abdominal segment 2 & cardioblast
abdominal segment 3 & cardioblast
abdominal segment 4 & cardioblast
abdominal segment 5 & cardioblast
abdominal segment 6 & cardioblast
abdominal segment 7 & cardioblast
CycAC8LR1 homozygous somatic clones in third instar larval eye discs do not enter S transition during the second mitotic wave.
Sleep defects are observed in CycAEY11746 mutant heterozygotes.
In CycAC8LR1 mutant embryos, tracheal branches are formed and migrate to their destinations with only half the normal number of cells and accomplish a standard tube diameter and length, with ganglionic branches invading the ventral nerve cord as in the wild-type.
The number of glial cells is reduced in mutant embryos compared to controls.
Progression through mitosis 16 does not occur in CycAC8LR1 mutant embryos and all epidermal cells remain in G2.
CycAC8LR1 embryos show a general failure of epidermal cells to progress through mitosis 16. There are some mitotic cells that progress through this cycle in CycAC8LR1 embryos, but these are restricted mainly to the prospective anterior spiracle region in the epidermis and are unusual in that they progress through an additional division cycle compared to cells in wild-type embryos, so that the mutant cells complete 17 rounds of mitosis instead of 16.
The terminal mitoses of ganglion mother cells are preferentially inhibited in CycAC8LR1 embryos. In contrast, the asymmetric neuroblast divisions, which are not terminal mitoses, are less inhibited in these mutants.
In CycAC8LR1 embryos, the GMC4-2a cell differentiates into only one RP2 neuron, instead of a RP2 neuron and a RP2sib neuron.
Mitosis 16 does not occur in the epidermal layer in mutant embryos, resulting in embryos with fewer but bigger cells compared to wild type.
Mutant embryos lack eve expressing pericardial cells and have only a single odd expressing pericardial cell per hemisegment. DA1 muscles form as in wild-type. The DO2 founders are also present. A halving is also seen in the number of myocardial cells seen in segments A2 to A7, though the number seen in segments T3 to A1 remain normal.
In CycAC8LR1 mutants, cell cycle arrest occurs at mitosis 16.
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by Rca12/Rca12
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycEUAS.cLa
CycAC8LR1 has decreased cell number | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycBUAS.Tag:HA,Tag:NLS(SV40-largeT)
CycAC8LR1 has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycBUAS.Tag:HA,Tag:NLS(SV40-largeT)
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal sleep | dominant phenotype, non-suppressible by Cdk1[+]/Cdk1GT-000294
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycJUAS.C.EGFP
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by CycBΔ90/CycB3Δ/Cdk1hs.PS
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by CycBΔ90/CycB3Δ/stghs.PE2
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Cdk1AF.hs/CycBhs.PK/CycB3hs.PS
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by dap4
CycAC8LR1 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Cdk1AF.hs
CycAC8LR1 has decreased cell number | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycBUAS.Tag:HA
CycAC8LR1 has decreased cell number | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycBUAS.Tag:HA,Tag:NLS(SV40-largeT)
CycAC8LR1 has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycBUAS.Tag:HA
CycAC8LR1 has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic stage phenotype, non-suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycBUAS.Tag:HA,Tag:NLS(SV40-largeT)
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is an enhancer of abnormal sleep phenotype of Scer\GAL4elav.PU, taraJF01421, taraNIG.6889R
CycAC8LR1/CycAC8LR1 is an enhancer of abnormal mitotic cell cycle phenotype of Rca12
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a non-enhancer of abnormal sleep | dominant phenotype of DATfmn
CycAC8LR1 is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
CycAC8LR1 is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, btlλ.UAS, stumpsUAS.Tag:FLAG
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of catounspecified
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype of babo32/babo52
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of E(mus304)[+]/PolA1Emus304, mei-4129D
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of increased cell death phenotype of E(mus304)[+]/PolA1Emus304, mei-4129D
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of increased cell death phenotype of shtd1
CycAC8LR1 is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
CycAC8LR1 is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, btlλ.UAS, stumpsUAS.Tag:FLAG
Cdk1AF.hs, CycAC8LR1, CycB3Δ, CycBΔ90 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycEAR95 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype
CycAC8LR1, fzrie28 has abnormal mitotic cell cycle | embryonic stage phenotype
CycA::torUAS.Tag:HA, CycAC8LR1, Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 has abnormal cytokinesis phenotype
CycA::torUAS.Tag:HA, CycAC8LR1, Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 has increased cell number phenotype
