Rab5k08232 is a P-element insertion within the 5' leader coding region of Rab5.
lethal (with Df(2L)BSC455)
synaptic vesicle & larval neuromuscular junction
The average number of crystal cells per embryo is reduced (to 11.4) in homozygous stage 13-14 embryos compared to wild type (36 +/- 2.2 cells on average).
Homozygous Rab5k08232 animals die during late second and early third instar larval stages with only a light locomotion phenotype. Consistent with a mild phenotype, both synaptic uptake and transmission rates to the muscles are normal. If raised under `intensive care' conditions, very few Rab5k08232 larvae develop into adult flies, which display a flightless phenotype.
There is no significant difference in the nervous system degeneration seen in SNF4Aγloe mutants in a Rab5k08230 heterozygous background.
Rab5k08232 is rescued by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Rab5UAS.EGFP
Rab5k08232 is rescued by Rab5+tWa
The Rab5k08232 lethality and phenotype are caused by reduced Rab5 levels in the nervous system as they can be rescued by restricted expression of Rab5Scer\UAS.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP, under the regulation of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 in the nervous system. Rab5+tWa rescues the lethality due to Rab5k08232.
I. Kiss.
Complements: l(2)0023100231.
Lethality can be reverted by precise excision P{lacW}Rab5k08232.
Complements: l(2)0023100231. Complements: l(2)s5379s5379.