P{lacW} insertion in the 5' untranslated region.
abdominal ventral longitudinal muscle & synapse
axon & alpha'-lobe | somatic clone
axon & antennal glomerulus DA1 | somatic clone
axon & antennal glomerulus DC3 | somatic clone
axon & antennal glomerulus DL1 | somatic clone | cell autonomous
axon & antennal glomerulus VM2 | somatic clone
axon & beta'-lobe | somatic clone
axon & eye photoreceptor cell
axon & eye photoreceptor cell (with Df(2L)N22-5)
axon & eye photoreceptor cell | somatic clone | cell autonomous
axon & lamina
axon & lamina (with Df(2L)N22-5)
axon & lamina | somatic clone | somatic clone | cell autonomous
axon | adult stage (with Sema1ak03509)
dendrite & antennal glomerulus DA1 | somatic clone
dendrite & antennal glomerulus DC3 | somatic clone
dendrite & antennal glomerulus DL1 | somatic clone
eye photoreceptor cell & lamina
eye photoreceptor cell & lamina (with Df(2L)N22-5)
eye photoreceptor cell & lamina | somatic clone | cell autonomous
motor neuron | adult stage (with Sema1ak03509)
neurite | P-stage (with Df(2L)Exel7039)
photoreceptor cell R1 & axon
photoreceptor cell R2 & axon
photoreceptor cell R3 & axon
photoreceptor cell R4 & axon
photoreceptor cell R5 & axon
photoreceptor cell R6 & axon
RP3 neuron & synapse
RP5 neuron & synapse
Sema1ak13702 heterozygous embryos show modest increase in the frequency of guidance defects in intersegmental nerve b motor axons compared to controls, these defects are observed in nearly all Sema1ak13702 homozygotes, which also display axon pathfinding defects in the central nervous system.
Sema-1a is not required to prevent dendrite crossing in the class IV dendritic arborizing neurons as Sema-1ak13702 mutant larvae do not display any increase in dendrite self-crossing compared to wild-type controls.
Adult Sema1ak03509 homozygous mutants as well as Sema1ak03509/Sema1ak13702 transheterozygotes display axon mis-projection phenotypes in the leg muscles - lack of innervation of the muscles of the femur and excessive innervation of the muscles of the tibia.
Most posterior commissural axons do not cross the midline in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background.
Homozygous embryos show ISNb motor axon guidance defects (95.5% of hemisegments) and SNa motor axon guidance defects (95.2% of hemisegments). Many ISNb axon bundles stall at the second choice point (between muscles 6 and 7), failing to send remaining ISNb motor axons dorsally, and some fail to defasciculate at the third choice point (between muscles 12 and 13). Axons within the SNa pathway fail to defasciculate between muscles 22 and 23.
Homozygous embryos show defects in ISNb guidance in more than 80% of hemisegments. Guidance defects are often seen in the lateral Fas2-positive longitudinal axon pathways of the central nervous system.
R1-R6 growth cones scatter around the lamina termination region in homozygous Sema-1ak13702 third instar larvae, leading to the appearance of a discontinuous termination layer in the lamina.
Sema-1ak13702 homozygous mutant embryos do not exhibit any sensory axon defects.
Sema-1ak13702 clones generated in a heterozygous background in either projection neurons or mushroom body α'/β' neurons cause axon mistargeting.
Sema-1ak13702 clonal DL1 projection neuron axons in a heterozygous background mistarget dorsally out of the correct areas and show profuse branching. This phenotype is 100% penetrant. Axon mistargeting is also observed for DA1 clones. DC3 and VM2 neuron clones show mild axon mistargeting phenotypes.
Dendrites of Sema-1ak13702 DL1 projection neuron clones mistarget; these dendrites normally target the most dorsolateral glomerulus of the antennal lobe but they mistarget ventromedially and sometimes target outside the antennal lobe. This mistargeting is seen at all stages of development. Dendrites of DA1 projection neuron clones mistarget in the ventromedial direction. Centrally targeting DC3 dendrites show a mild but statistically significant shift in the ventromedial direction. Ventromedially targeting VM2 neurons still target most of their dendrites to the appropriate area.