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+], CycD1 has partially lethal phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB3L6540, Df(2R)599-5 has lethal phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB3L6540 has lethal phenotype
CycAC8LR1, Df(2R)599-5 has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic cycle 15 phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB2 has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic cycle 15 phenotype
CycAC8LR1 has dorsal vessel wall cell phenotype, enhanceable by CycB2
CycAC8LR1 has mitotic cell cycle phenotype, enhanceable by CycB2
CycAC8LR1 has embryonic epidermis phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycEUAS.cLa
CycAC8LR1 has embryonic epidermis phenotype, non-suppressible by Cdk1AF.hs
CycAC8LR1 has embryonic epidermis phenotype, non-suppressible by CycBΔ90/CycB3Δ/Cdk1hs.PS
CycAC8LR1 has embryonic epidermis phenotype, non-suppressible by CycBΔ90/CycB3Δ/stghs.PE2
CycAC8LR1 has embryonic epidermis phenotype, non-suppressible by Cdk1AF.hs/CycBhs.PK/CycB3hs.PS
CycAC8LR1 has embryonic epidermis phenotype, non-suppressible by dap4
CycAC8LR1 has RP2sib neuron phenotype, non-suppressible by numbS52F
CycAC8LR1 has ganglion mother cell GMC4-2a phenotype, non-suppressible by numbS52F
CycAC8LR1 is a non-enhancer of eye phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
CycAC8LR1 is a non-enhancer of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, btlλ.UAS, stumpsUAS.Tag:FLAG
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor | partially of egg chamber | increased number phenotype of Ras85DV12.cZa.UASp, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor | partially of lch1 neuron phenotype of catounspecified
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of eye phenotype of E(mus304)[+]/PolA1Emus304, mei-4129D
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of wing disc phenotype of E(mus304)[+]/PolA1Emus304, mei-4129D
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of ommatidium phenotype of shtd1
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of eye phenotype of Hsap\MAPTV337M.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
CycAC8LR1 is a suppressor | partially of larval cuticle & larval abdomen phenotype of Cks30AKO/Cks30ARA74
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of aster | embryonic cycle 5 phenotype of CycB+t10
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of aster | embryonic cycle 6 phenotype of CycB+t10
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of aster | embryonic cycle 7 phenotype of CycB+t10
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of mitotic domain 1 | embryonic cycle 10 phenotype of CycB+t10
CycAC8LR1/CycA[+] is a suppressor of mitotic domain 1 | embryonic cycle 14 phenotype of CycB+t10
CycAC8LR1 is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval salivary gland | embryonic stage phenotype of hkb351
CycAC8LR1 is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
CycAC8LR1 is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, btlλ.UAS, stumpsUAS.Tag:FLAG
Cdk1AF.hs, CycAC8LR1, CycB3Δ, CycBΔ90 has embryonic epidermis phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycEAR95 has embryonic epidermis phenotype
CycAC8LR1, fzrie28 has embryonic epidermis phenotype
CycAC8LR1, fzrie28 has mitotic anaphase phenotype
CycAC8LR1, fzrie28 has mitotic telophase phenotype
CycAC8LR1, numb15 has larval RP2 motor neuron phenotype
CycAC8LR1, numb15 has RP2sib neuron phenotype
CycAC8LR1, numb15 has ganglion mother cell GMC4-2a phenotype
CycAC8LR1, numb1 has pericardial cell phenotype
CycAC8LR1, numb1 has muscle cell of A1-7 dorsal acute muscle 1 phenotype
CycAC8LR1, numb1 has muscle cell of mesothoracic dorsal acute muscle 1 phenotype
CycAC8LR1, numb1 has muscle cell of metathoracic dorsal acute muscle 1 phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB3L6540, Df(2R)599-5 has embryo | embryonic cycle 15 phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB3L6540 has spindle phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB3L6540 has embryo | embryonic cycle 15 phenotype
CycAC8LR1, Df(2R)599-5 has mitotic spindle | embryonic cycle 13 phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB2 has mitotic spindle | embryonic cycle 13 phenotype
One copy of CycAC8LR1 enhances the sleep defects seen in flies co-expressing taraNIG.6889R and taraJF01421 under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.PU.
One copy of CycAC8LR1 does not enhance the sleep defects seen in DATfmn mutant heterozygotes.
One copy of Cdk1GT-000294 does not suppress the sleep defects seen in CycAC8LR1 mutant flies.
The duplication of v'ch1 neurons that is seen in catounspecified embryos is partially suppressed by CycAC8LR1/+.
Expression of CycJScer\UAS.C.T:Avic\GFP-EGFP in epidermal regions under the control of Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 in CycAC8LR1 mutants does not rescue the cell cycle arrest in G2 of cycle 16.
The lethality seen in mei-4129D males in which excision of an insertion of P{hswa} is induced during development is partly suppressed by CycAC8LR1/+.
The lethality seen in mei-4129D males in which excision of an insertion of P{hswa} is induced during development is completely suppressed if the female parent carries CycAC8LR1 and if the male progeny carries both CycAC8LR1 and CycB2.
