Drives expression in adult Malpighian tubule structures, including principal cells of the main segment, in bar-shaped cells of the initial and transitional segments, and the lower tubule. In the adult brain, drives expression in the ellipsoid and fan-shaped bodies and pars intercerbralis, in about 13 ring neurons R2 and R4m, and in a subset of fan-shaped neurons.
ScerGAL4c42 labeling is detected in about 13 ring neurons R2 and R4m at 7-8 days of age.
ScerGAL4c42 drives expression in Malphighian tubule type I cells (principal cells).
In adult Malpighian tubule, expressed in principal cells of the main segment, in bar-shaped cells of the initial and transitional segments, and in the lower tubule.
Besp\bPACUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4c42 has Malpighian tubule | conditional phenotype, enhanceable by EpacUAS.cEa, Scer\GAL4c42
Scer\GAL4c42, WnkKK102654 has adult Malpighian tubule phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4c42/frayT206E.UAS
Scer\GAL4c42, WnkKK102654 has adult Malpighian tubule phenotype, suppressible by Ncc69r2
Scer\GAL4c42, WnkKK102654 has adult Malpighian tubule phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4c42/frayRNAi.UAS
EpacUAS.cEa, Scer\GAL4c42 is an enhancer of Malpighian tubule | conditional phenotype of Besp\bPACUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4c42
MycJF01761, Scer\GAL4c42, Scer\GAL4tsh-c724 is a suppressor of adult Malpighian tubule phenotype of BicC5
MycJF01761, Scer\GAL4c42, Scer\GAL4tsh-c724 is a suppressor of adult specialized Malpighian tubule cell phenotype of BicC5
MycJF01762, Scer\GAL4c42, Scer\GAL4tsh-c724 is a suppressor of adult Malpighian tubule phenotype of BicC5
MycJF01762, Scer\GAL4c42, Scer\GAL4tsh-c724 is a suppressor of adult specialized Malpighian tubule cell phenotype of BicC5
Scer\GAL4c42/frayT206E.UAS is a suppressor of adult Malpighian tubule phenotype of Scer\GAL4c42, WnkKK102654
Scer\GAL4c42/frayRNAi.UAS is a suppressor of adult Malpighian tubule phenotype of Scer\GAL4c42, WnkKK102654
Scer\GAL4c42/EcRA.UAS partially rescues EcRB1-ΔC655.F645A.UAS
EcRB1.UAS/Scer\GAL4c42 partially rescues EcRB1-ΔC655.F645A.UAS
Scer\GAL4c42/EcRB2.UAS partially rescues EcRB1-ΔC655.F645A.UAS
Scer\GAL4c42/ERRUAS.cTa fails to rescue ERR2/ERR1