abnormal size | adult stage | germline clone (with babo52)
axon & photoreceptor cell
axon & photoreceptor cell R7 (with babo52)
axon & photoreceptor cell R8 (with babo52)
ganglion mother cell & larval optic lobe (with babo52)
lamina anlage (with babo52)
leg | pharate adult stage (with babo52)
medulla anlage (with babo26)
optic cartridge (with babo52)
photoreceptor cell R7 & axon (with babo52)
photoreceptor cell R8 & axon (with babo52)
babo32 third instar larval C4da neurons do not show any obvious defects in the dendritic arborization, as compared to controls.
babo32/babo52 prepupae have a smaller brain lobe than normal and a reduced lamina plexus. Axon projections of the R7/R8 photoreceptor cells to the medulla are abnormal, with their growth cones forming bundles instead of the normal regular lattice network seen in controls. Photoreceptor axon targeting is still highly perturbed in 3 day old pupae and rotation of the medulla and lamina relative to one another does not take place. In the most strongly affected cases, babo32/babo52 mutants show a great reduction in the number of lamina cap and cartridge neurons. babo32/babo52 third instar larvae have a disorganised and smaller medulla neuropil compared to wild type. The number of glial cells at both the lamina and medulla is reduced in babo32/babo52 white prepupae compared to wild type.
The medulla neuropil is smaller than normal in babo26/babo32 white prepupae.
The optic lobe is much smaller than wild type in babo32/babo52 white prepupae. There is an approximately 50% decrease in the number of medial optic lobe neuroblasts compared to controls, a decrease in the number of ganglion mother cells produced from these medulla neuroblasts and a subsequent decrease in the number of maturing neurons within the medulla cortex. There is also a decrease in the number of lamina precursor cells and thus a decrease in the number of lamina cartridges and laminar neurons.
The number of cells in M phase in the developing optic lobes is significantly reduced in babo32/babo52 third instar larvae compared to controls. The size of the outer proliferation center and inner proliferation center zones is reduced in these larvae, although they still contain many cells in S phase. The ratio of M-phase cells to S-phase cells is thus reduced in the mutant optic lobes compared to wild type.
In babo32 mutant embryos, the ISNb and SNa branches enter the correct muscle fields but fail to extend correctly. In 24% of hemisegments, ISNb axons stall prematurely and in 20% of hemisegments the SNa fails to defasciculate resulting in loss of either dorsal or lateral branches.
Embryos derived from babo52 germline clones crossed to babo32 fathers show a greater penetrance of ISNb and SNa axon guidance defects compared to zygotic mutants.
Photoreceptor R1-R6 axons project into the brain and form a relatively normal but very reduced lamina in babo32/babo52 mutant larvae, but R7 and R8 axons never form a normal lattice network and their growth cones are collapsed. The medulla neuropil is significantly reduced in size and altered in morphology in babo32/babo52 mutant larvae.
Homozygous larvae show slowed development, sort body and enlarged anal pads. Very few homozygotes progress to the pharate stage. Larvae do not leave food and do not evert their anterior spiracles. Adult structures of a babo52/babo32mutant derived from germ line clones are reduced in size. Axons from the developing eye project into the brain but do not find their targets. Brain hemispheres are reduced in size and show failure of active cell division, with no increase in cell death. Wing disc is reduced in size.
babo32 has abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype, enhanceable by daw[+]/daw3
babo32/babo52 has abnormal neuroanatomy phenotype, suppressible by CycAC8LR1/CycA[+]
babo[+]/babo32 is an enhancer of abnormal neuroanatomy | embryonic stage phenotype of daw3
babo[+]/babo32 is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of I-2UAS.Tag:polyHis,Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4vg.PM, putUAS.cMa
babo[+]/babo32 is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of I-2UAS.Tag:polyHis,Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4vg.PM, putUAS.cMa
babo32 has larval intersegmental nerve phenotype, enhanceable by daw[+]/daw3
babo[+]/babo32 is an enhancer of larval intersegmental nerve phenotype of daw3
babo[+]/babo32 is a non-enhancer of wing phenotype of I-2UAS.Tag:polyHis,Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4vg.PM, putUAS.cMa
babo[+]/babo32 is a non-suppressor of wing phenotype of I-2UAS.Tag:polyHis,Tag:MYC, Scer\GAL4vg.PM, putUAS.cMa
babo32, ptcH84 has adult head capsule phenotype
babo32/babo26 is rescued by Scer\GAL4insc-Mz1407/babob.UAS/baboa.UAS
babo32/babo26 is rescued by babob.UAS/Scer\GAL4wor.PA/baboa.UAS
babo32/babo26 is not rescued by babob.UAS/baboa.UAS/Scer\GAL4ey.PH
babo32/babo26 is not rescued by babob.UAS/Scer\GAL4repo/baboa.UAS
Separable from: a second mutation on the chromosome, which when homozygous leads to developmental delay and severely reduced cell proliferation.
Probably a null allele.