Homozygous maxillary palp olfactory receptor neuron clones of the Or85e, Or46a, Or42a, Or59c or Or71a expressing classes (where about half or almost all olfactory receptor neurons are mutant) show severe axon-targeting defects. They often fail to enter the antennal lobe and form extra-antennal lobe terminations. Axons that do enter the antennal lobe mistarget to inappropriate areas and form ectopic terminations within the antennal lobe. Small homozygous clones of these classes of maxillary palp olfactory receptor neurons do not show axon targeting defects, indicating that the defects seen when large olfactory receptor neuron clones are present are non-cell-autonomous.
Homozygous antennal olfactory receptor neuron clones of the Or10a, Or22a, Or47a, Or92a or Gr21a expressing classes (where about half or almost all olfactory receptor neurons are mutant) do not show axon targeting defects.
Homozygous antennal olfactory receptor neuron clones of the Or43a, Or83c, Or88a, Or23a or Or35a expressing classes (where almost all olfactory receptor neurons are mutant) show mild but highly penetrant defects in axon targeting within the antennal lobe; the axons always innervate their correct glomeruli but often also spread slightly beyond their normal targets. No ectopic terminations are found outside the antennal lobe.
Homozygous antennal olfactory receptor neuron clones of the Or67b or Or47b expressing classes (where almost all olfactory receptor neurons are mutant) show defects in axon targeting within the antennal lobe; they always innervate their correct glomeruli but occasionally target to more distant regions of the antennal lobe as well. No ectopic terminations are found outside the antennal lobe.
In Sema-1ak13702 homozygous or Sema-1ak13702/Df(2L)N22-5 late third instar larvae, organisation of developing eye photoreceptor cells in the retina occurs normally and project their axons normally through the a normal looking optic stalk. However, severe defects are seen in the paths taken by these axons after leaving the stalk: R1-R6 growth cones fail to pack into a dense termination layer but instead are scattered around the lamina terminal field and some extend laterally to positions outside the terminal field although few leave the lamina altogether. A similar phenotype is seen in Sema-1ak13702 homozygous somatic clones but not in surrounding heterozygous or wild-type eye phenotype receptor axons.
Expression of two copies of Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa in midline glial cells, under the control of Scer\GAL4P52, in a Sema-1ak13702/Sema-1ak13702 background, leads to a lack of both anterior and posterior commissures as all commissural axons fail to cross the midline. Expression of one copy of Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa in this background leads to the repulsion of fewer commissural axons from the midline, so that only the posterior commissure and not the anterior commissure is missing from most segments.
In Sema-1ak13702 homozygous late third instar larvae, axonal projections from developing eye photoreceptor cells are abnormal: the R1-R6 terminal field in the lamina is severely disrupted, with clumps and loop-like structures frequently observed. Despite this, lamina specific targetting of these axons appears largely normal.
47.4% of homozygous hemisegments show defects in muscle 6/7 innervation and 77.3% show defects in muscle 12/13 innervation (these defects in ISNb axons include axons stalling, bypassing targets and absent or decreased muscle innervation). 85.7% of homozygous hemisegments show SNa pathway defects, failing to make the two characteristic turns between muscles 22 and 23 and muscles 23 and 24.
Intersegmental nerve b (ISNb) is most often stalled at ventral lateral muscles 6-13 in homozygous embryos. RP3 and RP5 synaptic arborisations are absent. The dorsal segmental nerve a (SNa) branch is most often stalled on lateral muscles (LMs) 22-23, where it would normally bifurcate, in homozygous embryos. CNS defects are seen in 31% of hemisegments in homozygous embryos.
1% of homozygotes survive to adulthood. The intersegmental nerve b branch (ISNb) pathway is abnormal in 87%
of hemisegments in homozygous embryos. In 49% of hemisegments, the
ISNb is stalled, failing to extend from the external surface of ventral
lateral muscles (VLMs) 6 and 7 to the internal surface of VLMs 12 and
13. Most of these stalled ISNb branches terminate between muscles
6 and 13, although some are terminated more ventrally, between muscles
6 and 7. In 7% of hemisegments the ISNb undergoes a fusion bypass
with the intersegmental nerve (ISN), bypassing the ventral muscle field
and extending along the ISN at least to the dorsal level of the lateral
muscles. In 35% of hemisegments, synaptic arborisations between muscles
6 and 7 are abnormal, being substantially thinner and smaller compared
to wild-type, and 18% of hemisegments lack a muscle 6/7 synapse.
The ISNd branch is defective, either being missing or severely truncated
and thinner than normal, in 39% of hemisegments.
