Imprecise excision of P-element resulting in small deletion removing the region encoding α-helix 1, a conserved element of the cyclin box.
embryonic abdominal segment (with CycB3), with CycB2xNRE.hb
filzkorper (with CycB3), with CycB2xNRE.hb
CycB2/+ embryos exhibit a significant increase in S-phase length while they do not exhibit any changes in centriole growth rate, growth period or size when compared to controls.
CycB2 homozygous germaria show an abnormal accumulation of undifferentiated, pre-cystoblast cells, as compared to controls, although about of third of them completely lack germline stem cells. These mutant germaria show an increased number of spectrosome-containing single cells, as compared to controls.
Mutant ovaries contain few or no germ cells.
Over 95% of embryos derived from CycB2/CycB3 ; CycB2xNRE.hb females have defects in the abdominal segments, the posterior terminalia, or both. In extreme cases, the embryos die with an open posterior hole and not segments following the third thoracic one. The defects appear to arise during nuclear cleavage cycles 9-13; the somatic nuclei in the posterior of the embryos delay progression through cycles 9-13 and ultimately lose contact with the embryonic cortex, falling into the interior.
Mutant embryos appear to start cytokinesis earlier than wild-type embryos. These embryos also appear to stay in cytokinesis longer than normal.
Mutant females have rudimentary ovaries and lay few eggs. Homozygotes and hemizygotes reach adulthood.
CycB[+]/CycB2 is an enhancer of abnormal cell cycle phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycBKG08886/CycB2 is an enhancer of abnormal cell cycle phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycB2 is an enhancer of visible phenotype of HUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
CycB[+]/CycB2 is an enhancer of abnormal mitotic cell cycle | maternal effect phenotype of png1058/png3318
CycB2 is a non-enhancer of visible phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
CycB2/CycB2 is a suppressor of increased cell number | recessive | dorsal closure stage phenotype of fzrie28
CycB2 is a suppressor | partially of visible | adult stage phenotype of DeltaUAS.cDa, Scer\GAL4ey.PH, twinKK108897
CycB2 is a suppressor | partially of neoplasia | adult stage phenotype of DeltaUAS.cDa, Scer\GAL4ey.PH, twinKK108897
CycB2 is a suppressor of visible | adult stage phenotype of DeltaUAS.cDa, Not3KK102144, Scer\GAL4ey.PH
CycB2 is a suppressor of neoplasia | adult stage phenotype of DeltaUAS.cDa, Not3KK102144, Scer\GAL4ey.PH
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a suppressor of increased cell death phenotype of Scer\GAL4hh.PU, bskKK108156, mad2GD16427
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a suppressor of increased cell death phenotype of Scer\GAL4en.PU, bskKK108156, mad2GD16427
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a suppressor | partially of abnormal mitotic cell cycle | maternal effect | embryonic stage phenotype of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL, XpdSH2137, XpdUAS.Tag:V5
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a suppressor | maternal effect | partially of abnormal mitotic cell cycle | maternal effect | embryonic cycle 14 phenotype of Df(3L)Cat/Capr2, Fmr13/Fmr1[+]
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, crolUAS.cMa
CycB[+], CycB3L6540, CycB2, CycB3[+] is a suppressor | partially of visible phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, pblΔDH497-549.UAS
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a suppressor of visible phenotype of E(mus304)[+]/PolA1Emus304, mei-4129D
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a non-suppressor of increased cell number | recessive | dorsal closure stage phenotype of fzrie28
CycB2 is a non-suppressor of visible phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
CycB[+]/CycB2, Scer\GAL4unspecified, bwD, crolunspecified has abnormal eye color | dominant phenotype
CycB[+]/CycB2, CycD2 has partially lethal phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB2 has decreased occurrence of cell division | embryonic cycle 15 phenotype
CycB3L6540, CycB2 has lethal phenotype
