ScerGAL4Dll-em212 drives expression in developing tarsal segments.
ScerGAL4Dll-em212 drives expression in the distal region of leg discs.
Drives expression in distal structures postembryonically; prominently expressed in the presumptive tarsal segments in leg discs.
Larval expression is observed in the genital and anal primordia of the male and female genital discs. Adult expression is observed in the vaginal plates in females, in the claspers in males, and in the anal plates of both sexes.
Assayed in adult cuticle using y+ marker. Expressed in distal portions of leg, wing, and antenna; expression in femur relatively weak.
leg, with DnaJ-1GD7025
leg, with Pepck1GD9451
leg | adult stage, with btdRNAi.UAS
leg | adult stage, with btdUAS.cBa
leg | adult stage, with Sp1UAS.cBa
leg disc | P-stage, with Arp2JF02785
leg disc | P-stage, with Arpc3AJF02370
leg disc | P-stage, with Arpc5JF03147
microchaeta & tarsal segment 5, with pxbUAS.cIa
microchaeta & tarsal segment 5, with wgRNAi.UAS
wing | distal | posterior, with wgRNAi.UAS
wing vein | distal, with dppRNAi.UAS.cIa
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212, fd96CaHMC04655 has sex comb tooth | decreased number phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/fd96CbJF02325
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212, fd96CbUAS.cRa has unguis | absent phenotype, enhanceable by Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/fd96CaUAS.cRa
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212, fd96CaUAS.cRa has sex comb tooth | decreased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/fd96CbUAS.cRa
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212, fd96CbUAS.cRa has mesothoracic tibial preapical bristle | increased number phenotype, non-enhanceable by Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/fd96CaUAS.cRa
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/fd96CbJF02325 is an enhancer of sex comb tooth | decreased number phenotype of Scer\GAL4Dll-em212, fd96CaHMC04655
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/fd96CaUAS.cRa is an enhancer of unguis | absent phenotype of Scer\GAL4Dll-em212, fd96CbUAS.cRa
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/fd96CbUAS.cRa is a non-enhancer of sex comb tooth | decreased number phenotype of Scer\GAL4Dll-em212, fd96CaUAS.cRa
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/fd96CaUAS.cRa is a non-enhancer of mesothoracic tibial preapical bristle | increased number phenotype of Scer\GAL4Dll-em212, fd96CbUAS.cRa
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/BacA\p35UAS.cHa is a suppressor of leg disc | somatic clone phenotype of BacA\p35UAS.cHa
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/Sp1L.UAS partially rescues Df(1)btd-Sp1
Scer\GAL4Dll-em212/btdUAS.cSa fails to rescue Df(1)btd-Sp1