Drives expression in larval myoblasts; in the parts of the wing disc that will develop into the wing blade, mesothoracic scutum, and scutellum; in the pupal wing blade; in a subset of pupal mesothoracic myoblasts; in some adult muscles including the indirect flight muscle, proboscis muscle, and cibarial dilator muscle; and in parts of the adult olfactory system and CNS, including the maxillary palpus, antennal nerve, antennal lobe glomeruli, subesophageal ganglion, and adult brain.
At embryonic stage 13, reporter expression is observed in 31% of somatic muscle cells and in several cardial cells. Expression drops in late stage 16 and is observed only in some ventral somatic muscles.
Assayed at pupal stage, expression observed in T2 (mesothoracic) myoblasts; assumed to be IFM (indirect flight muscle) myoblasts.
visible, with aptUAS.cEa
visible, with Cul5EP3390
visible, with MadGM8.UAS
visible, with MadMGM.UAS
visible, with MadMMM.UAS
visible, with Sox102FJF02118
visible, with StimUAS.cEa
visible, with trblUAS.cGa
visible, with Wee1UAS.cPa
visible | male, with mir-79UAS.pLUC
visible | male, with mir-92bUAS.pLUC
adult, with sdΔ88-159.UAS
adult thorax | dorsal | ectopic, with NotumEPg31259
adult thorax | dorsal | ectopic, with sggUAS.cSa
haltere, with aptUAS.cEa
pupa, with sdΔ88-159.UAS
sensory mother cell & dorsal mesothoracic disc, with NECN.UAS
sensory mother cell & dorsal mesothoracic disc | ectopic, with armS10.UAS.Tag:MYC
sensory mother cell & dorsal mesothoracic disc | ectopic, with dshUAS.cAa
sensory mother cell & dorsal mesothoracic disc | ectopic, with wgUAS.cGa
trichome & haltere | ectopic, with RYBPUAS.cBa
wing, with aptUAS.cEa
wing, with CskRNAi.UAS
wing, with dppRNAi.UAS.2
wing, with howRNAi.UAS
wing, with Hsap\APP695.UAS
wing, with IdeUAS.cTa
wing, with Ilp2UAS.cBa
wing, with InRUAS.Exel
wing, with kayRNAi.UAS
wing, with panUAS.cWa
wing, with RYBPUAS.cBa
wing, with RYBPΔZF.UAS
wing, with sdΔ88-159.UAS
wing, with SerUAS.cSa
wing, with sggUAS.cSa
wing, with Sox102FJF02118
wing & macrochaeta, with NUAS.cBb
wing & macrochaeta, with wgl-12.UAS
wing | male, with mir-79UAS.pLUC
wing | male, with mir-92bUAS.pLUC
wing | P-stage, with ykiS255A.UAS
wing hair | ectopic, with RYBPΔZF.UAS
wing hinge | precursor, with wgUAS.cGa
wing margin, with AxnA2.UAS
wing vein, with kay1, kayFbz.UAS
wing vein | ectopic, with StimUAS.cEa
wing vein | ectopic, with UbqnUAS.cLa
wing vein L3 | ectopic, with Sox102FJF02118
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has increased cell death | heat sensitive phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/cpbUAS.cWa/cpaRNAi.UAS.cFa
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, dlg1GD4689 has neoplasia | larval stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/egrKK103432
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, tkvRNAi.IR2.UAS has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/pydRNAi.3.UAS
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, tkvRNAi.IR2.UAS has visible | adult stage phenotype, enhanceable by pydtex2/pyd[+]
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Wee1UAS.cPa has visible phenotype, enhanceable by trblUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Wee1UAS.cPa has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/trblUAS.cGa
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, trblUAS.cGa has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Wee1UAS.cPa
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, trblUAS.cGa has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Wee1UAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, groNterm.UAS has visible phenotype, enhanceable by wg[+]/wgunspecified
Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by tumUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has visible phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/tumΔE1E.UAS
Hsap\APLP1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has visible phenotype, suppressible by foxo[+]/foxoΔ94
Hsap\APLP1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has visible phenotype, suppressible by foxo21/foxo[+]
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has increased cell death | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by bskDN.UAS/Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has increased cell death | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by shg[+]/shgk03401
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has increased cell death | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Btk29A[+]/Btkk00206
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has increased cell death | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by p120ctn[+]/p120ctn308
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has decreased cell growth rate | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by shg[+]/shgk03401
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has decreased cell growth rate | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Btk29A[+]/Btkk00206
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has decreased cell growth rate | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by p120ctn[+]/p120ctn308
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has decreased cell growth rate | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Rho11B/Rho1[+]
BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has increased cell growth rate phenotype, suppressible by bskDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has increased cell growth rate phenotype, suppressible by ykiNIG.4005R, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has increased cell growth rate phenotype, suppressible by cpbUAS.cWa/cpaUAS.N.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Hsap\APP695.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has increased cell death phenotype, suppressible by foxoΔ94
MadGM8.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has visible phenotype, suppressible by wgGD5007, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Ilp2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has abnormal size phenotype, suppressible by IdeUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Mmus\Shisa5UAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has increased cell death phenotype, suppressible by BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
CskRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has increased cell death phenotype, suppressible by pucUAS.cMa
CskRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has increased cell death phenotype, suppressible | partially by p120ctn[+]/p120ctn308
Cul5EP3390, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has abnormal size | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Cul3[+]/Cul306430
Hsap\MYBPC3UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has flightless phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cam[+]/Cam03909