92% of hemisegments have defects in the segmental nerve a branch (SNa)
pathway. These defects primarily affect the dorsal, not the lateral
SNa branch. The dorsal SNa branch is stalled between muscles 22 and
23, at the choice point where it would normally bifurcate, in 69% of
hemisegments. In 19% of hemisegments the choice point is navigated
correctly, but the motor axon that innervates muscle 24 fails to extend
dorsally after reaching muscle 24.
The SNc branch is defective in 11% of hemisegments.
20% of hemisegments show transverse nerve defects, which sometimes
result in the establishment of ectopic synapses on the ventral lateral
The pCC/MP2 and MP1 connectives appear normal, but the third Fas2
expressing longitudinal connective is abnormal in 31% of hemisegments,
being discontinuous, thin and wavy. Individual axons from this connective
are often misrouted and contact the neighbouring MP1 connective. The
overall organisation of the central nervous system (CNS) appears normal.
The development of the RP, VUM and Con expressing longitudinal pathways
in the CNS is normal.
Muscle development and morphology, including the degree of adhesion
between neighbouring muscles, appears normal.
Homozygous embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of
Scer\GAL4elav-C155 show complete rescue of the ISNb defects, a partial
but significant rescue of SNa defects and an almost complete rescue
of the CNS phenotype. There is also almost complete rescue of adult
Homozygous embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of
Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 show rescue of the ISNb defects, a partial but significant
rescue of SNa defects and an almost complete rescue of the CNS phenotype.
There is no rescue of adult lethality.
Homozygous embryos expressing Sema-1aEC.Scer\UAS under the control of
Scer\GAL4elav-C155 or show partial, but significant rescue of neuronal
defects. There is also partial, but significant rescue of adult lethality.
Homozygous embryos expressing Sema-1aEC.Scer\UAS under the control of
Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 or show partial, but significant rescue of neuronal
defects. There is no rescue of adult lethality.
The ISNb and SNa phenotypes seen in homozygous Sema-1ak13702 embryos
are enhanced if the embryos also carry a single copy of Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa
expressed under the control of a single copy of Scer\GAL4how-24B. In
addition, SNa fusion bypass events are seen in these embryos, in which
the SNa fails to enter the ventral muscle field and extends dorsally
along the ISN. The first and second arborisations of the ISN are missing
in some hemisegments.
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari[+]/vari327
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari[+]/vari48EP
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari327/vari327
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cher[+]/cherQ1042X
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cherEPSΔ5/cher[+]
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by CadNΔ14/CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | P-stage | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by CadNΔ14/CadNΔ14
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4P52/trolEP1160
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by PlexA+tCa
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by trolUAS.RG/Scer\GAL4P52
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4P52/trolUAS.RD
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by dally80/dally[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by sfl[+]/sfl03844
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by sgl[+]/sgl08310
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by ifunspecified/if[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by mys[+]/mysunspecified
Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | P-stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Sema5cJF03372/Scer\GAL4nSyb.PS
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ext2[+]/sotv326
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ext2[+]/sotv326/ttv[+]/ttv00681b
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by dlp1/dlp[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Sdc10608/Sdc[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by botv510/botv[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by ttv[+]/ttv00681b
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by mew[+]/mewunspecified
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by Df(4)C3/+
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by trol[+]/trolnull
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by trol[+]/trol8
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(4)C3/+
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)5126/+
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Ext2[+]/sotv326
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by ttv[+]/ttv00681b
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Ext2[+]/sotv326/ttv[+]/ttv00681b
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by mew[+]/mewunspecified
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by dlp1/dlp[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Sdc10608/Sdc[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by botv510/botv[+]
Sema1ak13702/Sema1a[+] is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of cherQ1042X
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage | semidominant phenotype of kermitex31
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | P-stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNM19
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of visible phenotype of DysRNAi.NH2.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act.PU
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of visible phenotype of DysRNAi.C.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | adult stage phenotype of PlexAVDRC.cUa, Scer\GAL4peb-GAL4
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | dominant phenotype of Gyc76CKG03723ex173
Sema1ak13702 is a non-enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Sema2a03021
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of FakUAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.N.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of fracΔ1
