The P{GawB}crc929 insertion is within an intron of crc, and complementation analysis indicates that crc function is disrupted by the insertion, producing a hypomorphic allele (see also FBrf0129856). However, the P{GawB} enhancer trap in P{GawB}crc929 does not reflect expression of crc, but instead reflects expression of the dimm gene, a transcription unit that is proximal to the insertion site. Complementation analysis indicates that dimm function is not affected by the insertion.
Drives expression in peptidergic neurons.
ScerGAL4dimm-929 drives expression in peptidergic neurons in the adult brain.
ScerGAL4dimm-929 is expressed in the pupal Pdf neuron close to tritocerebrum, which survive in newly eclosed adults but rapidly undergo apoptosis shortly thereafter.
ScerGAL4dimm-929 is expressed in a series of lateral abdominal neurons, and in some insulin-like producing cells (IPCs).
Co-localisation of ScerGAL4dimm-929 and Phm is observed in most of the 200 ScerGAL4dimm-929-positive neurons of the central nervous system, corpus cardiacum, 10-20 midgut cells, peritracheal cells and lateral Kolbchen lbd neurons. Co-localisation with FMRFa, Crz, Fur1 or CCAP proteins is detected in subsets or neurons in the central nervous system.
In larva, expressed in peptidergic neurons of the CNS, intrinsic cells of the ring gland, salivary glands, fat body, patches of the epidermis, the PM peritracheal cells and a few other scattered locations; very restricted expression in the imaginal discs; no detectable expression in the skeletal muscles or the adbominal histoblasts.
Expression is observed in peritracheal cells prior to second to third instar larval ecdysis.
abnormal sleep | adult stage | male, with dywHMC04428
lethal, with Nlg4GD3083
visible | adult stage, with Rab2KK107630
wing, with Rab2KK107630
Inhibiting electrical activity in Scer\GAL4dimm-929-expressing neurons results in reduced sensitivity to (S,Z,Z)-CH503 (a more potent stereoisomer of the gustatory sex pheromone CH503): in contrast to wild type, flies do not exhibit courtship defects in the presence of (S,Z,Z)-CH503. Suppressing Scer\GAL4dimm-929 expression in the ventral nerve cord using Scer\GAL80tsh-GAL80 does not alter the response to (S,Z,Z)-CH503.
Scer\GAL4dimm-929, wakeRNAi.UAS.2 has decreased sleep | adult stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Gat33-1
Scer\GAL4dimm-929, wakeRNAi.UAS.2 has abnormal sleep | adult stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Gat33-1
Scer\GAL4dimm-929, wakeRNAi.UAS.2 has decreased sleep | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Gat33-1
Scer\GAL4dimm-929, wakeRNAi.UAS.2 has abnormal sleep | adult stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Gat33-1
FMRFaUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4dimm-929 is a suppressor | partially of lethal phenotype of witB11/witA12
FMRFaUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4dimm-929 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology phenotype of witB11/witA12
FMRFaUAS.cMa/Scer\GAL4dimm-929 is a non-suppressor of synapse phenotype of witB11/witA12
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/PdfrUAS.cMa partially rescues Pdfr3369
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/ItprUAS.cVa partially rescues Itprka901/Itprug3
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/Hr78UAS.Fa partially rescues Hr783/Hr782
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/PhmUAS.cTA partially rescues PhmP(29)
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/PhmUAS.cTA partially rescues Phmk07623
Scer\GAL4dimm-929, Scer\GAL4Toll-6-D42, PhmUAS.cTA partially rescues Phmk07623/PhmP(29)
Scer\GAL4dimm-929, Scer\GAL4P2.4.Pdf, PhmUAS.cTA partially rescues Phmk07623/PhmP(29)
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/PhmUAS.cTA partially rescues Phmk07623/PhmP(29)
Scer\GAL4dimm-929, PhmUAS.cTA, Scer\GAL4Kdm2-36Y partially rescues Phmk07623/PhmP(29)
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/Nf1UAS.cdNa fails to rescue Nf1P2/Nf1P1
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/OraiUAS.cZa fails to rescue OraiEY09167
TkUAS.cAa/Scer\GAL4dimm-929 fails to rescue TkΔ1
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/jetUAS.cKa fails to rescue jetset
dyscUAS.long/Scer\GAL4dimm-929 fails to rescue dyscs168/dyscc03838
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/Ns3UAS.Venus fails to rescue Ns3G0431
perUAS.cBa/Scer\GAL4dimm-929 fails to rescue per01
Scer\GAL4dimm-929/sbbUAS.cYa fails to rescue sbb03432