Hsap\MYBPC3UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has flightless phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cam[+]/Camk04213
Hsap\MYBPC3M6.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has flightless phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cam[+]/Cam03909
Hsap\MYBPC3M6.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has flightless phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cam[+]/Camk04213
Hsap\MYBPC3M0.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has flightless phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cam[+]/Cam03909
Hsap\MYBPC3M0.UAS.Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has flightless phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cam[+]/Camk04213
MybΔ.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has abnormal size | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by E2f1hs.PD/Dphs.PD
Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has lethal phenotype, suppressible by tumUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has visible phenotype, suppressible by wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has visible phenotype, suppressible by wgUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
InRUAS.Exel, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has abnormal size phenotype, non-suppressible by IdeUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Mmus\Shisa5UAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has increased cell death phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4bbg-C96/CycEUAS.cRa
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, cpbUAS.cWa, cpaRNAi.UAS.cFa is an enhancer of increased cell death | heat sensitive phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/egrKK103432 is an enhancer of neoplasia | larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, dlg1GD4689
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/pydRNAi.3.UAS is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, tkvRNAi.IR2.UAS
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/trblUAS.cGa is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Wee1UAS.cPa
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Wee1UAS.cPa is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, trblUAS.cGa
tumUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
bskDN.UAS/Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of increased cell death | heat sensitive phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332
bskDN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of increased cell growth rate phenotype of BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332
ykiNIG.4005R, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of increased cell growth rate phenotype of BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332
cpbUAS.cWa/cpaUAS.N.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of increased cell growth rate phenotype of BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332
wgGD5007, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of MadGM8.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
IdeUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of abnormal size phenotype of Ilp2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of increased cell death phenotype of Mmus\Shisa5UAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Cap-H2UASp.mCherry is a suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of Ubx1:Cbx-1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Cap-H2EY09979 is a suppressor of visible | dominant phenotype of Ubx1:Cbx-1
tumUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of lethal phenotype of Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/IdeUAS.cTa is a non-suppressor of abnormal size | dominant phenotype of Ptendj189
IdeUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a non-suppressor of abnormal size phenotype of InRUAS.Exel, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has wing disc phenotype, enhanceable by BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, dlg1GD4689 has wing disc phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/egrKK103432
AxnA2.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing margin phenotype, enhanceable by Hipk3
AxnA2.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has trichome of the posterior wing margin phenotype, enhanceable by Hipk3
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, tkvRNAi.IR2.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/pydRNAi.3.UAS
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, tkvRNAi.IR2.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype, enhanceable by pydtex2/pyd[+]
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, tkvRNAi.IR2.UAS has wing vein phenotype, enhanceable by Rho172F/Rho1[+]
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, tkvRNAi.IR2.UAS has wing vein phenotype, enhanceable by shg[+]/shgR69
RYBPUAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Pc3/Pc[+]
Pcyt1Ala.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has crossvein | increased number phenotype, enhanceable by Egfr[+]/Egfrt1
Pcyt1Ala.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has crossvein | increased number phenotype, enhanceable by Egfr[+]/Egfrtop-18A
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Wee1UAS.cPa has eye phenotype, enhanceable by trblUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, trblUAS.cGa has eye phenotype, enhanceable by Wee1UAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, trblUAS.cGa has interommatidial bristle phenotype, enhanceable by Wee1UAS.cPa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Wee1UAS.cPa has interommatidial bristle phenotype, enhanceable by trblUAS.cGa/Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Wee1UAS.cPa has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/trblUAS.cGa
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, trblUAS.cGa has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Wee1UAS.cPa
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, groNterm.UAS has wing phenotype, enhanceable by wg[+]/wgunspecified
Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by tumUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has campaniform sensillum phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/tumΔE1E.UAS
Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing vein phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/tumΔE1E.UAS
Rac1UAS.cLa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4en-e16E/tumΔE1E.UAS
Hsap\APLP1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing blade | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by foxo[+]/foxoΔ94
Hsap\APLP1UAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing blade | adult stage phenotype, suppressible by foxo21/foxo[+]
