The neuromuscular junctions of Dadj1E4 homozygous transheterozygous third instar larvae present significantly more boutons than controls.
Dadj1E4 mutant third instar larvae show increased number of boutons on neuromuscular junctions, whereas the bouton size is comparable to controls.
Dadj1E4/+ larvae display a slight increase in the fraction of small boutons on the neuromuscular junctions in third instar larvae compared to controls.
Homozygous third instar larvae show an increase in bouton number and satellite bouton number at the neuromuscular junction compared to controls.
The neuromuscular junctions of homozygous larvae show reduced uptake of FM1-43 dye compared to wild type, indicating a defect in endocytosis.
The average number of boutons at the neuromuscular junction is increased in mutant larvae compared to controls.
Homozygous third instar larvae show a significant increase in bouton number/muscle area and satellite bouton number at the neuromuscular junction compared to wild type.
Homozygous flies have no discernible mutant wing phenotype.
Homozygotes/hemizygotes have ectopic vein material in the wing.
Heterozygotes show a direct effect on the shape of the wing.
In eggs laid by Dadj1E4/+ females, 3% exhibit short dorsal appendages and ectopic material deposited at the base.
Dadj1E4 has abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Nlg4KO10/Nlg4KO10
Dadj1E4 has abnormal neuroanatomy | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/nwkUAS.cCa
Dadj1E4 has abnormal neuroanatomy | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Dap160UAS.cKa
Dadj1E4 has abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by RhoGAP92B1/RhoGAP92B2
Dadj1E4 is an enhancer of visible | adult stage phenotype of shnzf1.2.4.5
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage | semidominant phenotype of cupΔ212
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | larval stage phenotype of Acsl05847/Acsl8
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is an enhancer of visible phenotype of DgRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Dadj1E4/Dadj1E4 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype of Hsap\TARDBPUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4VGlut1.PD
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor | partially of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype of Hsap\TARDBPUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4VGlut1.PD
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor of increased cell death phenotype of GliUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ap.PU
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor of abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype of RhoGAP92B1/RhoGAP92B2
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of DysRNAi.NH2.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act.PU
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor of visible phenotype of DysRNAi.C.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
DIP-γMI03222, Dadj1E4/Dad[+] has abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], dpr11MI02231 has abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], Fmr1Δ50M has abnormal neuroanatomy | dominant | third instar larval stage phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], brat2L-192-9 has abnormal neuroanatomy | third instar larval stage phenotype
Dadj1E4 has muscle cell of A1-7 lateral longitudinal muscle 1 | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cln784D/Cln784D
Dadj1E4 has NMJ bouton | increased number | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible | partially by Cln784D/Cln784D
Dadj1E4 has NMJ bouton | increased number | third instar larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Nlg4KO10/Nlg4KO10
Dadj1E4 has NMJ bouton | increased number | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/nwkUAS.cCa
Dadj1E4 has NMJ bouton | increased number | larval stage phenotype, suppressible by Scer\GAL4elav-C155/Dap160UAS.cKa
Dadj1E4 has NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage phenotype, non-suppressible by RhoGAP92B1/RhoGAP92B2
Dadj1E4 is an enhancer of wing vein | ectopic phenotype of shnzf1.2.4.5
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is an enhancer of NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage | increased number phenotype of cupΔ212
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is an enhancer of neuromuscular junction phenotype of Acsl05847/Acsl8
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is an enhancer of NMJ bouton | increased number phenotype of Acsl05847/Acsl8
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is an enhancer of posterior crossvein phenotype of DgRNAi.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Dadj1E4/Dadj1E4 is a suppressor of muscle cell of A1-7 lateral longitudinal muscle 1 | third instar larval stage phenotype of Cln784D
Dadj1E4/Dadj1E4 is a suppressor of NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage phenotype of Cln784D
Dadj1E4/Dadj1E4 is a suppressor | partially of embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | third instar larval stage phenotype of Hsap\TARDBPUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4VGlut1.PD