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of DgRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of Mmp1Q112stop/Mmp12
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of Mmp2W307stop/Df(2R)Uba1-Mmp2
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of Mmp1Q112stop/Mmp12
Sema1ak13702 is a non-suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of Sema2a03021
Sema1ak13702, trol[+]/trolnull has abnormal neuroanatomy | dominant | embryonic stage phenotype
Sema1ak13702, trol[+]/trol8 has abnormal neuroanatomy | dominant | embryonic stage phenotype
Sema1ak13702, pbl[+]/pbl2 has abnormal neuroanatomy | dominant | embryonic stage phenotype
Df(3R)swp2MICAL/+, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype
Df(4)C3/+, Sema1ak13702 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype
Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari[+]/vari327
Sema1ak13702 has axon | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari[+]/vari327
Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari[+]/vari48EP
Sema1ak13702 has axon | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari[+]/vari48EP
Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari327/vari327
Sema1ak13702 has axon | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by vari327/vari327
Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cher[+]/cherQ1042X
Sema1ak13702 has axon | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cher[+]/cherQ1042X
Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cherEPSΔ5/cher[+]
Sema1ak13702 has axon | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cherEPSΔ5/cher[+]
Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5
Sema1ak13702 has axon | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by cherEPSΔ5/cherEPSΔ5
Sema1ak13702 has lamina monopolar neuron L3 | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by CadNΔ14/CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702 has lamina monopolar neuron L1 | P-stage | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by CadNΔ14/CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702 has lamina monopolar neuron L1 | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by CadNΔ14/CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702 has lamina monopolar neuron L5 | P-stage | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by CadNΔ14/CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702 has lamina monopolar neuron L5 | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype, enhanceable by CadNΔ14/CadNΔ14
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by PlexA+tCa
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by trolUAS.RG/Scer\GAL4P52
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4P52/trolUAS.RD
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by dally80/dally[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by sfl[+]/sfl03844
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by sgl[+]/sgl08310
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by ifunspecified/if[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by mys[+]/mysunspecified
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4P52/trolEP1160
Sema1ak13702 has larval VO2 motor neuron phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Fas2UAS.cLa
Sema1ak13702 has RP3 neuron & synapse phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Fas2UAS.cLa
Sema1ak13702 has larval VO1 motor neuron phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Fas2UAS.cLa
Sema1ak13702 has larval RP5 motor neuron phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Fas2UAS.cLa
Sema1ak13702 has larval abdominal segmental nerve phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Fas2UAS.cLa
Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Fas2UAS.cLa
Sema1ak13702 has medulla layer | P-stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Sema5cJF03372/Scer\GAL4nSyb.PS
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ext2[+]/sotv326
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Ext2[+]/sotv326/ttv[+]/ttv00681b
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by dlp1/dlp[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by Sdc10608/Sdc[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by botv510/botv[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by ttv[+]/ttv00681b
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-enhanceable by mew[+]/mewunspecified
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by Df(4)C3/+
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by trol[+]/trolnull
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by trol[+]/trol8
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(4)C3/+
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure phenotype, suppressible | partially by Df(3L)5126/+
Fas2EB112, Sema1ak13702 has larval abdominal segmental nerve phenotype, suppressible by ConFvex238
Sema1ak13702 has RP3 neuron & synapse phenotype, suppressible by Fas2EB112/Fas2[+]
Sema1ak13702 has presumptive embryonic/larval central nervous system phenotype, suppressible by Fas2EB112
Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve phenotype, suppressible by Fas2EB112/Fas2[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by dlp1/dlp[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Sdc10608/Sdc[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by botv510/botv[+]
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Ext2[+]/sotv326
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by ttv[+]/ttv00681b
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Ext2[+]/sotv326/ttv[+]/ttv00681b
Scer\GAL4P52, Sema1aUAS.cYa, Sema1ak13702 has larval posterior commissure | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by mew[+]/mewunspecified
Sema1ak13702 has larval abdominal segmental nerve phenotype, non-suppressible by ConFvex238
Sema1ak13702 has larval abdominal segmental nerve phenotype, non-suppressible by Df(3L)Flex14
Sema1ak13702 has larval abdominal segmental nerve phenotype, non-suppressible by Fas2EB112
Sema1ak13702/Sema1a[+] is an enhancer of larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype of cherQ1042X
Sema1ak13702/Sema1a[+] is an enhancer of axon | embryonic stage phenotype of cherQ1042X
