Amino acid replacement: Q9term.
Q9term | okr-PA
Site of nucleotide substitution in mutant inferred by FlyBase based on reported amino acid change.
visible | maternal effect (with okrRU)
dorsal appendage (with okrRU)
egg | maternal effect (with okrRU)
egg chorion (with okrRU)
nurse cell (with okrRU)
okrAA/okrRU mutant females contain an increased number of meiotically-induced double strand breaks (DSBs) compared to controls.
Many okrAA/okrRU mutant dorsal appendages are abnormal compared to controls. Instead of spherical shaped karyosomes as is seen in wild-type stage 6 egg chambers, the karyosomes of okrAA/okrRU oocytes are fragmented.
okrAA/okrRU larvae are highly sensitive to treatment with X-rays or with methyl methanesulfonate.
okrAA/okrRU mutants show significant decreases in HR-h (homologous recombination using the homologous chromosome) repair compared to controls in a "Repair Reporter 3" assay when the HR-h pathway is available. There is a significant increase in single-strand annealing and in flanking deletions in the mutant flies compared to controls under these conditions.
Approximately 51% of eggs laid by okrAA homozygous mutant mothers are abnormal, with ventralized eggshells exhibiting partially or completely fused appendages or lack appendages altogether.
Hemizygotes are viable. Eggs derived from fs(1)K10unspecified; okrAA/Df(2L)JS17 females show a broad spectrum of phenotypes ranging from completely dorsalised to completely ventralised. Hemizygous larvae are sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) compared to wild-type larvae, showing a significant reduction in survival after being fed with a 0.08% solution of MMS. Recombination frequency is 50% of normal levels in okrAA/okrAO females.
okrAA/okrRU has female sterile phenotype, suppressible by vilya826
okrAA/okrRU has abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype, suppressible by tremf05981
okrAA/okrRU has abnormal meiotic cell cycle phenotype, suppressible by tremF9
okrAA/okrRU, p53unspecified has female sterile phenotype, suppressible by mei-W681
okrAA/okrRU has female sterile phenotype, non-suppressible by p535A-1-4
okrAA/okrRU has female sterile phenotype, non-suppressible by p53B41.5
okrAA/okrRU has female sterile phenotype, non-suppressible by p53A2.3
okrAA/okrRU has lethal - all die during embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype, non-suppressible by p535A-1-4
okrAA/okrRU has lethal - all die during embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype, non-suppressible by p53A2.3
okrAA/okrRU has lethal - all die during embryonic stage | maternal effect phenotype, non-suppressible by p53B41.5
okrAA/okrRU is an enhancer of visible | maternal effect phenotype of p535A-1-4
okrAA/okrRU is an enhancer of visible | maternal effect phenotype of p53B41.5
okrAA/okrRU, p53B41.5 has abnormal DNA repair | oogenesis phenotype
okrAA/okrRU, p535A-1-4 has abnormal DNA repair | oogenesis phenotype
okrAA/okrRU, p53A2.3 has abnormal DNA repair | oogenesis phenotype
okrAA/okrRU, p53A2.3 has visible | maternal effect phenotype
okrAA/okrRU, p53unspecified has female sterile phenotype
okrAA/okrRU has karyosome phenotype, suppressible | partially by tremf05981
okrAA/okrRU has dorsal appendage phenotype, suppressible | partially by tremF9
okrAA/okrRU, p53unspecified has nurse cell phenotype, suppressible by mei-W681
okrAA has nucleus phenotype, suppressible by Hus1-like37/Hus1-like[+]
okrAA has egg phenotype, suppressible by Hus1-like37/Hus1-like[+]
okrAA has oocyte phenotype, suppressible by Hus1-like37/Hus1-like[+]
okrAA has dorsal appendage phenotype, suppressible by Hus1-like37/Hus1-like[+]
okrAA has nucleus phenotype, suppressible by Hus1-like37
okrAA has egg phenotype, suppressible by Hus1-like37
