Imprecise excision of the P{lacZ-un1} element, deleting 16kb of DNA, including the entire corto coding region.
adult abdomen & macrochaeta
adult thorax & macrochaeta
Homozygous clones in the wing disc result in ectopic wing veins. The ectopic veins are preferentially formed close to veins L2, L5 and the posterior crossvein (despite the clones being distributed all over the disc).
Flies carrying corto420/+ exhibit very few ectopic wing veins but not blistered wings.
Flies carrying corto07128b/corto420 exhibit ectopic wing veins, that mainly arise close to longitudinal veins 2, 3, 5 and to the posterior cross-vein; this phenotype is rare in corto420/+ flies. Also corto420/+ flies do not exhibit blistered wings.
Ectopic wing vein phenotype of corto07128b/+ is more severe in corto07128b/corto420 flies.
The average number of crystal cells per embryo is reduced in homozygous stage 13-14 embryos compared to wild type.
About 9% of heterozygous adults have defects in thoracic macrochaetae, including duplication or loss of the whole organ, twinning of the bristle or loss of the bristle. About 11% of heterozygous adults have defects in the postpronotum and the humeral bristles, including a stunted postpronotum, folded bristles, thick and short bristles or missing bristles. Heterozygous males never have extra sex combs. corto420/Df(3R)6-7 adult escapers have extra pieces of wing vein projecting from the posterior crossvein. About 50% of mutant escaper males have an additional sex comb on the second tarsomere of the first leg.
Homozygotes complete embryogenesis, and lethality is spread over the larval and pupal stages. Homozygotes develop very slowly in comparison to heterozygotes and show very little activity during larval stages. The larval imaginal discs and brain are reduced in size, and the salivary glands, ring glands, hematopoietic organs and gastric caeca are poorly developed. Melanotic masses attached to the salivary glands or gastric caeca, or, more rarely, circulating in the body cavities are occasionally seen. Most homozygous or hemizygous animals that escape larval and pupal lethality appear extremely weak, fail to eclose from the puparium and eventually die. Approximately 10% survive to adulthood, but show reduced longevity compared to wild-type. These adults have cuticular defects such as loss or duplication of external sensory organs, loss of abdominal bristles and abnormal posterior crossvein formation. Structures derived from imaginal discs, such as appendages, head and eyes are reduced in size, whereas the abdominal cuticle is normal in size. 50% of adults have extra sex comb teeth on the second tarsus of the first leg. Crosses between homozygous males and females leads to complete lethality of progeny, spread over the larval and pupal stages. The mitotic index is increased compared to wild-type in homozygous or hemizygous third instar brains, and metaphase frequency is greatly increased compared to anaphase frequency. This indicates that the cells are able to enter mitosis, but unable to progress through it. 80% of metaphases show poor and irregular chromosome condensation. The frequency of chromosome breakage and polyploid or aneuploid figures is similar to wild-type.
