Insertion at position +156 relative to the transcription start site.
autophagic vacuole & larval fat body | somatic clone | cell autonomous
imaginal disc (with Df(2R)F36)
lysosome & larval fat body | somatic clone | cell autonomous
Axon regeneration is mildly reduced in Xbp1k13803/Xbp1k13803 larvae and significantly reduced in Xbp1k13803/Df(2R)BSC484 larvae.
Xbp1k13803 homozygous midgut clones present a significantly increased cell number at 3 and 7 days after clone induction, as compared to control clones.
Heterozygous Xbp1k13803 mutants do not exhibit an increase in apoptosis.
Xbp1k13803 clones in fat bodies from well-fed early third instar larvae accumulate lysosomes, as indicated by elevated LysoTracker staining, and show redistribution of the Atg8a product into autophagosomes.
At day 4 of development, Xbp1k13803 larvae are significantly retarded in their growth compared to their heterozygous siblings.
Xbp1k13803/Df(2R)F36 mutant larvae lack imaginal discs.
95% of homozygotes hatch (these animals appear indistinguishable from controls at the time of hatching). The homozygous larvae remain at the first instar stage, become sluggish and sick before dying after two to four says.
Lethality occurs at an early stage of development, mutants are underdeveloped even under prolonged incubation periods.
Xbp1k13803 is an enhancer of increased cell death phenotype of Hsap\MAPTR406W.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav-C155
Xbp1k13803 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Hsap\MAPTR406W.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav-C155
Xbp1k13803 is a suppressor of increased cell growth rate | second instar larval stage | conditional phenotype of RtcaNP5057
Hsap\TOR1AΔE.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav-C155, Xbp1k13803 has short lived phenotype
Xbp1[+]/Xbp1k13803 is an enhancer of wing margin phenotype of apXa
Xbp1[+]/Xbp1k13803 is an enhancer of wing margin phenotype of Bx2
Xbp1[+]/Xbp1k13803 is an enhancer of retina phenotype of ninaEG69D
Xbp1[+]/Xbp1k13803 is a suppressor of scutellar bristle | increased number phenotype of Chie5.5
Xbp1[+]/Xbp1k13803 is a suppressor of scutellar bristle | increased number phenotype of SsdpL7
Xbp1[+]/Xbp1k13803 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of DrefUAS.cSa
Enhanced axon regeneration seen in RtcaNP5057/RtcaNP5057 larvae is dampened in RtcaNP5057;Xbp1k13803 double mutants.
A Xbp1k13803/+ background significantly accelerates the retinal degeneration of ninaEG69D/+ flies: the pseudopupil of approximately 30% of Xbp1k13803/+ ninaEG69D/+ flies starts to disappear by day 8 (i.e. 8 days earlier than in ninaEG69D/+ flies) and no pseudopupils are observed after day 16.
Xbp1k13803 induces early death in flies expressing Hsap\TOR1AΔE.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 compared with controls.
A heterozygous Xbp1k13803 background significantly increases the level of apoptosis mediated by expression of Hsap\MAPTR406W.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155.
I. Kiss.
Lethality may be due to a specific larval function of the affected locus or is the consequence of the gene being required during embryonic development.
Precise excision of the insertion in Xbp1k13803 revert the mutant lethal phenotype.
Xbp1 transcript levels are severely reduced in 4-day-old Xbp1k13803 larvae.
Complements: l(2)0305003050. Complements: l(2)0720607206. Complements: shg10469. Complements: shgk03401. Complements: shgk10220.