okrAA has oocyte phenotype, suppressible by Hus1-like37
okrAA has dorsal appendage phenotype, suppressible by Hus1-like37
okrAA/okrRU has egg chorion phenotype, suppressible by mei-W681/mei-W681
okrAA/okrRU has egg chorion phenotype, suppressible by lokp6/lokp6
okrAA/okrRU has oocyte nucleus phenotype, suppressible by lokp6/lokp6
okrAA/okrRU has egg chorion | maternal effect phenotype, suppressible | maternal effect by mei-W68unspecified/Df(2R)LL5
okrAA has karyosome phenotype, non-suppressible by Hus1-like37
okrAA has karyosome phenotype, non-suppressible by Hus1-like37/Hus1-like[+]
okrAA/okrRU has egg chorion phenotype, non-suppressible by mus304D1
okrAA/okrRU has egg chorion phenotype, non-suppressible by p5311-1B-1
okrAA/okrRU has dorsal appendage phenotype, non-suppressible by p5311-1B-1
okrAA/okrRU has dorsal appendage phenotype, non-suppressible by mus304D1
okrAA/okrRU is an enhancer of egg | maternal effect phenotype of p535A-1-4
okrAA/okrRU is an enhancer of egg | maternal effect phenotype of p53B41.5
okrAA/okrRU, p535A-1-4 has nurse cell phenotype
okrAA/okrRU, p53B41.5 has nurse cell phenotype
okrAA/okrRU, p53A2.3 has egg | maternal effect phenotype
okrAA/okrRU, p53unspecified has nurse cell phenotype
tremf05981 suppresses the accumulation of meiotically-induced double stranded breaks seen in region 3 of the germarium in okrAA/okrRU mutant females.
tremF9 partially suppresses the accumulation of meiotically-induced double stranded breaks seen in region 3 of the germarium in okrAA/okrRU mutant females.
The karyosome defects observed in okrAA/okrRU are almost completely suppressed in the background of tremF9. The dorsal appendage defects are also partially suppressed.
The karyosome defects observed in okrAA/okrRU are almost completely suppressed in the background of tremf05981.
Single-gene mutants show 15 nurse cell nuclei per egg chamber, but p53unspecified, okrAA/okrRU ovaries exhibit a broad distribution, ranging from 9 to 40 nuclei per egg chamber, which is restored to normal in mei-W681, okrAA/okrRU, p53unspecified animals.
Single-gene mutants are fertile, but p53unspecified, okrAA/okrRU double mutants are sterile. Fertility is restored in mei-W681, okrAA/okrRU, p53unspecified triple mutant females.
A heterozygous Hus1-like37 background partially suppresses the abnormal egg phenotype for eggs laid by okrAA homozygous mutant mothers, with only 35% of eggs exhibiting partially or completely fused appendages or lacking appendages altogether, compared to 51% in okrAA mutants.
A homozygous Hus1-like37 background completely suppresses the abnormal egg phenotype for eggs laid by okrAA homozygous mutant mothers.
A heterozygous Hus1-like37 background has no effect on the abnormal karyosome phenotype associated with okrAA homozygous mutants.
A homozygous Hus1-like37 background has no effect on the abnormal karyosome phenotype associated with okrAA homozygous mutants.
okrAA/Df(2L)JS17 mutants have a similar frequency of single-strand annealing repair (SSA) compared to controls in a P{wIw.FRT} hemizygous assay to study DNA double-stranded break repair when assayed at 38oC, but show a higher frequency of SSA than controls in the same assay at 32oC.
okrAA/Df(2L)JS17 mutants have a reduced frequency of interhomolog gene conversion (GC) and a corresponding increase in SSA frequencies compared to controls in a P{wIw.FRT}/P{wIw.FRT.yellow} homozygous assay to study DNA double-stranded break repair when assayed at both 32oC and 38oC.
okrAA/Df(2L)JS17 mutants have an increased SSA frequency compared to controls in a P{wIw.FRT}/P{wIw.FRT.8z} homozygous assay to study DNA double-stranded break repair when assayed at 38oC.
The eggshell patterning defects of eggs derived from okrRU/okrAA females are suppressed if the females also carry mei-W68unspecified/Df(2R)LL5.