Medial-vertical lobe arborizing neuron 2 arborisation within the beta lobe is within segment 1 and 2 of the posterior stratum, and within segment 1 of the middle and anterior strata.
Expression is observed in a subset of Kenyon cells, and in a pair of extrinsic neurons with cell bodies in the anterior cortex of the brain. These neurons arborize in the contralateral half of the brain. From the cell body, each neuron passes beneath the stalk of the mushroom body, crosses the midline of the brain in front of the ellipsoid body, and branches behind the γ lobe. The ventral branch arborizes in the head of the β while the dorsal branch extends through the inferior medial protocerebrum to arborize at the head of the α lobe and in the surrounding superior medial protocerebrum. Representative images can be seen in Figures 4 and 5 of FBrf0105251.
Expressed in clusters of mushroom body neurons that project to the median bundle. Expression in the corpora pedunculata (mushroom body) includes all known substructures, but a subset of the mushroom body neurons.