc423
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Cdc42[+]/Cdc424
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Pak11/Pak[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Pak[+]/Pak14
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Pak[+]/Pak16
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Rac2Δ/Rac2[+]/Rac1J10/Rac1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Rac1J10/Rac1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Rho172R/Rho1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by RhoGEF21.1/RhoGEF2[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by RhoGEF24.1/RhoGEF2[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by dia5
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by pbl[+]/pbl2
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by pbl[+]/pbl3
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by rok[+]/Rok2
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by trio1/trio[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by trio3/trio[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by sifUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by RhoGAPp190UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by tsrS3A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by tsrUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Src64BBGT-T063/Src64B[+]
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Src64B[+]/Src64BPI
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by mys11
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by mys1
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by mysG0091b
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by sqhAX3/sqh[+]
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by Rnor\Arhgap35UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Rgk1ΔC.UAS.B.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has visible phenotype, non-suppressible by XNPKK103859, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
DAAMC.UASp, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by dsh1/dsh[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by Rac1Y40C.UAS.Tag:MYC/NavA384/NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by sshUAS.Tag:HA/NavA384/NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype, non-suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal learning | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Tip60E431Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Tip60E431Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has lethal phenotype, non-suppressible by eyΔHD.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by Rac2Δ/Mtl[+]/MtlΔ/Rac2[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by SCARΔ37/SCAR[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by Arpc1Q25sd/Sop2[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by tsrS3E.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by scbVol-4
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, non-suppressible by sqhA21.Tag:FLAG
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/trioGEF1.UAS.Tag:MYC is an enhancer of increased mortality during development phenotype of Nab2ex3
Mef2UAS.cMa.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of HDAC4UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Fmr1UAS.cWa is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of Nab2ex3
FrlHMS00445/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of DAAMEx1
FrlHMS00445/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of DAAMEx4
Tip60E431Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/kayFbz.UAS is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555
JraJbz.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, trioUAS.Tag:MYC
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Rac1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rho1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
SCARUASp.cZa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RokUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
trioUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rho1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/trioGEF2.UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-enhancer of short lived phenotype of Nab2ex3
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/trioGEF2.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor | partially of increased mortality during development phenotype of Nab2ex3
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/trioGEF2.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor | partially of decreased rate of adult locomotory behavior phenotype of Nab2ex3
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\OPHN1UAS.Tag:HA is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of Df(1)BSC756/Graf1
Tip60UAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal size | third instar larval stage phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rgk1UAS.B.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype of Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rgk1ΔN.UAS.B.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype of Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of increased cell death | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of increased cell death | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Adcy1UAS.cUa is a suppressor of abnormal learning | adult stage phenotype of chico1
Tip60UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
His3.3BGD4749, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
HiraNIG.12153R, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
yemGD12684, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of abnormal locomotor behavior | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of abnormal locomotor behavior | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of abnormal locomotor behavior | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of increased cell death | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of increased cell death | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of increased cell death | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
TbcdRNAi.UAS.cOa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Tip60UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal learning | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Tip60UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
CaMKIIT306A.T307A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal memory phenotype of CASKUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
CASKUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal memory phenotype of CaMKIIT306A.T307A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Mmus\Nmnat1dead.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Mmus\WldS-dead.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsp26UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Mmus\Nmnat1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Mmus\Nmnat3UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\WldS.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat1UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat3UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\WldS-dead.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsp26UAS.Tag:HA is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\FMR1UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of abnormal learning | adult stage phenotype of Fmr1Δ50M
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\FMR1S500D.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of abnormal learning | adult stage phenotype of Fmr1Δ50M
hepUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype of Mkk4e01485
eyUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
eyΔPD.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
eyΔCT.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
