Construct: Nucleotide substitution: A2966T. This substitution is shared by in vivo-generated strong suppressors. Nucleotide substitution: G3065A. This substitution is shared by in vivo-generated mild suppressors.
Polr2BSM has phenotype, suppressible by Polr2AK1
Polr2BSM is a suppressor of phenotype of Polr2A120
Polr2BSM is a suppressor of phenotype of Polr2AK1
Polr2BSM is a non-suppressor of phenotype of Polr2A12
Behaves as a strong suppressor but not a mild suppressor. Flies carrying RpII215K1, RpII140A5 and RpII140SM are viable: i.e. RpII215K1 and RpII140SM show reciprocal suppression.
Polr2BSM fails to rescue Polr2BA5