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has wing disc phenotype, suppressible by shg[+]/shgk03401
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has wing disc phenotype, suppressible by Btk29A[+]/Btkk00206
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has wing disc phenotype, suppressible by p120ctn[+]/p120ctn308
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has wing disc phenotype, suppressible by Rho11B/Rho1[+]
Hsap\APP695.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, suppressible by foxoΔ94
MadGM8.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by wgGD5007, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Ilp2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, suppressible by IdeUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Mmus\Shisa5UAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, suppressible by BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Cul5EP3390, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing blade | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Cul5EP3390, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing blade | heat sensitive phenotype, suppressible by Cul306430/Cul-3[+]
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, nmoc5-1.UAS has wing margin phenotype, suppressible by sggM11/sgg[+]
AxnA2.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has mesonotum | ectopic phenotype, suppressible by nmo[+]/nmoDB24
AxnA2.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, suppressible | partially by nmo[+]/nmoDB24
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, fz2UAS.N has wing margin phenotype, suppressible | partially by nmoDB24/nmoDB24
MybΔ.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has mitotic cell cycle phenotype, suppressible by E2f1hs.PD/Dphs.PD
MybΔ.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has embryonic/larval salivary gland phenotype, suppressible by E2f1hs.PD/Dphs.PD
NECNΔ17-19.24-26.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing disc phenotype, suppressible | partially by wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
NECNΔ17-19.24-26.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, suppressible | partially by wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
NECNΔ10-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing disc phenotype, suppressible | partially by wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
NECNΔ10-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, suppressible | partially by wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing vein phenotype, suppressible by wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing disc phenotype, suppressible by wgUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, suppressible by wgUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332 has epithelial cell phenotype, non-suppressible by bskDN.UAS/Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, mir-banC.UAS.EGFP has dorsal-ventral compartment boundary of the wing disc | third instar larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by MycGD1419, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, mir-banC.UAS.EGFP has dorsal-ventral compartment boundary of the wing disc | third instar larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/trblUAS.cMa
InRUAS.Exel, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 has wing phenotype, non-suppressible by IdeUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is an enhancer of wing disc phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/egrKK103432 is an enhancer of wing disc phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, dlg1GD4689
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/pydRNAi.3.UAS is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, tkvRNAi.IR2.UAS
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/trblUAS.cGa is an enhancer of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Wee1UAS.cPa
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Wee1UAS.cPa is an enhancer of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, trblUAS.cGa
tumUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is an enhancer of wing phenotype of Rac1N17.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgGD5007, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of wing margin bristle | ectopic phenotype of MadGM8.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
IdeUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Ilp2UAS.cBa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
BacA\p35GMR.PH, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Mmus\Shisa5UAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Cap-H2UASp.mCherry is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Ubx1:Cbx-1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Cap-H2EY09979 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Ubx1:Cbx-1
wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of wing blade | heat sensitive phenotype of Cul5EP3390, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Pcyt1Ala.UAS is a suppressor of crossvein | increased number phenotype of EgfrE3
wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor | partially of wing disc phenotype of NECNΔ17-19.24-26.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor | partially of wing phenotype of NECNΔ17-19.24-26.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor | partially of wing disc phenotype of NECNΔ10-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor | partially of wing phenotype of NECNΔ10-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgl-12.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of wing vein phenotype of NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of wing disc phenotype of NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
wgUAS.cGa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of NECN.UAS, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
bskDN.UAS/Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a non-suppressor of epithelial cell phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, Src64BUY1332
MycGD1419, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a non-suppressor of dorsal-ventral compartment boundary of the wing disc | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, mir-banC.UAS.EGFP
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/trblUAS.cMa is a non-suppressor of dorsal-ventral compartment boundary of the wing disc | third instar larval stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1, mir-banC.UAS.EGFP
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/IdeUAS.cTa is a non-suppressor of wing phenotype of Ptendj189
IdeUAS.cTa, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1 is a non-suppressor of wing phenotype of InRUAS.Exel, Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1
Scer\GAL4sd-SG29.1/Nint.I.UAS partially rescues NECN.UAS