UAS regulatory sequences drive expression of a mutant form of Pka-R1 that contains mutations in two cAMP binding sites (amino acid replacements G196E and G321D). This mutant regulatory subunit acts as an inhibitor of protein kinase A (PKA) activity; the mutations slightly reduce affinity for the catalytic subunit in vitro and makes the regulatory subunit entirely insensitive to cAMP.
Encodes a dominant negative regulatory form of Pka-R1.
adult, with Scer\GAL4RZ4
adult abdomen & cuticle, with Scer\GAL4RK5
adult thorax & cuticle, with Scer\GAL4RK5
cuticle, with Scer\GAL4E62-2
denticle belt & abdominal segment, with Scer\GAL4e22c
denticle belt & thoracic segment, with Scer\GAL4e22c
larva, with Scer\GAL4RZ4
leg, with Scer\GAL4h-1J3
wing, with Scer\GAL4C166-2
wing, with Scer\GAL4E62-2
wing, with Scer\GAL4h-1J3
wing, with Scer\GAL4KO5
wing, with Scer\GAL4RK5
wing, with Scer\GAL4RZ4
Flies expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4sNPF-R.2.5 show significantly decreased food consumption compared to controls.
Expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.Switch.PO (in the presence of RU486) results in an increase in sleep.
Expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.Switch.PO (in the presence of RU486) completely suppresses the effects of caffeine on sleep.
Expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Mef2.247.Switch (in the presence of RU486) has no effect on the effects of caffeine on sleep.
Virgin females expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4fru.P1.D show reduced sexual receptivity and an increased egg-laying rate compared to control virgin females. The mutant virgin females show rejection behaviours towards courting males.
Flies expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4npf.1 are significantly more resistant to ethanol intoxication relative to paired controls. These flies develop normal alcohol tolerance. The ethanol levels in these flies immediately after exposure to ethanol vapor is the same as in controls, indicating that the flies have similar absorption rates. Further, the turnover rates of ethanol in these flies is the same as controls.
After 24 hours of feeding with RU486, flies expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4elav.Switch.PO show a decreased avoidance of low temperature, but not high temperature.
Flies expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of either Scer\GAL4Mef2.247 or Scer\GAL4c747 (restricted to 16 hours expression from day three of adulthood onwards using Scer\GAL80ts.αTub84B) show decreased avoidance of low temperatures.
Expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1 results in lethality during late pupariation. Excavation of these adults shows severe wing and leg patterning defects.
Postsynaptic expression of Mmus\PkacamC.Scer\UAS, under the control of Scer\GAL4eve.RN2, results in the averaged amplitude of synaptic currents recorded from whole-cell voltage clamp recordings of aCC/RP2 motoneurons being significantly decreased compared with controls.
Many cells persist for much longer after eclosion in the posterior compartment of the wings of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS; Scer\GAL4en-e16E adults than in wild-type. This results in separation between the dorsal and ventral cuticular sheets in the posterior compartment of the wings.
Expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS, under the control of Scer\GAL4eve.RN2O, in aCC/RP2 neurons does not affect action potential or inward Na+ current.
When Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS is driven by Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, no eye phenotype is seen.
When expression is driven by Scer\GAL4Itp-r83A-1664GAL4 larval molting is delayed, particularly at the transitions between instars and at the L3 to pupal and pupal to adult transitions. Lethality is not observed. Similar effects are seen when expression is driven by Scer\GAL4hs.PB grown at 29oC. Developmental delay can be rescued by feeding afflicted L2 larvae with 20-hydroxyecdysone.
Pka-R1 germ-line clone oocytes lose both nurse cell cortical actin (leading to cell fusion and ectopic actin structures within the oocyte close to the nurse cell-oocyte interface. Pka-R1 germ-line clone oocytes exhibit mRNA polarity defects. Yolk also fails to form within the oocyte of many mutant egg chambers.
Expression of insertion P{UAS-Pka-R1.BDK}33 in Scer\GAL4KO5 and Scer\GAL4RK5 backgrounds allows partial survival; 22 with a sibling class of 123, and 14 with a sibling class of 117, respectively. With Scer\GAL4RK5, small larvae feed and linger for up to 3 weeks before dying. With Scer\GAL4RK5 or Scer\GAL4KO5, those that survive to adulthood are all abnormal: the cuticle of the thorax and abdomen has an abnormal sheen, there is melanisation of the thorax and wings and there are crossed scutellar bristles. Expression of insertion P{UAS-Pka-R1.BDK}33 in Scer\GAL4JW1, and Scer\GAL4PP3 backgrounds show near complete lethality, acting during embryonic and young first instar larvae. Insertion P{UAS-Pka-R1.BDK}35 also shows partial survival in a Scer\GAL4KO5 background; 4 with a sibling class of 84. P{UAS-Pka-R1.BDK}35 in Scer\GAL4RK5, Scer\GAL4JW1 and Scer\GAL4PP3 backgrounds show complete or near complete lethality. P{UAS-Pka-R1.BDK}35 in the Scer\GAL4RZ4 background produces adult flies with 51% having anterior wing duplications (62/122 have at least one wing affected). Those flies with normal wings are often reduced in size because of retarded larval growth. P{UAS-Pka-R1.BDK}35 in the Scer\GAL4e22c background leads to early larval lethality, most larvae hatch and die within a few hours. Many of these larvae exhibit an absence of thoracic denticle belts, as well as a change in the pattern of abdominal denticle belts. This phenotype is partly suppressed by Pka-C1Scer\UAS.T:Zzzz\FLAG, suppression being more evident for abdominal than for thoracic denticle belts. When expression is driven by Scer\GAL4h-1J3 most adults fail to emerge from the pupal case and have truncated legs with multiple ectopic bristle columns.
