Sin3Ak07401 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of RetMEN2B.GMR
EcRE261st, Sin3Ak07401 has lethal phenotype
EcRE261st, Sin3Ak07401 has visible phenotype
Sin3Ak07401 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of RetMEN2B.GMR
EcRE261st, Sin3Ak07401 has wing phenotype
Genetic interaction between EcRE261st and Sin3Ak07401 reported in FBrf0111507 is not evident when EcRC300Y is combined with Sin3A08269, suggesting that the original observed interaction could be due to background effects.
Only 14% of EcRE261st/Sin3Ak07401 flies derived from a cross of Sin3Ak07401 females to EcRE261st males survive (significantly lower than the expected 33.3%). Escapers show delayed development and wing defects; the wings are held horizontally at a 45-90o angle from the body axis. None of the EcRE261st/Sin3Ak07401 progeny of a cross of EcRE261st females to Sin3Ak07401 males survive to adulthood.