ventral thoracic disc & macrochaeta | somatic clone
Follicle cell clones for sggM1-1 continue mitotic division after the mitotic-to-endocycle transition and are twice the size of their respective twin spots. These cells continue to express mitotic markers after the stage where their expression has ceased in wild-type cells.
sggM1-1 somatic stem cell (SSC) clones in the ovary are lost more rapidly than wild-type clones. In germaria carrying both wild-type and sggM1-1 mutant SSC clones, mutant follicle cells appear more in number than wild-type ones, indicating that sggM1-1 SSCs and/or follicle cells are over-proliferative. In germaria where most or all the follicle cells are mutant for sggM1-1, germline cysts do not undergo normal morphological changes from ball-like structures in region 2a to lens-shape cysts in region 2b, remaining in ball-like structures in region 2b. Mutant follicle cells do not integrate properly into egg chambers and accumulate instead as a disorganised mass between egg chambers. The mutant follicle cells have abnormal morphology, but neighbouring wild-type cells are normal in morphology.
Homozygous embryos derived from homozygous female germline clones show loss of nuclei from the surface of the embryo during syncytial development.
Embryos deficient for maternal and zygotic sgg show puckering of dorsal epidermis with loss of dorsal hair identity and a naked scar at the dorsal midline.
Homozygous clones in the leg disc produce ventral type bristles. Clones in the dorsal part of the leg disc show ectopic growth and cause bifurcations and triplications of the leg in adult flies. Clones in the tibia and tarsi can form complete secondary axes and triplications. Ventral clones in the leg disc that fall within the wg expression domain have no effect on patterning. Clones in the eye field of the eye disc show ectopic growth and produce cuticle and large sensory bristles characteristic of cells at the dorsal margin of the eye. sggM1-1 dsh75 double mutant clones behave like sggM1-1 single mutant clones.
sggM1-1/sgg[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Hsap\MAPTGMR.Ex.PJ
sggM1-1/sgg[+] is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Hsap\MAPTGMR.Ex.PJ
sggM1-1, Scer\GAL4Eq is a suppressor of macrochaeta phenotype of Hsap\MAPTUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4Eq
sggM1-1, Scer\GAL4Eq is a suppressor of sensory organ cell phenotype of Hsap\MAPTUAS.cWa, Scer\GAL4Eq
One copy of sggM1-1 suppresses the rough eye phenotype seen in flies expressing Hsap\MAPTGMR.Ex.PJ.
The bristle loss phenotype found upon overexpression of Hsap\MAPTScer\UAS.cWa under the control of Scer\GAL4Eq1 is significantly abated in a sggM1-1 heterozygous background.