ScerGAL4Mz699 co-expresses with Lgr3ag5RA and EcollexAGMR19B09 in a pair of bilateral neurons in the larval pars intercerebralis and seven bilateral neurons in the VNC and with Lgr3ag5RA alone in neurons of the embryonic/larval subesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve cord.
Scer\GAL4Mz699 drives expression in iPNs (medial antennal lobe tract projection neurons), vlpr (ventrolateral protocerebrum) neurons, and neurons that innervate the subesophageal ganglion.
ScerGAL4Mz699 drives expression in around 38 uni- and multiglomerular projection neurons innervating all antennal lobe glomeruli.
An average of 45 vPN cells are positive for ScerGAL4Mz699.
The reporter specifically labels 5 different sets of neurons. Two of these are described in detail involving the median bundle and the medial antennocommissural tract. Expression in the median bundle is traced from early larva until adult and shows the migration of the cell bodies of the median bundle from their position in the anterior cortex of each hemisphere to a single cluster at the dorsal midline region of the late pupa. The labeling in the medial antennocommissural tract is traced from the cell bodies in the deuterocerebrum in first instar larvae through arborization on the antennal lobe and lateral horn in pupal and adult stages.
Inhibition (using shi1.UAS at 32[o]C) of Scer\GAL4Mz699 cells in adults during testing blocks the increase in aversive olfactory 24 h memory observed when the recall environment better matches the training environment (presence of copper grid), compared to controls.