When driven by Scer\GAL4ap-md544 leads to an outgrowth of the wing disc.
Expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Mhc.PW significantly increases the average spontaneous miniature excitatory junctional current amplitude in muscle 6 in larvae. There is a significant increase in the average compound excitatory junctional current at the neuromuscular junction in larvae expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Mhc.PW compared to wild-type larvae.
Embryos expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4e22c give rise to larvae with abnormal denticle belts; the wide posterior denticle rows of each segment are replaced by narrower and often incomplete rows of denticles with different morphology and polarity from wild-type.
Produces partial wing duplications in the most proximal portion of the anterior compartment of the wing, when expressed using Scer\GAL430A.
Partial wing duplication, cuticular outgrowth, distally truncated tarsae with multiple ectopic bristle columns.
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4Itpr-1664GAL4 has abnormal developmental rate phenotype, enhanceable by Itpr1664GAL4/Itpr05616
Pka-R1BDK.UAS has lethal | pharate adult stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1/Bant\EFUAS.cGa
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4Mhc.PW has abnormal neurophysiology | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Pde4dnc-M14
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4Itpr-1664GAL4 has abnormal developmental rate phenotype, non-suppressible by ItprUAS.cVa, Scer\GAL4Itpr-1664GAL4
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU is a suppressor of abnormal sleep phenotype of Hsap\HTT128Q.1-208.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav.PU
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav-C155 is a suppressor of partially lethal - majority die phenotype of Hsap\HTT128Q.1-208.UAS, Scer\GAL4elav-C155
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4sNPF-R.2.5 is a suppressor of abnormal feeding behavior | adult stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4sNPF-R.2.5, sNPF-RUAS.cLa
Pka-R1BDK.UAS/Scer\GAL4eve.RN2O is a suppressor of abnormal neurophysiology | dominant phenotype of Acej50
Itpr90B.0/Itpr1664GAL4, Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4Itpr-1664GAL4 has lethal phenotype
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4VP16.mat.αTub67C has oocyte | germline clone phenotype, enhanceable by captk01217
Pka-R1BDK.UAS has wing phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1/Bant\EFUAS.cGa
Pka-R1BDK.UAS has leg phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1/Bant\EFUAS.cGa
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4RZ4 has wing phenotype, suppressible by Pka-C1UAS.Tag:FLAG, Scer\GAL4RZ4
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4e22c has denticle belt & thoracic segment phenotype, suppressible | partially by Pka-C1UAS.Tag:FLAG, Scer\GAL4e22c
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4e22c has denticle belt & abdominal segment phenotype, suppressible by Pka-C1UAS.Tag:FLAG, Scer\GAL4e22c
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF is a non-enhancer of eye phenotype of Pdk1EP837, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
Pka-R1BDK.UAS is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Scer\GAL4OK386, nejUAS.cMa
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4RZ4 is a suppressor of wing phenotype of Pka-C1UAS.Tag:FLAG, Scer\GAL4RZ4
Pka-R1BDK.UAS, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of Pdk1EP837, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
The increase in food consumption compared to controls seen in adults expressing sNPF-RScer\UAS.cLa under the control of Scer\GAL4sNPF-R.2.5 is suppressed by co-expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS.
Flies expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Oamb.4.4 in a Oambunspecified heterozygous background show wild type ovulation levels. Wild type ovulation levels are also seen when Scer\GAL80ts.αTub84B is used to limit expression to 3 days prior to mating.
Expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS, under the control of Scer\GAL4eve.RN2O, in aCC/RP2 neurons with an Acej50 background suppresses the reduction of inward Na+ current and the reduction in excitability seen in Acej50 alone.
The lethality of the third instars in the Itp-r83A1664GAL4/Itp-r83A90B.0, Scer\GAL4Itp-r83A-1664GAL4 genotype may mask an increased developmental delay.
The combination of captk01217 and Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS in germ-line clones produces an exaggerated phenotype, with complete fusion of the germline and ectopic actin aggregates at the posterior pole of the syncytium.
Coexpression of Pka-C1Scer\UAS.T:Zzzz\FLAG and Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4RZ4 results in normal wing development. Coexpression of P{UAS-Pka-R1.BDK} and P{UAS-Pka-C1.FLAG} in a Scer\GAL4e22c background rescues the abdominal denticle belt phenotype of P{UAS-Pka-R1.BDK}, and partially restores thoracic denticle belts.
The increase in average spontaneous miniature excitatory junctional current amplitude seen in larvae expressing Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS under the control of Scer\GAL4Mhc.PW is significantly suppressed by dncM14.
Reduction or elimination of protein kinase A activity has no effect on the phenotype generated when the G-sα60A pathway is activated in wing epithelial cells; wing duplications that contain blisters are formed when Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS and G-sα60AQ215L.Scer\UAS are co-expressed using Scer\GAL430A.
Adult pattern defects are suppressed by a mouse mutant catalytic subunit expressed under the influence of Scer\GAL4.
Co-expression of Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS suppresses lethality in flies with expression of Hsap\HTT128Q.1-208.Scer\UAS driven by Scer\GAL4elav-C155 (only tested weak F27B insertion), and suppresses sleep and sleep homeostasis phenotypes (tested F27B) (expression driven by Scer\GAL4elav.PU).
Co-expression of Zzzz\EFScer\UAS.cGa under the control of Scer\GAL4dpp.blk1 suppresses Pka-R1BDK.Scer\UAS-induced lethality and the associated pupal phenotypes.