Construct: Genomic fragment containing Taf8, anon-16Ff and part of the wupA gene.
wupAE6L fails to rescue wupA13193
wupAE6L fails to rescue wupA18242DL
wupAE6L fails to rescue wupA24597
wupAE6L fails to rescue wupAPL87
wupAE6L fails to rescue wupAPG31
wupAE6L fails to rescue wupA23437
wupAE6L fails to rescue wupA8384
wupAE6L fails to rescue wupAunspecified
Fails to rescue the dominant lethality of the '18242DL', '32322DL', '9916DL' or '22622DL' chromosomes (in which the wupA, l(1)16Fe and l(1)16Fm genes are inactivated by a mutation in the 'dominant lethal' domain of 16F).