Insertion of a P{lacW} element within the intron.
Homozygous females lay some eggs but they very rarely hatch. The majority of embryos laid by homozygous females fail to cellularise. Those that do cellularise have an uneven cell size and distribution compared to wild-type embryos. The embryos fail to form pole cells and have a high frequency of "drop-out" nuclei which are eliminated from the surface blastoderm layer and fall into the interior. Syncytial and newly cellularised embryos undergo mitosis with undercondensed chromatin, and a number of spindle abnormalities are seen, including kinked spindles, spindles with microtubules inappropriately associating with chromatin on an adjacent spindle and tetrapolar spindles. The embryos gastrulate normally but generally fail to hatch.
Df(2L)pr-A20/nebk03903 is rescued by nebHsp26.PA
The sterility of nebk03903/Df(2L)pr-A20 flies is rescued by nebHsp26.PA.
This allele was listed in the BDGP database as a lethal or sterile line during the period 1994-1999, but was discarded from the gene disruption project prior to the summary publication (FBrf0111489). Reasons for excluding lines from the collection described in FBrf0111489 include presence of more than one P insertion on the mutant chromosome, separation of lethality (or sterility) from the location of the insertion, and loss of lethality (or sterility) from the stock. Further information is available from and from Dr. Spradling (
Complements: l(2)k11537k11537.