Dadj1E4/Dadj1E4 is a suppressor | partially of NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage phenotype of Hsap\TARDBPUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4VGlut1.PD
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor | partially of NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage phenotype of Hsap\TARDBPUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4VGlut1.PD
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor of wing disc phenotype of GliUAS.cSa, Scer\GAL4ap.PU
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor of NMJ bouton | third instar larval stage phenotype of RhoGAP92B1/RhoGAP92B2
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor of posterior crossvein phenotype of DysRNAi.C.UAS, Scer\GAL4Tub.PU
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a suppressor of posterior crossvein phenotype of DysRNAi.NH2.UAS, Scer\GAL4Act.PU
Dadj1E4/Dad[+] is a non-suppressor of embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | third instar larval stage phenotype of Hsap\TARDBPUAS.cHa, Scer\GAL4VGlut1.PD
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], dpr11MI02231 has embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | third instar larval stage phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], dpr11MI02231 has NMJ bouton | increased number | third instar larval stage phenotype
DIP-γMI03222, Dadj1E4/Dad[+] has embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction | third instar larval stage phenotype
DIP-γMI03222, Dadj1E4/Dad[+] has NMJ bouton | increased number | third instar larval stage phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], S6KL140 has NMJ bouton | increased number phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], Fmr1Δ50M has NMJ bouton | increased number | third instar larval stage phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], brat2L-192-9 has NMJ bouton | increased number | third instar larval stage phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], DysE6 has posterior crossvein phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], DysRNAi.NH2.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype
Dadj1E4/Dad[+], DysRNAi.C.UAS has wing vein | ectopic phenotype
The synaptic overgrowth phenotype (increased number of boutons at neuromuscular junctions) characteristic for third instar larvae homozygous for Dadj1E4 is completely suppressed by Nlg4KO10 homozygosity and the resulting number of boutons per NMJ is comparable to Nlg4KO10 single mutants and significantly lower than in wild-type controls.
The migration of wing disc cells expressing GliScer\UAS.cSa under the control of Scer\GAL4ap.PU into the non-expressing side of the disc is completely blocked by one copy of Dadj1E4.
dpr11MI02231/Dadj1E4 or DIP-γMI03222/Dadj1E4 transheterozygote third instar larvae have extra satellite boutons at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) compared to wild type and heterozygotes.
brat2L-192-9/+ ; Dadj1E4/+ double heterozygotes show a significant increase in the number of satellite boutons at the larval neuromuscular junction compared to wild type.
The increase in bouton number/muscle area and satellite bouton number at the neuromuscular junction which is seen in homozygous Dadj1E4 third instar larvae is not altered if they are also mutant for RhoGAP92B1/RhoGAP92B2.
The decrease in bouton number/muscle area and satellite bouton number at the neuromuscular junction which is seen in third instar RhoGAP92B1/RhoGAP92B2 larvae is significantly suppressed if the larvae are also mutant for Dadj1E4/+.
One copy of Dadj1E4 strongly suppresses the detached posterior crossvein phenotype seen when DysdsRNA.NH2.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4Act.PU but produces extra wing vein material.
One copy of Dadj1E4 strongly suppresses the detached posterior crossvein phenotype seen when DysdsRNA.C.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4tub.PU but produces extra wing vein material.
One copy of Dadj1E4 in a DysE6/+ background results in posterior crossvein defects.
One copy of Dadj1E4 enhances the posterior crossvein phenotype seen when DgdsRNA.Scer\UAS is expressed under the control of Scer\GAL4tub.PU.
Expression of either Dap160Scer\UAS.cKa or nwkScer\UAS.cCa under the control of Scer\GAL4elav-C155 suppresses the increase in the total number of boutons and in the number of satellite boutons at the neuromuscular junction that is seen in homozygous Dadj1E4 larvae.
The neuromuscular junction growth defects (reduced number of NMJ boutons, decreased NMJ area, length of the longest NMJ branch) as well as larval crawling defects characteristic for third instar larvae expressing Hsap\TARDBPScer\UAS.cHa under the control of Scer\GAL4VGlut.PD can be partially rescued by combination with Dadj1E4 in homozygous state. None of the NMJ growth aberrations can be restored by combination with just single copy of Dadj1E4, except the highly increased fraction of small boutons on the main NMJ axis (which is slightly increased also in Dadj1E4/+ larvae alone).