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd.PU, rhoEP3704
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of Lamtor3RNAi.UASp, Scer\GAL4sd.PU
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of homeotic | dominant phenotype of Abd-BFab7-1
corto[+]/corto420 is a suppressor | partially of visible | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd.PU, rlSem.MB.UAS
Df(3L)kto2/+, corto420 has lethal phenotype
corto420, l(2)gl4 has abnormal size | larval stage phenotype
corto420 has postpronotum phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/TrlR85
corto420 has postpronotum phenotype, enhanceable by Trl[+]/Trl13C
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd.PU, rhoEP3704
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of Lamtor3RNAi.UASp, Scer\GAL4sd.PU
corto420 is an enhancer | male limited of abdominal tergite 4 phenotype of CycGRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4da.G32
corto420 is an enhancer | male limited of abdominal tergite 5 phenotype of CycGRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4da.G32
corto420 is an enhancer | male limited of abdominal tergite 6 phenotype of CycGRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4da.G32
corto420 is an enhancer of male genitalia phenotype of CycGRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4da.G32
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of adult abdominal segment 6 phenotype of Abd-BFab7-1
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of adult abdominal segment 7 | ectopic phenotype of Abd-BFab7-1
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of postpronotum phenotype of TrlR85
corto[+]/corto420 is an enhancer of postpronotum phenotype of Trl13C
corto[+]/corto420 is a suppressor | partially of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL4sd.PU, rlSem.MB.UAS
ash1B1, corto[+]/corto420 has posterior crossvein phenotype
Df(3L)kto2/+, corto420 has posterior crossvein phenotype
Df(3L)kto2/+, corto420 has wing sensillum | ectopic phenotype
Vha5514, corto420 has posterior crossvein phenotype
Vha557, corto420 has posterior crossvein phenotype
ash1B1, corto420 has posterior crossvein phenotype
corto420, kis2 has posterior crossvein phenotype
corto420, kto1 has posterior crossvein phenotype
corto420, mor1 has posterior crossvein phenotype
corto[+]/corto420, kis2 has posterior crossvein phenotype
corto[+]/corto420, kto1 has posterior crossvein phenotype
corto[+]/corto420, mor1 has posterior crossvein phenotype
Vha5514, corto[+]/corto420 has posterior crossvein phenotype
Vha557, corto[+]/corto420 has posterior crossvein phenotype
E(z)60, corto420 has prothoracic tarsal segment 2 phenotype
corto420, l(2)gl4 has imaginal disc | larval stage phenotype
corto420/+ enhances the blistered wing phenotype induced by expression of rhoEP3704 under the control of Scer\GAL4sd.PU.
corto420/+ enhances the ectopic wing vein phenotype induced by expression of CG5110dsRNA.UASp under the control of Scer\GAL4sd.PU.
corto420/+ lowers penetrance and expressivity of the blistered wing phenotype induced by expression of rlSem.MB.UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4sd.PU.
corto420 enhances the frequency of cuticle defects and rotated genitalia seen in males when CycGdsRNA.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4da.G32. No enhancement of the female cuticle defects is seen.
One copy of corto420 enhances the expressivity of the A6-A7 transformation seen in Abd-BFab7-1/+ males. The A6 segment has completely disappeared in 100% of male flies.
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in AsxXF23/+ corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to AsxXF23/+ single
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in crm7/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to crm7/+ single heterozygotes.
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in crmsa/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to crmsa/+ single
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in E(Pc)1/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to E(Pc)1/+ single
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in E(z)61/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to E(z)61/+ single
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in esce5/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to esce5/+ single
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in escr4/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to escr4/+ single
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in phob/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to phob/+ single heterozygotes.
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in PscvgD/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to PscvgD/+ single
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in Psc1/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to Psc1/+ single heterozygotes.
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in Sce1/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to Sce1/+ single heterozygotes.
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in sxc1/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to sxc1/+ single heterozygotes.
No significant modification of the number of sex combs is seen in Scm4/+
corto420/+ double heterozygotes compared to Scm4/+ single heterozygotes.
E(z)62 corto420 double heterozygous males derived from corto420/+
females sometimes have additional sex combs on the first leg.
The extra sex combs phenotype seen in mxcM1/Y males is enhanced
by corto420/+.
Pcl15 corto420 double heterozygous males derived from corto420/+
females often have ectopic sex combs on the second and third legs.
The ectopic sex comb phenotype seen on the second and third legs of
Pcl11/+ males is enhanced by corto420/+.
ScmD1 corto420 double heterozygous males derived from corto420/+
females often have ectopic sex combs on the second and third legs.
corto420 osa2 double heterozygotes give a higher percentage
of thoracic macrochaetae defects than expected for an additive phenotype,
indicating a synergistic interaction.
corto420 Trl13C double heterozygotes give a higher percentage
of postpronotum defects than expected for an additive phenotype, indicating
a synergistic interaction.
corto420 TrlR85 double heterozygotes give a higher percentage
of postpronotum defects than expected for an additive phenotype, indicating
a synergistic interaction.
corto420 shows posterior crossvein defects in double heterozygous
combination with ash1B1, kis2, kto1, Vha557 or Vha5514.
corto420 Df(3L)kto2 double heterozygous escapers have posterior
crossvein defects. Some wings have ectopic sensory bristles.