The rough eye phenotype seen in mei-4129D ; DNApol-α180Emus304/+ adults is completely rescued by CycAC8LR1/+. The increased apoptosis seen in the wing discs of mei-4129D ; DNApol-α180Emus304/+ mutants is rescued by CycAC8LR1/+ to levels indistinguishable from those of mei-4129D single mutants or mei-4129D ; CycAC8LR1/+ mutants.
Expression of cdc2AF.hs in CycAC8LR1 mutant embryos fails to restore mitosis 16 in the epidermis.
Coexpression of the transgenes, cdc2AF.hs, CycBΔ90, and CycB3Δ, restores the entry of epidermal cells in CycAC8LR1 embryos into mitosis 16. After entry into mitosis, the epidermal cells are unable to complete this division.
Coexpression of the transgenes, cdc2hs.PS, CycBΔ90, and CycB3Δ, does not restore the entry of epidermal cells in CycAC8LR1 embryos into mitosis 16. Likewise, coexpression of stghs.PE2, CycBΔ90 and CycB3Δ does not suppress the phenotype, nor does the coexpression of cdc2AF.hs, CycBhs.PK and CycB3hs.PS.
The epidermis of rapie28; CycAC8LR1 double mutant embryos shows an extra mitotic division cycle as with CycAC8LR1 single mutant embryos. This is in contrast to CycAC8LR1 single mutant embryos, where the 16th mitotic division does not occur. In addition to the extra round of mitosis, rapie28; CycAC8LR1 double mutant embryonic epidermal cells show abnormal anaphase and telophase figures with chromatin bridges.
Expression of CycEScer\UAS.cLa under the control of Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 suppresses the mitotic phenotype of CycAC8LR1 embryos so that cells progress through mitosis 16 and a subsequent S phase.
In CycAC8LR1; CycEAR95 double mutant embryos, cells arrest before mitosis 15, a phenotype not seen in either single mutant.
The mitotic embryonic phenotype of CycAC8LR1 single mutants, in which mitosis 16 does not occur, is not suppressed in dap4; CycAC8LR1 double mutants. However, the double mutants do enter another S phase after the stage at which mitosis occurs in equivalent wild-type embryos.
Reduction of CycA, in CycAC8LR1 heterozygotes partially suppresses the Cks30AKO/Cks30ARA74 phenotype.
Expression of CycA::torScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 in a CycAC8LR1 background results in only a slight increase in cell number in the Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 expression domain compared to cells outside the Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 expression domain, although there is a significant increase in the number of nuclei in the Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 expression domain (a high number of binucleate cells are seen). Expression of CycBScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 does not rescue the cell division defects seen in CycAC8LR1 embryos; there is no significant increase in cell number in the Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 expression domain. Expression of CycBScer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1,T:SV40\nls2 under the control of Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 does not rescue the cell division defects seen in CycAC8LR1 embryos; there is no significant increase in cell number in the Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 expression domain. Expression of Rca1Scer\UAS.T:Ivir\HA1 under the control of Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 partially rescues the cell division defects seen in CycAC8LR1 embryos; there is some increase in cell number in the Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 expression domain.
CycAC8LR1, CycB2 double mutants arrest mesodermal division at mitosis 15 a more severe phenotype than CycAC8LR1 alone. Also a further reduction in the number of myocardial cells is seen. In numb1, CycAC8LR1 double mutant embryos the formation of one non-myogenic eve expressing cell per segment is seen, apparently at the expense of DA1 muscle formation.
CycB3L6540 CycAC8LR1 double mutants show delayed chromatin condensation during prophase during mitosis 15 and rare mitotic cells with aberrant multipolar spindles at stage 13. CycB3L6540 CycB- (Df(2R)599-5) CycAC8LR1 triple mutants are blocked at mitosis 15. 50% of embryos complete syncytial cycles without obvious defects, although many embryos were highly abnormal. Endoreduplicating cells still undergo DNA synthesis, though mitotic cells of the CNS do not.
Df(1)bi-D3/Y ; CycAC8LR1/CycAC8LR1 double mutant embryos show normal progression through mitosis 16 followed by an ectopic S phase.
The rough-eye phenotype observed in animals expressing Hsap\MAPTV337M.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF is suppressed in a CycAC8LR1/+ background.
CycAC8LR1 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycAUAS.cWa
CycAC8LR1 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycAUAS.Tag:HA,Tag:NLS(SV40-largeT)
CycAC8LR1 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycAUAS.Tag:HA,Tag:NES(hPKI)
CycAC8LR1 is partially rescued by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1/CycAUAS.Tag:HA
Expression of CycAScer\UAS.cWa driven by Scer\GAL4prd.RG1 rescues the mitosis 16 in epidermal cells in CycAC8LR1 embryos in the segments where CycAScer\UAS.cWa is expressed. The intervening segments show the CycAC8LR1 mitotic phenotype.