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype of kermitex31
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of larval segmental nerve branch SNa of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype of kermitex31
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of axon | embryonic stage phenotype of kermitex31
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of lamina monopolar neuron L3 | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNM19
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of lamina monopolar neuron L3 | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of lamina monopolar neuron L3 | P-stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of lamina monopolar neuron L1 | P-stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of lamina monopolar neuron L1 | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of lamina monopolar neuron L5 | P-stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of lamina monopolar neuron L2 | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema1ak13702 is an enhancer of lamina monopolar neuron L4 | adult stage | somatic clone phenotype of CadNΔ14
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of posterior crossvein phenotype of DysRNAi.NH2.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act.PU
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of posterior crossvein phenotype of DysRNAi.C.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of maxillary palp olfactory receptor neuron phenotype of PlexAVDRC.cUa, Scer\GAL4peb-GAL4
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of larval intersegmental nerve phenotype of Gyc76CKG03723ex173
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is an enhancer of larval abdominal segmental nerve phenotype of Gyc76CKG03723ex173
Sema1ak13702 is a non-enhancer of lch1 neuron phenotype of Sema2a03021
Sema1ak13702 is a non-enhancer of lobula columnar neuron LC14 phenotype of Sema2a03021
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor | partially of medial longitudinal fascicle | embryonic stage phenotype of FakUAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor | partially of lateral longitudinal fascicle | embryonic stage phenotype of FakUAS.Tag:HA, Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor of larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 phenotype of RhoGAPp190RNAi.N.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PLu
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor of larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype of fracΔ1
Sema1ak13702/Df(2L)N22-5 is a suppressor of eye photoreceptor cell | third instar larval stage phenotype of PlexAUAS.cYa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Sema1ak13702/Df(2L)N22-5 is a suppressor of lamina | third instar larval stage phenotype of PlexAUAS.cYa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor of posterior crossvein phenotype of DgRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor of larval segmental nerve branch SNa of A1-7 phenotype of Mmp1Q112stop/Mmp12
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor | partially of larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 phenotype of Mmp2W307stop/Df(2R)Uba1-Mmp2
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a suppressor | partially of larval segmental nerve branch SNa of A1-7 phenotype of Mmp2W307stop/Df(2R)Uba1-Mmp2
Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] is a non-suppressor of larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 phenotype of Mmp1Q112stop/Mmp12
Sema1ak13702 is a non-suppressor of lch1 neuron phenotype of Sema2a03021
Sema1ak13702 is a non-suppressor of lobula columnar neuron LC14 phenotype of Sema2a03021
Sema1ak13702, trol[+]/trol8 has larval segmental nerve branch SNa of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype
Sema1ak13702, trol[+]/trolnull has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype
Sema1ak13702, trol[+]/trolnull has larval segmental nerve branch SNa of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype
Sema1ak13702, trol[+]/trol8 has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 | embryonic stage phenotype
Sema1ak13702, pbl[+]/pbl2 has larval intersegmental nerve branch ISNb of A1-7 phenotype
DysRNAi.C.UAS, Sema1ak13702/Sema-1a[+] has wing vein | ectopic phenotype
Df(3R)swp2MICAL/+, Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve phenotype
Df(3R)swp2MICAL/+, Sema1ak13702 has larval segmental nerve phenotype
Df(4)C3/+, Sema1ak13702 has larval intersegmental nerve phenotype
Df(4)C3/+, Sema1ak13702 has larval segmental nerve phenotype
The moderate guidance defects observed in intersegmental nerve b motor axons of Sema1ak13702 heterozygous embryos are exacerbated by combination with a single copy of any of the following: vari327, vari48EP, cherQ1042X (which on its own also produces weak defasciculation defects) or cherEPSΔ5. The very strong defects observed in Sema1ak13702 homozygotes cannot be worsened further by either vari327 or cherEPSΔ5 homozygosity.
kermitex31/+, Sema-1ak13702/+ double mutants exhibit an increased number of defects in both ISNb and SNa motor neuron axon pathways as compared to kermitex31/+ mutant embryos.
The commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background is significantly suppressed if the embryos are also heterozygous for either Df(4)C3, trolnull or trol8.
The commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background is significantly enhanced if the embryos also carry one copy of plexA+tCa.
The commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background is significantly enhanced if the embryos are also heterozygous for either dally80, sfl03844 or sgl08310.
The commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background is not affected if the embryos are also doubly heterozygous for Ext2326 and ttv00681b.
Co-expression of trolEP1160 significantly enhances the commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background.
Co-expression of either trolScer\UAS.RG or trolScer\UAS.RD strongly enhances the commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background.
The commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background is not affected if the embryos are also heterozygous for either dlp1, Sdc10608, botv510, Ext2326 or ttv00681b.
The commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background is significantly enhanced if the embryos are also heterozygous for ifunspecified or mysunspecified.
The commissural axon phenotype (failure to cross the midline) seen in embryos expressing Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52 in a Sema-1ak13702 null background is not affected if the embryos are also heterozygous for mewunspecified.
trol8/+ ; Sema-1ak13702/+ double heterozygous embryos show ISNb motor axon guidance defects (50.5% of hemisegments) and SNa motor axon guidance defects (44.8% of hemisegments).
trolnull/+ ; Sema-1ak13702/+ double heterozygous embryos show ISNb motor axon guidance defects (51.0% of hemisegments) and SNa motor axon guidance defects (41.8% of hemisegments).
Sema-1ak13702/+ ; Sdc10608/+ double heterozygous embryo do not show significant ISNb or SNa motor axon guidance defects compared to controls.
The defects seen in the Fas2-positive longitudinal fascicles of embryos expressing FakScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 are partially suppressed if the embryos are also heterozygous for Sema-1ak13702.
Sema-1ak13702/+ suppresses the premature ISNb branching seen in embryos expressing RhoGAPp190dsRNA.N.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.PLu from 22.1% to 8.2% of hemisegments, while the total fraction of hemisegments showing ISNb defects is reduced from 36.4% to 21.2% in these animals.
Total ISNb guidance defects in embryos doubly heterozygous for Sema-1ak13702 and pbl2 are greater than those observed for either single heterozygote.
A heterozygous Sema-1ak13702 background dominantly suppresses the ISNb pathfinding phenotypes from 64% in fracΔ1 homozygotes to 18% in double mutants.
One copy of Sema-1ak13702 moderately enhances the detached posterior crossvein phenotype seen when DysdsRNA.NH2.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.PU.
One copy of Sema-1ak13702 moderately enhances the detached posterior crossvein phenotype seen when DysdsRNA.C.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4tub.PU but produces extra wing vein material.
One copy of Sema-1ak13702 suppresses the posterior crossvein phenotype seen when DgdsRNA.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4tub.PU.
Sema-1ak13702 Sema-2a03021 double mutants exhibit sensory axon mis-projections in the same frequency as Sema-2a03021 homozygotes.
The frequency of axon targeting defects of maxillary palp olfactory receptor neurons in animals expressing plexAVDRC.cUa under the control of Scer\GAL4peb-GAL4 is enhanced if they are also heterozygous for Sema-1ak13702. The frequency of both abnormal terminations outside the antennal lobe and of ectopic terminations within the antennal lobe is increased.
Decreasing the levels of plexA via a Df(4)C3/+ background suppresses the lack of posterior commissure in embryos that express one copy of Sema-1aScer\UAS.cYa under the control of Scer\GAL4P52. This phenotype is also partially suppressed in a Df(3L)5126/+ background.
Sema-1ak13702/+; Gyc76CKG03723ex33/+ double mutant embryos show a motor axon guidance phenotype that is similar in severity to Gyc76CKG03723ex33 homozygotes, while Gyc76CKG03723ex33 heterozygotes show a much milder phenotype.
32.7% of hemisegments in Sema-1ak13702/+ ; Df(3R)swp2MICAL/+ double heterozygotes show defects in muscle 6/7 innervation and 37.3% show defects in muscle 12/13 innervation (these defects in ISNb axons include axons stalling, bypassing targets and absent or decreased muscle innervation). 51.8% of hemisegments show SNa pathway defects, failing to make the two characteristic turns between muscles 22 and 23 and muscles 23 and 24. 32.4% of hemisegments in Sema-1ak13702/+ ; Df(4)C3/+ double heterozygotes show defects in muscle 6/7 innervation and 39.8% show defects in muscle 12/13 innervation (these defects in ISNb axons include axons stalling, bypassing targets and absent or decreased muscle innervation). 68.5% of hemisegments show SNa pathway defects, failing to make the two characteristic turns between muscles 22 and 23 and muscles 23 and 24.
