P{ry11} is inserted in exon 4 in the same orientation as the gene.
abnormal size | oogenesis (with piwi06843)
decreased fecundity | female (with piwi06843)
female sterile (with piwi06843)
Eye colour: homozygotes have normal levels of eye pigmentation.
Suppressor of repeat-induced silencing, as seen at heterochromatic tandem arrays of insertions of the P{lacW} transposon.
Homozygous females usually contain a rudimentary germarium and only a few egg chambers.
Homozygous germline stem cells (GSCs) (induced by mitotic recombination immediately prior to oogenesis) are present three weeks following oogenesis. The homozygous GSCs divide four-fold slower than their wild-type counterparts. Cysts and postgerminal egg chambers derived from these homozygous GSCs usually develop normally.
Mutant ovaries show normal morphology at the third larval instar. Germ-line stem cells are normal in number and correctly positioned in third instar ovaries. Terminal filament formation is normal. Adult ovaries contain only 2 egg chambers connected to a germarium lacking germ line cells. Embryos derived from germ-line clones are arrested in embryogenesis, and cannot be rescued by paternal piwi+. They have various defects, including mitotic defects during cleavage stage or later severe deformation of head region. Wild type germaria transplanted into the body cavity of piwi2 females developed normally. Somatic clonal analysis reveals that piwi function is not required in follicle cells for egg chamber development.
piwi06843/piwi2 has abnormal size | oogenesis phenotype, suppressible | partially by ovaUASp.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4C587
piwi2 has abnormal size | oogenesis phenotype, suppressible by hhhs.PI
piwi06843/piwi2 has abnormal cell number | oogenesis phenotype, non-suppressible by ovaUASp.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4C587
piwi06843/piwi2 has neoplasia | oogenesis phenotype, non-suppressible by ovaUASp.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4C587
piwi06843/piwi2 has decreased fecundity | female phenotype, non-suppressible by ovaUASp.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4C587
piwi06843/piwi2 has female sterile phenotype, non-suppressible by ovaUASp.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4C587
piwi2 has female sterile phenotype, non-suppressible by hhhs.PI
piwi2/piwi1 is a suppressor of male semi-fertile | progressive phenotype of Tudor-SN0614/Tudor-SN1120
Df(3R)ea/+, piwi2 has male sterile | recessive phenotype
Df(3R)96B/+, piwi2 has partially lethal - majority die phenotype
Df(3R)by10/+, piwi2 has partially lethal - majority die phenotype
Df(3R)P115/+, piwi2 has male sterile | recessive phenotype
Df(3R)ry27/+, piwi2 has partially lethal - majority die phenotype
Df(3R)ry27/+, piwi2 has lethal | female phenotype
Df(3R)ry506-85C/+, piwi2 has lethal | female phenotype
Df(3R)23D1/+, piwi2 has lethal phenotype
Df(3R)p712/+, piwi2 has lethal phenotype
+/Df(3R)C4, piwi2 has male sterile | recessive phenotype
Df(3R)DG2/+, piwi2 has partially lethal - majority die phenotype
Df(3R)DG2/+, piwi2 has male sterile | recessive phenotype
piwi06843/piwi2 has ovary phenotype, suppressible | partially by ovaUASp.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4C587
piwi2/piwi1 has ovary phenotype, suppressible | partially by Tudor-SN0614/Tudor-SN1120
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by CG7816[+]/Zip99C3
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)66C-G28/+
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)Aprt-1
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)kto2/+
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by Df(3L)ri-79c/+
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by +/Df(3R)L127
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by Df(3R)faf-BP/+
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by P{wA}4-4/+
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by RpS3[+]/RpS31
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by Sry-δ12/Sry-delta[+]
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by Sry-δSF2/Sry-delta[+]
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by T(Y;3)B81/+
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by l(3)99Da[+]/l(3)99Da1
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by l(3)99De1/l(3)99De[+]
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by l(3)99Dg[+]/l(3)99Dg3
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by l(3)99Ea[+]/l(3)99Ea1
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by l(3)99Ea[+]/l(3)99Ea4
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by sima[+]/simaj11B7
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, suppressible by tgo[+]/tgo5
piwi2 has egg chamber phenotype, suppressible by hhhs.PI
piwi06843/piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, non-suppressible by ovaUASp.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4C587
piwi06843/piwi2 has cystoblast phenotype, non-suppressible by ovaUASp.Tag:FLAG/Scer\GAL4C587
piwi2 has female germline stem cell phenotype, non-suppressible by Sry-delta[+]/Sry-δSF1
piwi2/piwi1 is a suppressor | partially of testis phenotype of Tudor-SN0614/Tudor-SN1120
piwi1/+ (or even more so, piwi1/piwi2) significantly partially suppresses the swollen apical tip of the testis phenotype seen in Tudor-SN0614/Tudor-SN1120 males. piwi1/piwi2 suppresses infertility seen in Tudor-SN0614/Tudor-SN1120 males. Tudor-SN0614/Tudor-SN1120 partially suppresses ovary defects in piwi1/piwi2 females.
piwi2/+ enhances the eye outgrowth phenotype phenotype of KrIf-1; approximately 7% of the progeny have an eye outgrowth phenotype in a cross of piwi2/+ females to KrIf-1/+ males. However, the reciprocal cross of KrIf-1/+ females to piwi2/+ males does not result in progeny with an eye outgrowth phenotype, indicating a maternal effect. In addition, the expression of the eye outgrowth phenotype depends on the presence of the piwi2 mutation in the progeny, indicating a zygotic effect.
Over expression of hhhs.PI in piwi2 homozygotes or heterozygotes stimulates somatic cell differentiation in ovarioles. hhhs.PI also restores germ stem cell divisions in these mutants. Rescued homozygotes often contain a full complement of germline cells. Moreover the germaria generate more egg chambers, per ovariole, similar to heterozygous controls. However fertility is not restored.
piwi06843/piwi2 is rescued by Scer\GAL4C587/piwiUASp.cYa
piwi2 is rescued by piwiTag:TAP
piwi2/piwi1 is not rescued by piwiYK.GFP
Embryos derived from germ-line clones are arrested in embryogenesis, and cannot be rescued by paternal piwi+.