eyΔHD.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
tsrS3A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
tsrUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrS3A.UAS is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrUAS.cNa is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
sifUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
tsrS3A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
tsrUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rnor\Arhgap35UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/trioGEF2.UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of short lived phenotype of Nab2ex3
Rgk1ΔC.UAS.B.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype of Rac1V12.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Adcy1UAS.cUa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of chico1
Hsap\UBE3AUAS.iso1.cCa/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal learning | dominant | maternal effect | adult stage phenotype of Ube3aunspecified
XNPKK103859, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1Y40C.UAS.Tag:MYC, NavA384, NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
sshUAS.Tag:HA, NavA384, NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Tip60E431Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal learning | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Tip60E431Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal memory | adult stage phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
zipΔHD.UAS.YFP/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Diap1UAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Diap2UAS.cLa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/DroncΔN.C-A.UAS is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/BuffyUAS.cQa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/mTorWT.UAS.Tag:FLAG is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/HDAC6UAS.Tag:V5 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/ThorUAS.cMa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/parkUAS.cGa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat2UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Scer\UBP2UAS.cDa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | adult stage | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
EcRB1-ΔC655.W650A.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone | progressive phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\FMR1S500A.UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of abnormal learning | adult stage phenotype of Fmr1Δ50M
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\NbeaUAS.cVa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of rgFDD
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\NbeaUAS.cVa is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of rgÎł5
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/AlkEC.UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of abnormal size | recessive | larval stage phenotype of Nf1E2
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/AlkGD42 is a non-suppressor of abnormal size | recessive | larval stage phenotype of Nf1E2
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mkk4UAS.YFP is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype of hepr39
eyΔHD.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of lethal phenotype of AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/EphrinUAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Ephx652
tsrS3E.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
tsrS3E.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
HDAC4UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has medial lobe of adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by Mef2UAS.cMa.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by Tip60E431Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by ssh1-63
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by ssh1-63
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555 has Kenyon cell phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/kayFbz.UAS
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555 has axon phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/kayFbz.UAS
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555 has Kenyon cell phenotype, enhanceable by JraJbz.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555 has axon phenotype, enhanceable by JraJbz.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Taf3UAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has wing | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Taf3UAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by Rho172O/Rho1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by RokUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by trioUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, trioUAS.Tag:MYC has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1J11/Rac1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by Rac2Δ/Rac1J6/Rac2[+]/Rac1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by sifES11/sif[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by Rac1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by Rho1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, enhanceable by SCARUASp.cZa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, enhanceable by sqhE20.E21
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body medial lobe phenotype, enhanceable by sqhE20.E21
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, enhanceable by Rho1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by scbVol-4
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, non-enhanceable by sqhA21.Tag:FLAG
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has embryonic/larval mushroom body | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Tip60UAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has Kenyon cell phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has Kenyon cell phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has axon phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Tip60UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has eye phenotype, suppressible by His3.3BGD4749, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has eye phenotype, suppressible by HiraNIG.12153R, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has eye phenotype, suppressible by yemGD12684, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has eye phenotype, suppressible by XNPKK103859, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body phenotype, suppressible | partially by Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has calyx of adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible | partially by Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis has calyx of adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible | partially by Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, VangUAS.mGFP6 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, suppressible by DAAMEx1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, VangUAS.mGFP6 has mushroom body medial lobe phenotype, suppressible by DAAMEx1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, VangUAS.mGFP6 has mushroom body medial lobe phenotype, suppressible | partially by dsh1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, VangUAS.mGFP6 has mushroom body medial lobe phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rac1J11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Wnt5UAS.cFa has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, suppressible by DAAMEx1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Wnt5UAS.cFa has mushroom body medial lobe phenotype, suppressible by DAAMEx1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Wnt5UAS.cFa has mushroom body medial lobe phenotype, suppressible | partially by dsh1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Wnt5UAS.cFa has mushroom body medial lobe phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rac1J11