The intersegmental nerve b (ISNb) phenotypes seen in homozygous Sema-1ak13702 embryos are suppressed by one copy of Fas2EB112. Synaptic arborisations on ventral lateral muscles (VLMs) 12 and 6-7 appear normal. The ISNb phenotypes seen in homozygous Sema-1ak13702 embryos are enhanced by Fas2Scer\UAS.cLa expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155. The ISNb may fail to defasciculate from the intersegmental nerve (ISN) which results in a fusion bypass with the ISN. ISNb is also seen to stall ventrally on VLMs 6-7. The number of hemisegments showing aberrant or absent RP3 innervation of VLMs 6 and 7 is increased. A failure of RP1, RP4 and RP5 to defasciculate around VLMs 13 and 6, a "stall" phenotype, is also increased. The Sema-1ak13702 segmental nerve a (SNa) defasciculation defects are not suppressed by Fas2EB112, Df(3L)Flex14 or ConFvex238 alone. However, rescue of the Sema-1ak13702 SNa stall phenotype is seen in Fas2EB112/+ ; Sema-1ak13702 ; ConFvex238 triple mutant embryos; the SNa dorsal branches bifurcate at lateral muscles (LMs) 22-23 and extend dorsally. Sema-1ak13702 SNa phenotypes are dramatically enhanced by Fas2Scer\UAS.cLa expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155. Failure of all SNa lateral branches to defasciculate from the SNa pathway, resulting in the lack of SNa lateral branches, is seen. An increase in the stall phenotype of the dorsal SNa branch is also seen. Sema-1ak13702 CNS defects are suppressed by one copy of Fas2EB112 (they are seen in only 10% of hemisegments, compared to 31% in Sema-1ak13702 single mutants).
Sema1ak13702 is rescued by Sema1aUAS.cYa/Scer\GAL4GH146
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1aUAS.cJa/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4sca-537.4/Sema1aUAS.Tag:MYC
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1aΔ1-40.UAS/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1aΔ5.UAS/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1aUAS.cJa/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4sca-537.4/Sema1a36G.52A.UAS
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1aΔ31-60.UAS/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4sca-537.4/Sema1amEC.UAS.Tag:MYC
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1amICD.UAS/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1aFc.mICD.UAS/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1amEC.Fc.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702/Df(2L)N22-5 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Sema1aUAS.cYa
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Sema1aUAS.cYa
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1aUAS.cYa/Scer\GAL4sca-537.4
Sema1ak13702 is partially rescued by Sema1aEC.UAS/Scer\GAL4elav-C155
Sema1ak13702 is not rescued by Sema1aΔcyto.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4GH146
Sema1ak13702/Df(2L)N22-5 is not rescued by Sema1aΔcyto.UAS.Tag:MYC/Scer\GAL4elav-C155
The axon guidance defects characteristic for Sema1ak13702 homozygous embryos can be partially rescued (to a varying extent) by expression of any of the following: Sema1aScer\UAS.cJa, Sema1aScer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC, Sema1aΔ1-40.Scer\UAS or Sema1aΔ5.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4sca-537.4. Whereas the defects in the central nervous system are efficiently suppressed by all these transgenes, the frequency of defasciculation irregularities in the intersegmental nerve b is only partially decreased (and not at all with the Sema1aΔ1-40.Scer\UAS) and remains elevated compared to wild-type controls.
Expression of either Sema-1aScer\UAS.cJa, Sema-1a36G.52A.Scer\UAS or Sema-1aΔ31-60.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 rescues the central nervous system guidance defects and partially rescues the ISNb guidance defects seen in Sema-1ak13702 embryos.
Expression of either Sema-1amICD.Scer\UAS or Sema-1amICD.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\Fc-IgG under the control of Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 significantly but modestly rescues the central nervous system guidance defects seen in Sema-1ak13702 embryos.
Expression of Sema-1amEC.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 partially rescues the central nervous system guidance defects seen in Sema-1ak13702 embryos.
Expression of Sema-1amEC.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\Fc-IgG,T:Hsap\MYC under the control of Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 strongly rescues the central nervous system guidance defects seen in Sema-1ak13702 embryos.
Co-expression of Sema-1amEC.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\Fc-IgG,T:Hsap\MYC and Sema-1amICD.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 does not result in additional rescue of the ISNb defects seen in Sema-1ak13702 embryos compared to either line expressed alone.
Co-expression of Sema-1amEC.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\Fc-IgG,T:Hsap\MYC and Sema-1amICD.Scer\UAS.T:Hsap\Fc-IgG under the control of Scer\GAL4sca-537.4 does not result in additional rescue of the ISNb defects seen in Sema-1ak13702 embryos compared to either line expressed alone.
I. Kiss.
Complements: lmg03424. Complements: rawk01021. Complements: l(2)k04003k04003. Complements: l(2)rH280rH280.