Drives expression in mostly GABAergic antennal lobe local interneurons, and in a subset of olfactory projection neurons and olfactory receptor neurons.
ScerGAL4GH298 drives expression in neurons with cell bodies located lateral to the antennal lobes (AL). Some of the labeled neurons innervate the AL.
ScerGAL4GH298 is expressed in 30-32 local neurons of the antennal lobe, with almost all being GABAergic.
Expression of ScerGAL4GH298 is seen in cell bodies found in the local interneuron cluster located lateral and dorsolateral to the antennal lobe. Most labelled cells are ipsilaterally projecting interneurons.
ScerGAL4H24 drives expression in mostly GABAergic antennal lobe local interneurons, and in a subset of olfactory projection neurons and olfactory receptor neurons.
There are an average 21 ScerGAL4GH298-positive lPN cells.
An estimated 81% cells expressing ScerGAL4GH298 are GABAergic.
The neurites of the AL LNs collectively fill the antennal lobes. Expression of ScerGAL4GH298 generally colocalizes with GABA-immunoreactivity, though approximately one-fifth of the GFP positive cells are not GABA-immunopositive.
In adult brain, expression observed in about 20 neurons with arborization in the antennal lobe (AL), most with cell bodies lateral to the AL; pattern fits the shape of 'LocI' (FBrf0051437); expression observed in a subset of neurons in the subesophageal ganglion. No expression observed in the AL in third instar larvae or early pupae; starts to develop at 48h APF.
Scer\GAL4GH298/ChTUAS.cHa partially rescues ChTKK109385
mAChR-AJF02725/Scer\GAL4GH298 fails to rescue mAChR-AKK
Scer\GAL4GH298/mAChR-AUAS.cRa fails to rescue mAChR-AKK
Scer\GAL4GH298/Dop2RUAS.cSa fails to rescue Dop2RΔ1
Scer\GAL4GH298/Pde4UAS.cCa fails to rescue Pde4dnc-1
Scer\GAL4GH298/rgUAS.cVa fails to rescue rgγ5