CycB[+]/CycB2 is an enhancer of nurse cell phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycB[+]/CycB2 is an enhancer of oocyte phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycB[+]/CycB2 is an enhancer of female germline cyst phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycB[+]/CycB2 is an enhancer of female fusome phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycBKG08886/CycB2 is an enhancer of egg chamber phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycBKG08886/CycB2 is an enhancer of ring canal phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycBKG08886/CycB2 is an enhancer of nurse cell phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycBKG08886/CycB2 is an enhancer of oocyte phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycBKG08886/CycB2 is an enhancer of female germline cyst phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycBKG08886/CycB2 is an enhancer of female fusome phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycB[+]/CycB2 is an enhancer of egg chamber phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycB[+]/CycB2 is an enhancer of ring canal phenotype of DetS125E.UASp.GFP, Scer\GAL4VP16.nanos.UTR
CycB2 is an enhancer of eye phenotype of HUAS.cMa, Scer\GAL4GMR.PF
CycB2 is an enhancer of dorsal vessel wall cell phenotype of CycAC8LR1
CycB2 is an enhancer of mitotic cell cycle phenotype of CycAC8LR1
CycB2 is a non-enhancer of eye phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
CycB2 is a non-enhancer of phenotype of Mybunspecified
CycB2/CycB2 is a suppressor of embryonic somatic muscle cell phenotype of fzrie28
CycB2/CycB2 is a suppressor of embryonic myoblast | dorsal closure stage phenotype of fzrie28
CycB2 is a suppressor | partially of eye phenotype of DeltaUAS.cDa, Scer\GAL4ey.PH, twinKK108897
CycB2 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of DeltaUAS.cDa, Not3KK102144, Scer\GAL4ey.PH
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a suppressor of wing blade posterior compartment phenotype of Scer\GAL4en-e16E, crolUAS.cMa
CycB[+], CycB3L6540, CycB2, CycB3[+] is a suppressor | partially of eye phenotype of Scer\GAL4GMR.PF, pblΔDH497-549.UAS
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a suppressor of eye phenotype of E(mus304)[+]/PolA1Emus304, mei-4129D
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a non-suppressor of embryonic somatic muscle cell phenotype of fzrie28
CycB[+]/CycB2 is a non-suppressor of embryonic myoblast | dorsal closure stage phenotype of fzrie28
CycB2 is a non-suppressor of eye phenotype of upd1GMR.PB
CycB2 is a non-suppressor of phenotype of Mybunspecified
CycB[+]/CycB2, Scer\GAL4unspecified, bwD, crolunspecified has eye phenotype
CycAC8LR1, CycB2 has mitotic spindle | embryonic cycle 13 phenotype
CycB33, CycB2 has embryo | embryonic cycle 15 phenotype
CycB3L6540, CycB2 has spindle phenotype
CycB3L6540, CycB2 has embryo | embryonic cycle 15 phenotype
Cell death induced by bsk knockdown in cells exhibiting chromosomal instability (through expression of mad2GD16427) is reduced by lengthening G[[2]] through a CycB2 heterozygous background.
Reducing the level of CycB, through a CycB2/+ background, greatly enhances the Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16>DetS125E.Scer\UAS.P\T.T:Avic\GFP gain-of-function phenotype. Further reduction in the level of CycB, through a CycB2/CycBKG08886 background, greatly enhances the Scer\GAL4nos.UTR.T:Hsim\VP16>DetS125E.Scer\UAS.P\T.T:Avic\GFP gain-of-function phenotype.
The nuclear division defects seen in embryos derived from homozygous XpdSH2137 females expressing XpdScer\UAS.T:SV5\V5 under the control of Scer\GAL4αTub84B.PL are partially rescued if the females are carrying CycB2/+.
The reduced size of the posterior compartment of the wing that is seen in animals expressing crolScer\UAS.cMa under the control of Scer\GAL4en-e16E is suppressed if they are also heterozygous for CycB2.
The lethality seen in mei-4129D males in which excision of an insertion of P{hswa} is induced during development is partly suppressed by CycB2/+.
The lethality seen in mei-4129D males in which excision of an insertion of P{hswa} is induced during development is completely suppressed if the female parent carries CycAC8LR1 and if the male progeny carries both CycAC8LR1 and CycB2.
The rough eye phenotype seen in mei-4129D ; DNApol-α180Emus304/+ adults is partially rescued by CycB2/+.
The addition of CycB2 has no effect on Mybunspecified viability.
CycB3L6540 CycB- (CycB2 or Df(2R)599-5) double mutants have defective late mitotic figures during mitosis 15 and multipolar spindles at stage 13.