The reporter is active from 4-5 cell diameters anterior of the morphogenetic furrow backwards to the posterior of the disc. Reporter expression extends slightly more anteriorly at the poles of the disc than at the equator.
EcollacZDad-P1883 is first detected at oogenesis stage S8 in terminal anterior follicle cells that migrate towards the oocyte. By oogenesis stage S10, EcollacZDad-P1883 expression is detected in centripetal and border cells located at the anterior border of the oocyte, as well as in stretched cells which surround the nurse cells.
EcollacZDad-P1883 is expressed at the A/P boundary of the wing disc, in a stripe overlapping but broader than that of dpp.
Expression pattern of this reporter construct during embryonic and imaginal development resembles that of dpp.