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, suppressible by TbcdRNAi.UAS.cOa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, suppressible by TBCD[+]/Tbcd1
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, suppressible by TbcdRNAi.UAS.cOa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, suppressible by TBCD[+]/Tbcd1
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, suppressible by Strip[+]/Stripdogi
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, suppressible by Strip[+]/Stripdogi
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe | somatic clone phenotype, suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Mmus\Nmnat1dead.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Mmus\WldS-dead.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsp26UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Mmus\Nmnat1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Mmus\Nmnat3UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, TaoGD8262 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, suppressible | partially by par-1W3/par-1[+]
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, TaoGD8262 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, suppressible | partially by par-1W3/par-1[+]
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, ey1-545.enRD.UAS.Tag:MYC has adult optic lobe | somatic clone | pupal stage phenotype, suppressible by shgR69
Maur\PrpUAS.cFa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | progressive phenotype, suppressible | partially by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has eye phenotype, suppressible by eyUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has eye phenotype, suppressible by eyΔPD.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has eye phenotype, suppressible by eyΔCT.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Cdc42[+]/Cdc424
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible | partially by Rac2Δ/Rac2[+]/Rac1J10/Rac1[+]
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible | partially by tsrS3A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible | partially by tsrUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Rho172O/Rho1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Cdc42[+]/Cdc423
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Cdc42[+]/Cdc424
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Pak11/Pak[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Pak[+]/Pak14
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Pak[+]/Pak16
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Rac2Δ/Rac2[+]/Rac1J10/Rac1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Rac1J10/Rac1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by Rho172R/Rho1[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by RhoGEF21.1/RhoGEF2[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by RhoGEF24.1/RhoGEF2[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by dia5
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by pbl[+]/pbl2
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by pbl[+]/pbl3
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by rok[+]/Rok2
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by trio1/trio[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by trio3/trio[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by sifUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by RhoGAPp190UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by tsrS3A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, suppressible by tsrUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, suppressible by Src64BBGT-T063/Src64B[+]
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, suppressible by Src64B[+]/Src64BPI
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, suppressible by mys11
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, suppressible by mys1
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, suppressible by mysG0091b
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, suppressible by sqhAX3/sqh[+]
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, suppressible by Rnor\Arhgap35UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has axon phenotype, non-suppressible by Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body phenotype, non-suppressible by Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
DAAMC.UASp, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body phenotype, non-suppressible by dsh1/dsh[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by sshUAS.Tag:HA/NavA384/NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by sshUAS.Tag:HA/NavA384/NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body phenotype, non-suppressible by Rac1Y40C.UAS.Tag:MYC/NavA384/NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by Rac1Y40C.UAS.Tag:MYC/NavA384/NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by Rac1Y40C.UAS.Tag:MYC/NavA384/NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body phenotype, non-suppressible by NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | somatic clone phenotype, non-suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body beta-lobe | somatic clone phenotype, non-suppressible by NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\HTTQ93.ex1.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body gamma-lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by BmcpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
EphrinUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by Ephx652
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, non-suppressible by Rac2Δ/Mtl[+]/MtlΔ/Rac2[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, non-suppressible by SCARΔ37/SCAR[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, non-suppressible by Arpc1Q25sd/Sop2[+]
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has adult mushroom body phenotype, non-suppressible by tsrS3E.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by scbVol-4
RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 has mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype, non-suppressible by sqhA21.Tag:FLAG
Mef2UAS.cMa.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of medial lobe of adult mushroom body phenotype of HDAC4UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Fmr1UAS.cWa is an enhancer of mushroom body | adult stage phenotype of Nab2ex3
FrlHMS00445/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of axon | adult stage phenotype of DAAMEx1
FrlHMS00445/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body beta-lobe | adult stage phenotype of DAAMEx1
FrlHMS00445/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of axon | adult stage phenotype of DAAMEx4
FrlHMS00445/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body beta-lobe | adult stage phenotype of DAAMEx4
FrlHMS00445/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | adult stage phenotype of DAAMEx4
Tip60E431Q.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/kayFbz.UAS is an enhancer of Kenyon cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/kayFbz.UAS is an enhancer of axon phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555
JraJbz.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of Kenyon cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555
JraJbz.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of axon phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, bskGD10555
RokUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
trioUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body phenotype of Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, trioUAS.Tag:MYC
LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body phenotype of Rac1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rho1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
SCARUASp.cZa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rho1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is an enhancer of mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
FrlHMS00445/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-enhancer of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | adult stage phenotype of DAAMEx1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/trioGEF2.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype of Nab2ex3
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\OPHN1UAS.Tag:HA is a suppressor | partially of adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype of Df(1)BSC756/Graf1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\OPHN1UAS.Tag:HA is a suppressor | partially of axon | adult stage phenotype of Df(1)BSC756/Graf1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\OPHN1UAS.Tag:HA is a suppressor | partially of midline | adult stage phenotype of Df(1)BSC756/Graf1
Tip60UAS.cPa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of embryonic/larval mushroom body | third instar larval stage phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of Kenyon cell phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of Kenyon cell phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.sec, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of axon phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Tip60UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body phenotype of Hsap\APP695.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
His3.3BGD4749, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
HiraNIG.12153R, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
yemGD12684, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
XNPKK103859, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of BRWD3GD10174, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of mushroom body phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of calyx of adult mushroom body phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of calyx of adult mushroom body phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of Kenyon cell | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of Kenyon cell | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Zzzz\scFv42.2.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis is a suppressor | partially of Kenyon cell | progressive phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
TbcdRNAi.UAS.cOa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype of Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
TbcdRNAi.UAS.cOa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype of Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | somatic clone phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body beta-lobe | somatic clone phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Mmus\Nmnat1dead.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Mmus\WldS-dead.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsp26UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Mmus\Nmnat1UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Mmus\Nmnat3UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell | adult stage phenotype of NmnatJF03337, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\WldS.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\WldS.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat1UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat1UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat3UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat3UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\WldS-dead.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\WldS-dead.UAS.Tag:MYC is a suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa is a suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsp26UAS.Tag:HA is a suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hsp26UAS.Tag:HA is a suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
hepUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of Kenyon cell | somatic clone phenotype of Mkk4e01485
hepUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of axon | somatic clone phenotype of Mkk4e01485
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | progressive phenotype of Maur\PrpUAS.cFa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
eyUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
eyΔPD.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
eyΔCT.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of AntpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
tsrS3A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of adult mushroom body phenotype of PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
tsrUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor | partially of adult mushroom body phenotype of PakUAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrS3A.UAS is a suppressor of adult mushroom body & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrUAS.cNa is a suppressor of adult mushroom body & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrS3A.UAS is a suppressor of antennal lobe & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrUAS.cNa is a suppressor of antennal lobe & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrS3A.UAS is a suppressor of optic lobe neuron & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrUAS.cNa is a suppressor of optic lobe neuron & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
sifUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
RhoGAPp190UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
tsrS3A.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
tsrUAS.cNa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rnor\Arhgap35UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a suppressor of mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.GAP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/trioGEF2.UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype of Nab2ex3
Hsap\HSPA1LUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of axon phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Adcy1UAS.cUa is a non-suppressor of Kenyon cell phenotype of chico1
Zzzz\scFv9.UAS.Tag:MYC,Tag:polyHis, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of mushroom body phenotype of Hsap\APP2xAPP.SP.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body beta-lobe | somatic clone phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
sshUAS.Tag:HA, NavA384, NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
sshUAS.Tag:HA, NavA384, NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1Y40C.UAS.Tag:MYC, NavA384, NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1Y40C.UAS.Tag:MYC, NavA384, NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Rac1Y40C.UAS.Tag:MYC, NavA384, NavΔ, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body beta-lobe phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
NavUAS.mCherry, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body alpha-lobe | somatic clone phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
zipΔHD.UAS.YFP/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
zipΔHD.UAS.YFP/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Diap1UAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Diap1UAS.cHa is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Diap2UAS.cLa is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Diap2UAS.cLa is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/DroncΔN.C-A.UAS is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/DroncΔN.C-A.UAS is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/BuffyUAS.cQa is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/BuffyUAS.cQa is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/mTorWT.UAS.Tag:FLAG is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/mTorWT.UAS.Tag:FLAG is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/HDAC6UAS.Tag:V5 is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/HDAC6UAS.Tag:V5 is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/ThorUAS.cMa is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/ThorUAS.cMa is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/parkUAS.cGa is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/parkUAS.cGa is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat2UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\Nmnat2UAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Scer\UBP2UAS.cDa is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Scer\UBP2UAS.cDa is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
EcRB1-ΔC655.W650A.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of alpha/beta Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
EcRB1-ΔC655.W650A.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of gamma Kenyon cell phenotype of bskflp147E
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\NbeaUAS.cVa is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body phenotype of rgFDD
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mmus\NbeaUAS.cVa is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body phenotype of rgÎł5
BmcpUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body gamma-lobe phenotype of Hsap\HTTQ93.ex1.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mkk4UAS.YFP is a non-suppressor of Kenyon cell | somatic clone phenotype of hepr39
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Mkk4UAS.YFP is a non-suppressor of axon | somatic clone phenotype of hepr39
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/EphrinUAS.Tag:MYC is a non-suppressor of mushroom body vertical lobe phenotype of Ephx652
tsrS3E.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
tsrS3E.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of antennal lobe & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
tsrS3E.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of optic lobe neuron & axon | somatic clone phenotype of ssh1-11
tsrS3E.UAS, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 is a non-suppressor of adult mushroom body phenotype of LIMK1UAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4ey-OK107
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/GrafUAS.Tag:HA partially rescues Graf1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/GrafUAS.Tag:HA partially rescues Df(1)BSC756/Graf1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/PenUASp.cGa partially rescues PenmbmB
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Rgk1ΔN.UAS.B.GFP partially rescues Rgk1Δ
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Nab2UAS.Tag:FLAG partially rescues Nab2ex3
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hrb27CUAS.Tag:FLAG partially rescues Hrb27Ck02814
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hrb27CUAS.Tag:FLAG partially rescues Hrb27CKK109074
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/NavUAS.cAa partially rescues NavA384/NavΔ
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/NavUAS.mCherry partially rescues NavA384/NavΔ
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/droshaE859K.UAS.Tag:FLAG partially rescues drosha21K11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/chicoUAS.cNa partially rescues chico1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/rgUAS.cVa partially rescues rgFDD
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hr51UAS.cBa partially rescues Df(2R)ED2426/Hr51Z0001
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Hr51UAS.cBa partially rescues Hr51X1/Df(2R)ED2426
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/kccUAS.cHb partially rescues kccDHS1
twfUAS.cWa/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 partially rescues twfEP3701
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Adcy1UAS.cZa partially rescues Adcy1rut-2080
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/eyΔHD.UAS partially rescues eyOK107-16/eyJD
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/eyΔHD.UAS partially rescues eyOK107-16/eyEH
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/toyRNAi.UAS.cFa partially rescues toyhdl
Dscam1A-17.2-19-23.UAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 partially rescues Dscam1unspecified
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam1A-17.2-19+23.UAS.GFP partially rescues Dscam1unspecified
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam1A-17.2+19-23.UAS.GFP partially rescues Dscam1unspecified
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam1A-17.2+19+23.UAS.GFP partially rescues Dscam1unspecified
Dscam1exon17.2.UAS.GFP/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 partially rescues Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam117.1-17.2.UAS.GFP partially rescues Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18
tumUAS.Tag:MYC,YFP/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 partially rescues tum1
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/easUAS.cPa partially rescues easalaE13
tsrS3E.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 partially rescues tsrN96A
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/tsrS3A.UAS partially rescues tsrN96A
sshUAS.Tag:HA/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 partially rescues ssh1-11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/dac7C1.UAS partially rescues dac3/Df(2L)dac-4
dac21.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 partially rescues dac1/Df(2L)dac-4
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/dac7C1.UAS partially rescues dac1/Df(2L)dac-4
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/dac7C1.UAS partially rescues dac1/dac3
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/DAAMC.FH2R.K-A.UAS fails to rescue DAAMEx4
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/sliN.UAS.Tag:M(CD8-Unk),Tag:MYC fails to rescue sli2/slik04807b
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Rgk1ΔC.UAS.B.GFP fails to rescue Rgk1Δ
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Rgk1S1134N.UAS.B.GFP fails to rescue Rgk1Δ
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/NavK1881A.UAS.mCherry fails to rescue NavA384/NavΔ
droshaΔ.E859K.UAS.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 fails to rescue drosha21K11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/droshaΔ.UAS.Tag:FLAG fails to rescue drosha21K11
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/droshaDN.UAS.Tag:FLAG fails to rescue drosha21K11
dyscUAS.long/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 fails to rescue dyscs168/dyscc03838
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, Nf1UAS.cWa, Scer\GAL80ts.αTub84B fails to rescue Nf1E1/Nf1E2
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107, incf00285 fails to rescue incf00285
bskmTPY.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 fails to rescue bskflp147E
eyΔPD.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 fails to rescue eyOK107-16/eyJD
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/eyΔCTD.UAS fails to rescue eyOK107-16/eyJD
eyΔPD.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey-OK107 fails to rescue eyOK107-16/eyEH
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/eyΔCTD.UAS fails to rescue eyOK107-16/eyEH
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam1exon17.1.UAS.GFP fails to rescue Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Dscam117.2-17.1.UAS.GFP fails to rescue Dscam1RNAi.UAS.18
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/Cul3K717R.UAS.GFP fails to rescue Cul3gft8
Scer\GAL4ey-OK107/sshCS.UAS fails to rescue ssh1-11